Many amateur gardeners and just admirers of delicious cherries are interested in the question: is it possible to grow cherries from a stone. Answer: of course, because this is the natural way of its growth. In this situation, it all depends on when, where and how to grow cherries from the stone. Its fruiting directly depends on how to properly grow cherries. In this article, we will look at the main nuances of how to grow cherries from a stone.
Growing from the bone
Growing a tree from a stone is a rather time-consuming and lengthy process. How to properly grow cherries from the stone will tell you certain rules.
Rules for growing cherries from the stone:
- first you need to collect the bones of the selected variety;
- they must be washed with water;
- after washing, they are dried and placed in a dark place;
- before planting, cherry pits are placed in water for one week. Do not forget that the water needs to be changed periodically;
- then you should place the seed in the ground, after adding sand there. In this state, leave it for two months;
- after that, the germinated shoot can be planted in the garden;
- it is worth planting in October;
- landing hole depth – 3 cm;
- top covered with a layer of humus, sawdust and peat.
Let’s briefly consider each of the above points.
Variety selection.
Before growing cherries, one should take into account the requirements of varieties for climatic conditions, soil acidity, temperature conditions, etc. If you neglect these requirements, you risk not growing a tree at all, or it will be frail, lethargic and give a poor harvest.
Collection and preparation of bones
Cultivation of cherries begins precisely from this stage, which is the most important and fundamental. It is best to use the pits of cherries that grow in your or a neighboring garden, as pits removed from purchased cherries are more likely to not germinate. Once harvested, they should be prepared for cultivation. First, they need to be washed well with water and laid out in a sunny place for quick drying and drying.
In autumn (October) they are planted in open ground. Due to the possibility of descent, several pieces should be planted at once. For germination, they dig a hole up to 5 cm deep, the distance between adjacent bones should be at least 15 cm. In winter, they will delaminate, which will contribute to their better cultivation.
If you plan to start growing cherries in the spring, then its seeds must first be kept in the cold for about two months (the temperature should be from 1 to 6 C⁰). Refrigerator can be used for storage. Before that, they should be put in a glass jar filled with peat moss and sand, which is closed with a lid. It has holes for air.
You can grow cherries from the stone in summer and winter. In this case, the technology is slightly different from the above ordinary method. You can grow cherries in this situation using pots, followed by transplanting the seedling into the garden in the spring. In this way, you can grow a Japanese version of cherry – bonsai.
It is best to land immediately on a permanent place, so as not to injure the tree in the future by transplanting.
Video “Growing cherries from the stone”
Some additional information about this process can be found in the video below.
Using the methods described above, you can grow the following varieties of cherries: red, pink, Barbados, shpanka, Lubskaya, Surinamese. Moreover, history knows numerous cases when, even in the harsh conditions of Siberia, for example, Novosibirsk, it was quite possible to successfully grow cherries from the stone, thanks to the observance of the rules of cultivation and care. Shrub (steppe) cherry takes root here most well.
Growing from seedlings
After it was possible to grow a cherry sprout, depending on the method of growth, the seedling is planted in open ground. In this situation, you should meet the disembarkation time. If it is held in autumn, then the best time is the beginning of October. If in the spring – then April, but only until the buds open.
Planting is carried out according to the rules of agricultural technology in order for the cultivation of cherries to be successful. Directly for planting, you should dig a planting hole of the following parameters: diameter up to 60 cm, and depth – up to 45 cm. The entire root system of the seedling should fit into it without any problems. The soil that was taken out of the pit should be divided in half and displaced with humus and ash, potassium chloride and superphosphate should be added. For clay soils, sand is also added.
Before planting, you need to carefully examine its root system and remove damaged and dried roots. Sometimes it is recommended to hold the roots for a couple of hours in water.
A cone is poured at the bottom of the pit above the described prepared earth and a seedling is lowered there so that the root collar is three centimeters above ground level. Then the roots fall asleep and the soil is compacted by hand. A peg is driven in from the north side and a seedling is tied to it. Near it, a roller is made of the earth in such a way that a hole for irrigation is formed. The seedling should be well watered with water that has been heated in the sun. Then the soil around it is mulched with humus, compost and liquid bird droppings.
During the year, a young seedling should be fertilized several times so that it has enough nutrients for full growth.
Basic rules of care
The rules for caring for a grown cherry seedling are practically no different from other fruit trees.
Care rules include the following processes;
- loosening of the soil;
- timely watering;
- soil fertilizer;
- crown care by cutting and shaping it;
- protection from pests and diseases, as well as proper care of a diseased tree;
- weed removal.
By adhering to all the above rules and tips, growing cherries from the stone becomes quite feasible. And further correct and timely care will help your seedling grow into a beautiful, strong and healthy tree that will delight you with its color and its fruits.