How to give your cat the right medicine

How to give your cat the right medicine

Like people, pets have to be treated, drink vitamins and take medications for prophylactic purposes. They cannot cope on their own, so the responsibility for the procedure rests with the person. How to give a cat a medicine without consequences – psychological trauma from the pet and the owner’s bitten hands? What to do when the pet resists, and what not to do, you will learn in the article.

How to give medicine to a cat painlessly and quickly?

The success of medicating a cat depends on a firm but comfortable restraint of the animal. It is important that the pet is sitting or standing: in an inverted position, it will easily choke on the drug. There are techniques that help tame the cat and prevent him from resisting:

  • strong grip at the withers;
  • pressing to the floor or knees of a seated person;
  • fixing the animal with a towel.

It is advisable that the procedure be performed by two people: one holds and soothes the mustachioed patient, and the second gives medicine.

How to give your cat medication in tablets, suspension or powder

To get your pet to voluntarily take the medication, mix it with his favorite food – meat, liquid food, or other treats. How to give medications that should not be combined with food?

  1. Pills. Holding the cat firmly, grasp the jaw on both sides with your index and thumb behind the fangs. Place the medicine in the open mouth so that it hits the root of the tongue. Pat your pet on the neck and he will swallow the pill.
  2. Suspension or solution. A measuring syringe is attached to such drugs. It is easy to give medicine with it: open the pet’s mouth, place the dispenser on the tongue and gently pour in the medicine. A medical syringe without a needle is also suitable for this purpose.
  3. Capsules. The gelatinous membrane strives to stick to the palate, get stuck between the teeth and be bitten. Soak the capsule in oil and give it to the cat in the same way as a tablet.
  4. Powder. Crushed medicines that cannot be mixed with food are diluted with water until they become mushy. The mixture is injected with a spoon or a measuring syringe, a medical one will not work because of the thick consistency of the drug.

Pharmacies sell introducer sheaths, which are used by veterinarians as an auxiliary tool. A rubber tip holding a tablet or a tube for the administration of solutions and suspensions is put on this syringe.

What is the right way to give medicine to cats so as not to spoil the relationship?

Not all pets are ready to boast of humility, especially during treatment. Therefore, taking medication is often compulsory and is accompanied by a quarrel between the animal and the owner. So that the cat does not lose confidence in the person and in the future perceive the procedure more calmly, it is important to observe some restrictions. During manipulation with medications, it is prohibited:

  • beat an animal;
  • squeeze the neck intensively;
  • turn the pet over on its back;
  • increase the dosage of drugs yourself.

The successful treatment of a cat depends on the correct use of medications, and the owner’s task is to delicately and patiently help the pet in this difficult matter.

Also good to know: how to calm your cat

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