Have you ever fallen on your wrist? How did you deal with this pain?
A few months ago, I was having a fall from my horse. So I leaned on my hand to limit the damage. But my wrist paid the price. A few minutes later, I felt pain and saw my wrist swelling.
A follower of natural practices, I then looked for how to get rid of wrist pain.
What can be the sources of wrist pain?
The wrist is a set of joints located between the hand and the forearm. It is made up of 15 bones and ten ligaments. (1)
Fracture and dislocation
The wrist fracture is usually caused by a fall with support on the palm of the hand or by shocks (in case of excessive sport). It does not relate to the wrist joint. But it is found rather at the level of the lower end of the radius. We can no longer move the wrist. Ouch !!! (2)
Be careful, a fracture can hide osteoporosis (aging of bone mass). With age, the bone loses its firmness, it demineralizes making it very fragile and vulnerable.
Unlike the fracture, the dislocation affects young subjects
Back cysts of the wrist
They are usually due to the alteration of the joint capsule of the wrist. It is a form of firm ball that appears at the level of the wrist. The swelling can be quite noticeable (less aesthetic) but painless. Or on the contrary, it is barely visible but creates pain when making movements. The wrist cyst is not linked to any cancer. (3)
Tendonitis of the wrist
It is an inflammation of the wrist tendon. It usually appears in case of excessive effort, unusual or too often repeated acts such as texting. I know some who are at risk of having this inflammation !!!
Tendonitis is located between the hand and the forearm. It is characterized by sharp pain when palpating the wrist or when moving (4), (5)
Osteoarthritis of the wrist is the wear and tear of the cartilage in one or more joints of the wrist. It is characterized by pain (usually progressive) and stiffness in the wrist.
A clinical examination and a radiological analysis are necessary to detect exactly the affected joints.
It results from a fall on the wrist or a wrong movement.
It is a rupture of the ligaments which allow the cohesion between the bones of the forearm (the radius and the ulna) and those of the heel of the hand (carpus). The wrist condition can be a simple stretch or a break. The pain is felt when flexing and extending the wrist.
Kienbock’s disease
This disease occurs when the small arteries in the wrist no longer receive blood flow. Gradually, the wrist bone is no longer supplied properly will weaken and deteriorate. The patient loses his tightening force, feels a sharp pain in the lunate and stiffness of the wrist. (6)
The carpal tunnel syndrome
It is a disorder of the sensitivity of the fingers. It occurs as a result of compression of the median nerve, a large nerve located in the palm of the hand. It causes pain in the hand and sometimes in the forearm. It is also manifested by tingling, heaviness in the fingers.
It affects practically everyone, especially pregnant women, people carrying out repeated manual activities (worker, computer scientist, cashier, secretary, musician). The electromyogram is the additional examination to be done after the diagnosis.
To read: How to treat the carpal tunnel

herbal and essential oil treatments
As a general rule, pain in the wrist should be the subject of a medical examination followed by examinations and x-rays. All this to be sure of the origin of the pain. For less complicated cases that do not necessarily require surgery, we advise you to use plants and essential oils to end the pain in a few days. (7)
- Magnesium sulphate : since ancient times, it has been used to relax muscles, reduce pain, etc. Heat water, add 5 tablespoons of magnesium sulfate and soak your wrist in it. It is rich in magnesium and reduces pain. Do this 2-3 times a week over several weeks.
- Ginger is an anti oxidant and an anti inflammatory. Heat some water, add a finger of crushed ginger or 4 teaspoons of ginger and one or two teaspoons of honey according to your taste. Drink it and repeat 2-4 times a day. Gradually you will get better.
- Olive oil contained in your kitchen can do the trick for wrist pain. Pour a few drops on your wrist and massage slowly. Then repeat it 2 to 3 times a day over several days. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil will make the pain and swelling go away.
- Garlic : crush 3 to 4 cloves of garlic. Add 2 tablespoons of preheated mustard oil. Regularly massage your wrist with it. Repeat this 3-4 times a week over several days. Garlic contains sulfide and selenium.
- Apple cider vinegar : soak a cotton pad that you put on your wrist. The skin will absorb the minerals in the vinegar and reduce pain and swelling.
- arnica : whether in powder, gel or ointment, this plant has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to extract excess fluid from the wrist. Pour 5 drops of oil on your wrist, massage lightly for 7 minutes. Repeat it 3 times a day and 4 times a week until your pain disappears.
- Lancéolé plantain : this plant rich in vitamin A, C and calcium often grows in our gardens. It has anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties. It helps in the restoration and repair of damaged tissues. Pick or buy some fresh Lancéolé leaves, make a paste with green clay. Then regularly massage your wrist with 3 times a day for about 7 minutes at a time.
- Green clay : it helps to rebuild the cartilage. Hence the importance of also using it in your wrist care.
- Curcuma or turmeric : especially in the case of Crohn’s disease (which causes joint pain), you mix a teaspoon in a glass of water. You can add a little brown sugar or honey to it to consume it more easily. Repeat this gesture every day, the pain in your joints will disappear as if by magic.
- Nettle is a powerful anti inflammatory. It contains several minerals, vitamins, trace elements, chlorophyll. I highly recommend this plant. (8)
Natural treatment : rest the wrist for at least 48 hours. It’s almost impossible in a world where we live 100 per hour. But blah it is not to make matters worse. So ladies and gentlemen, make the effort. Oblivion your tasks, homework and errands.
For 3 or more days (as needed) put ice cubes or hot packs on your wrist for about 30 minutes and 3-4 times a day. This will gradually reduce the pain and swelling. Keep the wrist high, on a cushion.

Non-surgical treatments
For these treatments, you should seek the advice of your doctor after examinations and x-rays. He is best qualified to tell you which one to choose and when to start sessions.
Physiotherapy sessions greatly relieve the patient when it comes to covering his wrist. Several benefits are associated with these sessions. Physiotherapy can be used for all types of wrist pain. In case of severe pain, the specialist will give you a tendon massage to relieve the pain.
In the event of reduced mobility (osteoarthritis for example), physiotherapy sessions will help you recover the partial mobility of your wrist. It will also teach you simple movements or exercises to do at home. His advice is very important because he allows you to manage the pain on your own.
In addition, these sessions will allow you to stabilize your joints and regain the shape of your wrist which can in cases be deformed. This is why, in general, it is the doctors themselves who recommend the physiotherapy sessions. Your physiotherapist after his assessment will choose the exercises and movements that best suit your case.
Yes, to restore your ailing wrist, you can resort to traditional Chinese medicine using needles. After interviews and examinations, the practitioner will make a diagnosis and establish the acupuncture points concerned.
From there, he will choose the sessions that best suit your case. In case of carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis, I recommend this type of treatment.
Acupuncture has been shown to increase endorphin levels, which quickly relieves your pain. Sessions last a maximum of 30 minutes. After three continuous sessions, you can already feel their benefits on your wrist.
The Osteopath will do a comprehensive examination to find the origin of your wrist pain. Its treatment consists in developing the self-healing capacities of your body through the sessions.
What is interesting with osteopathy is that it takes into account your surgical and traumatic history to establish its balance sheet and to treat you. This takes into account stress, fatigue and other problems that can affect the proper functioning of your joints. This medicine is especially recommended for tendonitis and sprains.
Treatment with natural solutions is very important for wrist pain. Some may take 7-10 days, but others may be longer depending on the severity of your case.
Either way, don’t hesitate to knock on our door with your questions, comments, suggestions and criticism. We are open to discussing it at length.
በጣም ቆንጆ መረጃ ነው በተለይ ተፈጥሯዊ በሆኑ እና በቀላሉ እቤታችን ውስጥ ልናገኛቸው በምንችላቸው እፅዋት የተቀመጡት ይበልጥ ወድጃቸዋለሁ። የቃላት አፃፃፍ ግድፈቶቹ ግን ቢስተካከሉ ጉዳትን ሊያስከትሉም ስለሚችሉ ብዬ ነው። አመሠግናለሁ።