How to give gifts correctly according to etiquette

😉 Greetings to the guests and permanent residents of the site! Friends, all people are pleased to receive gifts, but it is no less pleasant to give them. How to give gifts correctly, according to etiquette – in this article.

“They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” no – they look, evaluate, draw conclusions. You may not even know what the person who received the gift thought.

As a rule, people hide their disappointment so as not to upset the donor or ruin the holiday. Therefore, take a responsible approach to the choice of even the smallest gift, let it contain the meaning, your love and mood.

How to give gifts

  • do not ask the question “What to give you?”. Not all people can directly answer such a question, and some are generally embarrassed by it;
  • for birthday gifts should be those things that will be used only by the birthday person himself, and not his entire family;
  • a gift is not given in the hallway (with the exception of flowers), it is presented in the room, slowly, saying warm words;
  • when giving a gift, do not overdo it. Gift etiquette rules prohibit phrases like, “I’m knocked off my feet choosing this for you.” “I’m sorry, but nothing was better”;
  • do not bother the person with questions whether he liked your gift or not;
  • do not give things with edification. For example, a friend who is always late will watch with the words: “Now I hope you will always come on time”. Holidays are not the time for education and clarification of relationships;
  • do not give things that they have already used, especially with the words: “I don’t need this, but it will come in handy for you”.

What not to give:

How to give gifts correctly according to etiquette

The gift not only demonstrates your participation, attention, but also your concern for mental well-being, for the health of another person. Therefore, even if your friend or relative is a drinker, then you do not need to hand him another bottle, which he will immediately finish off.

Your gift, no matter how pleasant it is, should not be harmful to health. And you, as its giver, should not encourage the unhealthy addictions of your loved ones.

You cannot give ambiguous things, for example, deer antlers to a spouse-hero of the day, a picture with a sad plot – to newlyweds.

Useless souvenirs

Shop shelves are full of various figurines, figurines and other little things. It is very easy to buy a beautiful trinket and give it as a gift. And what will happen to her further is no longer your business. It’s not good to do that. Don’t litter someone else’s house!

Pick up a thing that will be of at least minimal benefit to a person. Buy not a figurine, but a box. But there are exceptions to this rule. For example, a girl who loves ballet can be presented with a beautiful ballerina figurine.

Do not transfer useless things that you do not need yourself.


You will never guess which scent a lady will like. She, having received perfume, will find herself in an awkward position – she will be forced to use it so as not to offend you. You can give perfume only if the lady constantly uses a certain perfume, and you know its name exactly.

Council: you can purchase a gift certificate at any company store (worth 1,2,3… thousand rubles). The lady herself will choose what she needs: cosmetics or perfume.

A hint of a flaw

Anti-dandruff shampoo, anti-cellulite cream, anti-acne gel, deodorants, slimming products … The list is long. Perhaps these are necessary things, but why spoil the holiday with your reminder of problems.

Men understand little about lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow and blush. The art of make-up is subject only to ladies, it is better not to go into this territory. A gentleman, in principle, should not take part in the sacrament, thanks to which a lady becomes more attractive.

Forget about all kinds of household appliances for “beauty”, such as hair tongs, epilators, nail kits.


You should not give things that are intended for one of the couple (jewelry, earrings, watches ..). A wedding is a celebration for two.

Live “surprises”

You cannot give pets to anyone except your own child! I think everyone understands this and does not require additional clarification! There is, after all, an exception to the item “live gifts”: plants and butterflies! Indoor plants can and should be given to women who really love to care for them.

To wife and mother

On a holiday, they often give items that are necessary in everyday life (pots, pans, meat grinders, etc.), perhaps this is a very necessary and useful thing, but believe me, it would be very pleasant for them to receive something for the soul.


Only very close people can give gifts, otherwise such things can be regarded as an insistent and not always pleasant offer to move on to a certain relationship. A man should not give cosmetics or tights to a work colleague.

A lady should not give a male colleague a tie. This is a hint of some expected relationship.

About sweets

Candies and cakes in factory packaging are a good sign of attention, gratitude for a small service. But this is not a gift for a loved one! Giving sweets to men is strictly prohibited. Exclusive confectionery is another matter.

About superstition

You should know how much the future recipient of your gift believes in signs and beliefs. Some will worry if they are presented with an empty wallet (lack of money) or a set of handkerchiefs (to tears). You need to put a coin in your wallet. And do not give scarves at all.

About alcoholic beverages

You shouldn’t give alcohol to ladies. Presenting a bottle of wine or champagne in a restaurant “from table to table” is a beautiful gesture. If this is not an elite drink that deserves attention, you should not rely on it as your main birthday gift, for example.

How much does it cost?

It depends on the financial capabilities of the donor. But you should not give gifts in the form of very expensive things. If the person you are giving has a lower income, it will be difficult for him later, if necessary, to purchase a gift for you.

In addition, the gift should also depend on your relationship. An overly expensive present from you personally to your boss will be regarded as a bribe.

An exception to the rule: if a person himself asked to give him a specific thing, all taboos are canceled!

And the last:

The gift should be such that you want to keep it for yourself. A bad gift is worse than no gift. If you take into account the simple rules of etiquette “How to give gifts correctly”, this will help you arrange a real holiday for your family and friends!

How to give gifts correctly (video)

Etiquette rules: how to give and receive gifts correctly?

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