How to grow a chestnut from a nut: unusual methods and tips

The familiar and familiar chestnut tree with luxurious leaves and incredibly beautiful flowers is a recognized favorite of all landscape designers: its crown lends itself well to arbitrary formation, and no one doubts the decorative qualities of this tree of the beech family. Taking into account this situation, grown chestnut seedlings are quite expensive, so it will not be superfluous to learn how to grow a chestnut from a nut yourself.

Preparation of planting material

So, you decided to grow a chestnut seedling on your own. The first question that always arises before you is where to get planting material? Of course, under the nearest chestnut: you need to plant nuts, which in autumn are in abundance under each tree. And if you’re lucky enough to find a less common variety that blooms pink, even better. Having conceived the germination of such a culture as chestnut from a nut at home, try to choose the best fruits, the largest, strongest and without traces of diseases. It is better to collect nuts with a margin so that there is plenty to choose from.How to grow a chestnut from a nut: unusual methods and tips

Now you need to decide on the method of germination (or stratification):

  • the first option is as follows: selected chestnuts are placed directly between the roots of the parent tree, sprinkled abundantly with wet sand and covered with foliage. In this form, the material is left for several months. With the advent of spring, they dig them up, select the most viable hatched nuts and begin growing;
  • the second way, how to germinate a chestnut from a nut, is somewhat more complicated, but much more effective. The collected nuts are placed in a cool place – a refrigerator or cellar, and stored there until spring, carefully watching so that they do not dry out. Such a cold regime has a positive effect on the efficiency of fruiting, stimulating the accelerated launch of regeneration mechanisms.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow a chestnut tree yourself.

How to grow a chestnut yourself (part 1 – the first method)

How to grow your own

It is noteworthy that the question of how to plant a chestnut tree is often of interest to people living in city apartments. And it’s quite real! A handsome green planted in an ordinary flower pot feels great. To do this, you need a nut found in autumn under a tree, planted in a pot, not forgetting to water it periodically. A white sprout sprouted by spring is a sure sign that the trees can be planted in separate containers.How to grow a chestnut from a nut: unusual methods and tips

Home cultivation also allows you to get a decorative bonsai, formed from a chestnut tree. To do this, for the first few years, the plant lives as an ordinary houseplant, and then it is processed: the tree must be freed from an earthen clod, and the root system of the plant should be pruned so that it becomes flat. The seedling prepared in this way is placed in a special soil mixture intended for bonsai plants. As soon as the plant takes root, it is transferred, along with an earthy clod, into a special container for bonsai. If you do not take patience, you may well achieve the flowering of such a bonsai chestnut, however, this will not happen earlier than in 10 years.

Care and feeding of the sprout

But back to the growing process. So, the young sprout is planted in a permanent place. Now the task becomes acute, how to grow a full-fledged tree from a small, weak sprout. Here are a few rules, following which you will definitely succeed in this difficult task:

  • young seedlings growing in the general access zone must be protected with pegs to protect them from the human factor, as well as from animals;
  • you need to tie up the plant to avoid injury due to strong winds;
  • young seedlings need to be watered regularly and plentifully;
  • every year, in the spring, the tree must be cleaned of dried or frozen twigs;
  • after the tree crosses the 10-year milestone, it is necessary to prune the branches annually, forming a crown.How to grow a chestnut from a nut: unusual methods and tips

In addition, a young, growing tree needs to be fed. The earth needs to be fertilized with compost, and every spring you can carry out regular top dressing – water the tree with a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 1 kg of manure and 15 g of urea.

After your pet is 10 years old, it no longer needs any care and attention on your part, in addition to forming a crown at will: the plant is quite capable of existing independently and delighting you with its flowers.

Video “Growing Tips”

From the video you will learn some tips on how to grow chestnuts in the country.

How to grow chestnuts in the country

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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