How to grow a big happiness out of small happiness?

Each of us has ever experienced a feeling of happiness, but not everyone understands that happiness, even the smallest one, is a sprout of general well-being. Have you ever thought that from small happiness you can easily grow big? And these are not wonderful metaphors, but proven methods that work. Basically a guide to action.

Think back to your childhood. Then, in order to be happy, you did not need a car, an apartment, a promotion, a trip to the Maldives, and so on. To feel this feeling, it was enough to receive a gift from my mother or to see the starry sky. In your youth, you heard a declaration of love and felt like the happiest person in the world. Do you remember? Great, then you perceive happiness. It’s like having an ear for music — some have it, some don’t. When you remember something good, this feeling is fixed inside.

Your brain remembered it, and since our brain loves pleasant things more, it will try to repeat the action that caused such a surge of feelings and emotions. You will involuntarily look for situations that will bring you joy.

happiness as a habit

It’s no secret that you can start any habit if you really want to. How to get into the habit of being happy? Very simple — look for happiness around you. Mark pleasant moments to yourself: for example, you are drinking aromatic tea in the kitchen, it is raining outside the window, and the house is warm, light and cozy. A cat settled down next to him, and loved ones in the next room. Isn’t that happiness? Focus your attention on this, because happiness is in the little things, and not in global things, as it often seems.

Let’s take for example people who understand art. In the beginning, they don’t understand much either, they just like the pictures. Time passes, the outlook of such a person grows, he already has something to compare with. Now he sees the style of work, understands what the artist wanted to say with his canvas. It’s almost a lifestyle. The same will happen to you. You will begin to feel happiness in its various forms and shades.

How to grow a big happiness out of small happiness?

We are where our thoughts are

Now your life is what you yourself made it. Or rather, not just you, but your thoughts. They are so significant that it is difficult to put into words. In your life, you play the role of a gardener tending the garden, that is, your thoughts. Direct all your energy to the constant search for happiness, then over time it will begin to attract itself to you.

It is worth noting that happy people really have some kind of indescribable energy that not only attracts other people, but also increases our own level of happiness. With whom you lead — that and you will type. Pretty accurate in this case. Try to avoid people who are constantly depressed. With their thoughts, they drove themselves into a deep hole, from which they can only get out if they really want to. And in his absence, they can drag you there too.

Train your “happiness muscles”. Try to record your successes, even the smallest ones, because written speech has a special influence on our lives and our destiny. Moreover, in the future you will be pleased to re-read your happy moments, this will at least cheer you up. Try, work on yourself and everything will definitely work out!

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