How to get the tick out?
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In the season of increased tick activity, it is easy to come across these arachnids. It may happen that we find a tick attached to our skin. What to do in that case? Do we have to go to the emergency room right away? We check whether the tick can be pulled out by yourself, and what accessories to use. We also deal with the myths about pulling out the ticks.

What to do when we find a tick clung to the skin?

When we find a tick attached to the skin, we must not panic. After a walk in the park or a trip to the forest, we should carefully check all places on the body.

  1. Watch out for ticks! Sanepid warns

If we see an arachnid clinging to the skin, we should remain calm. We can try to take it out ourselves if we know how to do it properly. However, if we are not able to do it ourselves, we should ask our loved ones or go to the doctor.

Why should we get the tick out as soon as possible?

The tick should be pulled out as soon as possible, because it carries Borrelia bacteria responsible for causing Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis, which enter the blood within 12-24 hours from the bite. Although not all arachnids carry bacteria, you should always get the ticks out of the skin.

To remove a tick from your body, use the Mustico Tick-Off Tweezer Remover, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Where is the tick most often stuck?

Although the tick can bite anywhere on the skin, the most vulnerable points are:

  1. Groin;
  2. Buttocks;
  3. Odors;
  4. The insides of the arms;
  5. Head and neck (especially in children);
  6. Depressions under the knees.

Is the tick bite painful?

A tick bite is not painful, as there is an anesthetic substance in the tick’s saliva. For this reason, the bite is also dangerous, because we are not able to feel when a tick clings to the skin, although its sting is thicker than that of other insects (e.g. a mosquito).

  1. How to efficiently remove a tick? Remember not to grease it with anything

How to properly pull out the tick?

If we notice a tick stuck in the skin, we should immediately start removing it. For this purpose, it is worth preparing tweezers and hydrogen peroxide or alcohol with a concentration of 40%. Instead of tweezers, you can use forceps, which are available in pharmacies. The tick should be caught close to the skin and pulled out firmly.

Then it is worth making sure that the front part of the arachnid is not still in the skin. The next step is to disinfect the injection site and wash your hands thoroughly. After removing the tick at home, it is worth checking for redness. If you develop a characteristic erythema migrans, see a doctor.

What accessories can we use when removing the tick?

When removing the tick at home, we can use the following accessories:

  1. Tweezers – should be plastic, because grabbing the tick with a metal tweezer, we can cut it off the skin, instead of pulling it out. The tweezer is attached to the Preparation for removing ticks – TICK EXPERT, which first immobilizes the arachnid, freezing it;
  2. Suction pump – a miniature device will allow you to painlessly remove the tick. It can also come in handy when removing the venom from another insect bite. At Medonet Market there is a tick removal device available – KLESZCZ OUT, which works just like a suction pump;
  3. Forceps trap – plastic hooks for removing ticks can be purchased at the pharmacy;
  4. Lasso for removing ticks – a miniature device allows you to quickly and painfully remove a tick from the skin. It is recommended not only for people, but also for animals.

What must not be done when removing the tick?

When pulling out a tick at home, first of all, do not wring it out, as the mouthpiece may still remain in the skin. You can not use oiling substances, as well as gasoline or nail polish remover. Alcohol can only be used to disinfect the site after removing the tick. When pulling an arachnid out of the skin, you can not get nervous. Sometimes, before taking it out, you need to repeat the action several times.

When to go to health care or NOCH to get the tick out?

We should go to a health care or NOCH if we cannot pull out the tick by ourselves or if part of the arachnid remained in the skin during the extraction attempt. Especially if the bite is inflamed (the skin is red, itchy and / or itchy, swollen, hot).

  1. Repellants – effective ways to fight insects and more

Will the tick head come out by itself?

If, while removing the tick, the tick’s head remains in the skin, we should not delay the visit to the doctor. Especially if the bite site remains red or it starts to hurt.

Is it possible to pull out the tick to a child?

We can pull the tick out of the child. If it is mobile, it is best to use a lasso, which is a precise tool. We also cannot forget about disinfecting the bite site, as well as checking the child’s skin each time not only after going to the forest, but also playing in the city park.

What to do when we notice migratory erythema on the skin?

If a migratory erythema appears on the skin, despite removing the tick, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. This is a visible sign that Borrelia bacteria have entered the blood, and it is also the first sign of Lyme disease.

Erythema does not always appear, so be sure to check your skin carefully.

How to get a tick out of a dog or cat?

It is best for a dog or cat to pull out the tick with forceps or a lasso due to the animal’s mobility. If our pet has become aggressive, it is best to consult a veterinarian who will indicate what to do. He will probably have to come to sedate or sedate the animal to test it and pull the tick out of the skin. Most often, ticks are found in the ears of animals.

Find out more about ticks and Lyme disease:

  1. Why are ticks dangerous?
  2. Five common myths about ticks
  3. Tick ​​nymphs – what are they?

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