- Germination of delphinium seeds
- When to sow delphinium for seedlings in 2022
- What does delphinium seedling look like?
- Planting delphinium seeds in spring for seedlings
- How long does it take for delphinium seeds to germinate?
- How to care for delphinium seedlings
- When and how to dive delphinium seedlings
- Transplanting the delphinium seedlings into the open ground
- Why do delphinium seeds not sprout
- Conclusion
Growing a delphinium from seeds involves many nuances, although the process itself is quite simple. It is important to correctly choose the timing and sowing material, prepare the soil. When growing, complex care, proper lighting and temperature are necessary.
Germination of delphinium seeds
High germination is only for those delphinium seeds that are fresh or stored in the right conditions. Manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging a period of 2-4 years.
Some sources say that the germination of delphinium seeds lasts only 11 months. In fact, this refers to the inoculum, which is stored in paper packaging at room temperature. A sealed aluminum foil bag increases shelf life.
About two centuries ago, an experiment was made in the United States by placing delphinium seeds in hermetically sealed vessels at a temperature of -15 ° C. Germination was preserved even after 16 years.
When to sow delphinium for seedlings in 2022
The timing of planting a delphinium from seeds is recommended to focus on the lunar calendar. Such work with this flower is planned for the second half of February. In 2022, the most favorable period is from the 19th to the 25th.
February 24 and 25 is ideal for sowing if you want to get the earliest flowering possible. On the 14th, 17th, you can start growing from the seeds of the annual delphinium, if it is not planned then to harvest planting material. On February 28, let’s say sowing when you want to get flowers of an unusual color or shape.
In the middle lane, they also start growing perennial or annual delphinium from seeds in early March. In 2022, the following numbers are recommended for this:
- 2-3;
- 6-8 – only for perennials, if it is not planned to collect seeds from them;
- 11-12.
On the first day of spring, it is worth sowing seeds if you want to get specimens unusual in color and shape.
What does delphinium seedling look like?
Healthy delphinium seedlings have a dark green color. There should be two cotyledons, which are usually pointed. The optimal height of seedlings when moving into open ground is 10 cm.
After the emergence of shoots, the extra seedlings are removed. For further cultivation, only healthy and strong specimens are left.

Too pale or yellowed greens may indicate a lack of light, nutrients, illness.
Planting delphinium seeds in spring for seedlings
Planting a delphinium for seedlings is important not only in a timely manner, but also competently. It is necessary to choose the right containers for growing, prepare the soil and seeds.
Capacity selection
At the initial stage of growing a delphinium from seeds, a low container is chosen, but not less than 11-12 cm. There are several options:
- wide boxes;
- cassette;
- plastic pots;
- plastic cups.
Too large containers are not suitable. The root system of the flower is not recommended to leave a lot of space.
It is good to use peat tablets for growing delphiniums, so as not to disturb them once again by moving them. Seedlings can be planted in open ground immediately in them.
More containers are selected for picking seedlings. The optimal volume is 250-300 ml.
The selected container must have drainage holes. Before filling with soil, the containers are thoroughly washed and disinfected.
Soil Preparation
Soil for growing delphinium can be purchased or prepared independently. The options are:
- shop light soil mixture for seedlings;
- soil for succulents;
- independent harvesting – garden soil, humus (compost) and peat in equal proportions and coarse washed sand (1/6 of the total volume).
If the mixture is greasy, add vegetable compost (cut). An alternative is ground straw. The additive must be dry.
Selected or self-mixed soil is sieved. Prevention of fungal diseases is important. For this purpose, the soil is steamed for an hour in a water bath. At the same time, it destroys weed seeds. Alternative options for antifungal treatment are Fitosporin-M or potassium permanganate solution.

When growing several varieties of delphinium, crops should be marked – this will help to check for compliance with the characteristics.
Seed selection
To propagate delphinium seeds at home, it is important to choose the right planting material. If you buy it, then only from trusted manufacturers and in a specialized store. Be sure to pay attention to the following points:
- expiration date – the date of preparation and packaging is often indicated on the packaging, the first indicator is more important;
- the presence of information on the package – the name of the variety, basic characteristics, the name of the manufacturer, his contacts, expiration date, general recommendations for planting, growing;
- the integrity of the packaging;
- dryness of the sachet, the absence of blurry spots that indicate wetting.
You can prepare delphinium seeds for further cultivation yourself. Do this when the boxes dry and turn brown. For harvesting, choose a day without precipitation. Seeds are dried in heat, hulled, garbage removed and stored for storage. You can use paper bags or airtight glass containers. A cool place is needed for storage before growing.
Stratification of delphinium seeds at home
To properly plant delphinium seeds for seedlings, you need to properly prepare them. The algorithm is this:
- Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate in a deep pink color. Place the seeds in gauze, exposure time is 20 minutes.
- Rinse in cold running water.
- Soaking in a growth stimulator. The drug Epin is effective – add a couple of drops to 0,1 l of water. The exposure time is 24 hours.
- Dry the seeds by spreading them on a paper towel. Without this, they can stick together when sowing.
Sowing Rules
When sowing, it is important to know at what depth to plant delphinium seeds, and other nuances. You should act like this:
- Fill the selected containers with treated soil, leaving 1-2 cm to the edge.
- Level the surface.
- Pour the earth with warm water (be sure to defend).
- Spread the seeds evenly over the surface, deepening slightly.
- Sprinkle crops with a thin layer of soil – 3 mm is enough.
- Lightly compact the ground.
- Moisten crops from a spray bottle with the smallest sprayer. It is better to use boiled water.
- Cover seedling containers with black foil.
Before laying the seeds, the surface of the soil can be thinly sprinkled with fine river sand from a strainer. This allows better distribution of planting material.
A light deepening, powdering with soil and its compaction are necessary only so that the seeds do not float during the first watering. Otherwise, their distribution over the seedling capacity will no longer be uniform.
Under cover, you only need to germinate delphinium seeds for seedlings at home. Daily ventilation and removal of condensate is mandatory. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed for further cultivation.

Delphinium seeds can be scattered over the surface from a piece of paper or spread with tweezers if there are few of them.
How long does it take for delphinium seeds to germinate?
Delphinium seeds germinate in about 1-1,5 weeks. The process can take much longer. It all depends on the quality of the planting material, the conditions of its storage, sowing and germination.
How to care for delphinium seedlings
Before germination, delphinium care consists mainly in daily airing. Be sure to control soil moisture.
Before germination, 3-4 days are recommended to provide a temperature of 10-15 ° C. After that, it is useful to remove the crops in coolness for 1,5-2 weeks. A refrigerator, a glazed loggia, a veranda will do. Temperatures up to -2-5 °C are acceptable. Such conditions provide stratification.
When shoots appear, a regime of 15-18 ° C is required for further cultivation. Temperature increase over 20 °C is unacceptable. After picking, they adhere to the same regimen.
Darkness is optimal for the germination of delphinium seeds, which is why the crops are covered with a black film. When shoots appear, the container is moved to a bright place. If she stands on the window, then it is better closer to the glass.
Before the emergence of seedlings, when airing the crops, check the soil moisture. If necessary, it is sprayed from a spray bottle.
After the emergence of seedlings, plantings are moistened as needed. The frequency of watering is oriented to the condition of the soil. It should be moderately hydrated. Pouring or drying out the soil when growing a delphinium is unacceptable.
Water is brought exclusively under the root. While the sprouts are small and tender, it is convenient to use a syringe without a needle for this. A good alternative is drip irrigation.

If during irrigation the water pressure is large for the seedlings, then they will lie down and may no longer recover.
When growing a delphinium, be sure to monitor the looseness of the soil. Handle it carefully so as not to damage the tender seedlings.
How to feed delphinium seedlings
To strengthen the seedlings of the delphinium, it is necessary to feed it. Use mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and trace elements. Simply and effectively feed the delphinium with ready-made formulations:
- Agricola;
- Mortar;
- Fertika Lux.
Use ready-made liquid top dressing or prepare a solution according to the instructions. If fertilizer accidentally gets on the leaves, it is immediately washed off with clean water.
When and how to dive delphinium seedlings
The picking of the delphinium is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Use the same soil mixture as when sowing seeds. For 5 liters of earth add 1 tbsp. l. complex mineral fertilizer (necessarily the presence of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, trace elements).
Containers for picking choose a larger size than it was originally. Be sure to wash and disinfect the container, take care of drainage.
For picking, it is convenient to use a small spatula. They operate like this:
- Fill new containers with sifted and steamed or fungicide-treated soil mixture.
- Make a suitable hole in the ground.
- Carefully dig up the seedling and move it to a new place. Roots should fit freely.
- Fill the hole with earth.
- Lightly compact.
Dive seedlings are buried in the ground to the point of growth of true leaves.

Delphinium is better to dive into peat pots, so that when moving to the garden, you do not injure the plants once again
Transplanting the delphinium seedlings into the open ground
Hardened delphiniums are transferred to open ground from late April to early summer. The exact dates depend on the climate in the region, the weather forecast for the current year. It is better to choose the time when the spring frosts are over. If they come back for a while, then it’s okay. Healthy seedlings are quite cold hardy.
Before transplanting the delphinium into the ground, it is important to choose the right place for its further cultivation. The main points are:
- good lighting during the day;
- light shade at noon;
- remoteness from shrubs, trees;
- wind protection;
- lack of moisture stagnation;
- fertile and loose soil;
- good drainage;
- loam or sandy loam is optimal.
It is especially important to choose the right site for seedlings from seeds when planting a perennial delphinium in the spring. It can grow in one place for up to eight years.
The selected site is dug up, cleared of weeds. The earth to fill the holes is mixed with fertilizers;
- humus – 0,5 buckets;
- wood ash – 1 glass;
- mineral complex (necessarily the presence of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) – 2 tbsp. l.
If the soil is acidic, 1 g of lime is applied per 50 m². Sandy soil is optimized by adding peat. In clay soil, drainage from crushed stone is organized.
The delphinium is transplanted into open ground as follows:
- Make indentations with a side of 40 cm on the prepared area. The distance between the holes is oriented to the height of a particular variety – usually 0,6-0,7 m is left.
- Carefully remove the seedling along with the earthy clod.
- Place the plant in a recess so that the roots are loose.
- Sprinkle with earth.
- Compact carefully. The root neck should remain flush with the surface.
Immediately after planting, the delphinium is watered. The first days of cultivation in open ground, shading is necessary. This allows the flower to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Proper cultivation of delphinium from seeds will ensure the first flowering by the end of August or the beginning of autumn.
This procedure during the cultivation of the delphinium allows it to quickly adapt to outdoor conditions. Begin hardening not earlier than the phase of 3-4 true leaves. Seedlings are taken out into fresh air, gradually increasing the time spent on it. Hardening is carried out for at least two weeks before planting in open ground.
Why do delphinium seeds not sprout
Often, the lack of seedlings when growing delphinium from seeds is associated with improper storage of planting material. If it is purchased, then it is better to immediately remove it directly in the package in the refrigerator or other cool place. Dryness and heat lead to a rapid loss of germination.
Another problem is the expiration date. Be sure to pay attention to it when buying. Self-collected seeds are usually sown fresh, and purchased seeds often have already lain for 1-2 years. Over time, the germination of planting material decreases, and improper storage greatly accelerates this process.
Delphiniums may not germinate due to incorrect temperature conditions. If cold down to -2-5 ° C during cultivation is not terrible for them, then heat above 20 ° C is detrimental to seedlings. There is their oppression and death.
Another reason for the lack of seedlings is the strong deepening of the seeds. When sowing, they are only lightly sprinkled with earth. If the depth is not so large, then shoots will still appear, just later. You can help them by gently spreading the top layer of soil with your finger.
Growing a delphinium from seeds involves the proper preparation of the soil, planting material, seedlings. It is important to remember about cleanliness, disease prevention. When growing a delphinium, it is necessary to provide a certain temperature, lighting and comprehensive care.