Mukaltin is a herbal preparation for the treatment of cough. It has expectorant properties and is often prescribed to children, including those under the age of one year. For the fight against the disease to be effective, it is important to carefully follow the instructions for use of the product.

Indications for taking “Mukaltin”
The main active ingredient of “Mukaltin” is the extract of the medicinal marshmallow, however, some manufacturers may add other components with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties to the preparation.
Most often, a medicine is prescribed for:
- colds
- influenza
- tracheobronchitis
- pneumonia
- bronchiectasis
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- bronchial asthma
- other diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum
You can give your child “Mukaltin” at an early stage of the disease. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will be much higher than with a “late start” (3-5 days from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear).
“Mukaltin” should not be drunk in parallel with drugs containing codeine (“Terpinkod”, “Codelac”, etc.). When taken at the same time, it may be difficult to cough up liquefied sputum.
Dosage and method of taking “Mukaltin” in children
Each “Mukaltin” tablet contains 0,05 g (50 mg) of active active ingredients. Children under one year old, according to the instructions, can drink no more than 100 mg of the drug per day. The daily dose is best divided into 3-4 equal doses.
For children aged 1-3 years, the dosage of “Mukaltin” can be doubled (the daily maximum at this age is 4 tablets), and for children who have reached the age of 4 years, it can be tripled. Thus, preschoolers and younger students should take the drug either 1,5 tablets 4 times a day, or two, but three times a day.
Children aged 12 years and older are allowed an adult dosage of “Mukaltin” – 2 tablets 4 times a day.
Drinking the medicine is most effective just half an hour before a meal.
Young children who are unable to swallow the “Mukaltin” tablet should be given the drug after being dissolved in 50–70 ml of warm water. However, it does not have a very pleasant, specific taste, and therefore some children may refuse to take “Mukaltin”. You can disguise the medicine by adding a little sugar syrup or honey to the prepared solution (provided that the child is not allergic).
The duration of treatment with “Mukaltin” is one to two weeks, however, if there are indications, side effects or complications occur, and as prescribed by a doctor, the terms can be reduced or, conversely, increased.
Мукалтиныг 6 нас хүртэл хүүхдэд өгдөггүй шүү.