How to get rid of wrinkles: almost an encyclopedia

Reducing wrinkles on the face, making them less noticeable is a real task, but it will take patience and an integrated approach, without which this serious problem cannot be solved. Let’s get started!

Why wrinkles appear

Purely mechanically, wrinkles are the result of loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. And this can happen for many reasons and at different ages. We will try to cover these factors as much as possible.

Active facial expressions

In the same way that carefully ironed clothes wrinkle at the fold lines, the first wrinkles appear on the lines of the greatest mimic activity. They may show up at a young age. For example, for those who like to frown, the grooves on the forehead are sometimes indicated already by the age of 25. But just as wrinkles in clothes become more visible during the day, expression lines become more pronounced with age, when the skin loses its ability to resist them.

Smile and grimace without fear of wrinkles, because a good mood is an excellent prevention of aging. And you can fight wrinkles.

In addition to wrinkles on the forehead, facial wrinkles include the brow fold (proud wrinkle) and, of course, “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes, which not only give out a cheerful disposition, but can also indirectly indicate advanced vision problems or neglect of sunglasses, due to for which you have to constantly squint.

Age changes

The loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, which leads to the formation of first small, and then deeper wrinkles, is associated with a natural decrease in all (alas, this is not an exaggeration) functions in the body. The process of renewal of the epidermis slows down, the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity, and elastin, which ensures its elasticity, decreases, and the production of hyaluronic acid, which maintains skin turgor, is reduced. The skin gradually loses its freshness, “tightness”, the contours of the face lose their clarity, wrinkles appear.

But this process, common to all, proceeds in different ways – depending on the type of aging to which we are genetically predisposed. The names of these types are self-explanatory enough.

  • Finely wrinkled is typical for thin women, often with dry skin.

  • Gravitational implies the sagging of the lower part of the oval of the face (ptosis), the appearance of jowls, but wrinkles in this case are often not a problem, but there are enough other troubles, especially if you are overweight.

  • Tired is considered the most “beautiful”, a woman looks young for a long time – in a state of “slightly over thirty” she can remain for a couple of decades, and with good care even longer. In the end, wrinkles appear around the eyes, the corners of the lips wearily fall.

  • Muscular is typical for Asian women.

Do you want to know your type of aging? Take the test:


This is not the most pleasant addition to the natural type of aging, whatever it may be, with a careless attitude to sun protection. Premature aging is often associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Photowrinkles are usually very small, but numerous.

Wrinkles of bad habits

First of all, these are smoker’s wrinkles – characteristic features around the mouth, which are associated with movement during puffing. Smoking generally has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, since it simultaneously provokes oxidative stress, which is in principle recognized as one of the main causes of aging, and impairs microcirculation. As a result, the skin fades, loses elasticity and – hello, wrinkles. However, in fairness, it should be noted that wrinkles above the upper lip are also an indirect sign of a decrease in the level of the female hormone estrogen, as some experts point out. So after 50, sooner or later they will still appear. However, heavy smokers often go in this direction ahead of their age schedule.

But not only smokers. Sweet tooth from us, too, will get. Sugar abuse is a direct path to glycation, in fact, gluing of collagen fibers, which leads to loss of elasticity.

And even that’s not all. Passion for salty fast food, a sedentary lifestyle, sooner or later are manifested by swelling and other negative consequences.

If the contents of your refrigerator look something like this, it means that everything is in order with health and beauty of the skin.


Dehydration lines are small wrinkles, often temporary, that can be quickly removed with adequate hydration in the initial stages of formation. The main thing is not to forget about sufficient fluid intake and moisturizing cosmetics. If these fine lines disappear after moisturizing with serum and cream, then these were the lines of dehydration. Wrinkles don’t give up so easily. Just in case, take a test for dehydration of the skin:

How can wrinkles be removed?

For a radical get rid of wrinkles, you can turn to a beautician, plastic surgeon or YouTube in search of interesting means, others seek salvation in the fruit box of the refrigerator – it all depends on the expectations and seriousness of intentions. Deep wrinkles are, of course, a serious matter, most likely, the help of professionals will be required. And small and recently appeared ones can be smoothed out on their own. The most important thing is not to stop there: you cannot smooth out wrinkles once and for all, it is necessary to prevent their appearance.

Permanent moisturizing care and UV protection is the main thing in the fight against wrinkles.

Is it really possible to get rid of wrinkles quickly?

With a certain amount of cunning, we can say that you can get rid of wrinkles in half an hour of professional or just skillful makeup. But this, of course, is only an appearance.

If the task is to urgently get perfect, well-groomed skin without wrinkles for one evening, express products will be the solution.

If we approach the issue more globally, Botox injections will probably give the fastest effect.

The next fastest way, perhaps, is professional peeling, but it will take several days to restore the skin.

With getting rid of wrinkles, everything is insultingly simple: they form more than one day, therefore, removing them in one day is not a very realistic task.

Salon and cosmetic procedures

Getting rid of wrinkles refers to anti-aging procedures, so the set of offers of a cosmetologist is quite standard, however, techniques and variations are constantly being improved and expanded.


The listed hardware technologies are aimed in one way or another at activating skin cells so that they produce more collagen, elastin and other substances necessary for its restoration. This is the principle of “controlled injury”. Of course, as a result, the skin looks younger: fine wrinkles disappear, deep ones become less noticeable.

  • Laser procedures There are a lot of them, each device works according to a certain technology. In general, laser exposure is a kind of shock therapy for the deep layers of the skin. If earlier it was almost always associated with damage to the outer layer of the skin, then today’s methods allow heating or otherwise affecting its deep layers and stimulating cellular activity without damaging or minimally damaging the surface (“cold laser”, fractional laser, etc.).

  • Microdermabrasion This is a way for those who like “hot”: the surface of the skin is polished with a hard abrasive. The technology is gradually losing relevance in the fight against wrinkles, giving way to more gentle and gentle types of exposure.

  • Non-injection mesotherapy A cosmetic cocktail is applied to the skin, including components that can stimulate the activity of skin cells, and then under the influence of physical factors: electric current, ultrasound, etc. – these substances penetrate deep into the epidermis. The method allows you to act locally on problem areas.

Hardware technologies require the use of courses, the duration and number of sessions the specialist determines individually. In many cases, a recovery period of up to a week is required.


  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) is perhaps the most toxic substance for wrinkles in the literal sense today. It immobilizes facial muscles, relaxing them. Classically used in the upper part of the face: for wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the corners of the eyes.

  • Mesotherapy is the introduction into the deep layers of the skin of microdoses of various nutrients and peptides that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for firmness and elasticity of the skin.

  • Biorevitalization is an introduction according to the principle of hyaluronic acid mesotherapy. Purposefully, this procedure is not suitable for smoothing age or facial wrinkles, but for the prevention of photoaging and the prevention of fine wrinkles after prolonged insolation, biorevitalization is perhaps a good idea.

  • Bioreinforcement involves the introduction of special preparations along certain lines of the face that actively stimulate the formation of collagen. In this way, the frame of the face is strengthened: the preparation itself disintegrates, and the base of its own collagen remains, the face acquires a harmonious volume, the contours are tightened.

  • Plasmolifting is interesting in that its own blood plasma enriched with erythrocytes is injected under the skin. The procedure immediately improves skin oxygenation, stimulates fibroblasts – cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. The skin is smoothed, the face becomes fresh.

Injection techniques are also carried out in courses, the rehabilitation process (until the injection marks heal) is quite short, this is a matter of individual characteristics and the skill of a specialist.


Chemical peeling is one of the most popular procedures for general skin rejuvenation, removal of wrinkles, age spots, dullness, uneven tone and relief. This is also a controlled injury – a chemical burn with fruit acids or, for example, retinol. The doctor carefully monitors the action of the active substance in order to neutralize it in time. After recovery, which usually takes about a week, the skin looks rejuvenated, smooth and radiant.

And what procedure does your skin need right now?

Wrinkle removal in clinics

Strictly speaking, the procedures listed above are also carried out today not in salons, but in clinics. And they are carried out, fortunately, more and more often by cosmetologists, specialists in aesthetic medicine and the same plastic surgeons. However, in the war against wrinkles, the scalpel also remains in the ranks.

  • Plastic surgery – at least major plastic surgery – is gradually fading into the background in aesthetic medicine, it is developing along the path of less and less invasiveness. Today it is difficult to imagine a plastic surgeon who would immediately recommend a scalpel to get rid of wrinkles. Indeed, over time, the skin will continue to sag and lose elasticity, and the reserves of its tightening are not unlimited … In a word, a major plastic surgery is the last choice.

  • Blepharoplasty is appropriate for severe wrinkles under the eyes and folds on the eyelids. She can open her eyes and even slightly round her eyes. But it will not give any guarantee that the upper and lower eyelids will remain tightened forever, because time does not stand still.

  • Threads cause an ambiguous attitude. In addition, thread technologies are aimed primarily at lifting the oval of the face, not at fighting against wrinkles. Unlike the gold threads that launched this trend, modern threads dissolve within a year.

  • Lipofilling is the filling of wrinkles with your own fat. It is taken with a special cannula, for example, from the waist area, cleaned of impurities and injected in tiny portions into the subcutaneous fat in places that need to be lifted and filled. This technique is gaining popularity because it has shown its effectiveness. One of the significant advantages: the fat filler does not dissolve, that is, the effect remains almost forever.

A qualified specialist will help you choose a solution. But it is important to remember that all the above methods of getting rid of wrinkles do not stop the aging process and, accordingly, new wrinkles, and in no case cancel competent daily skin care.

How to remove wrinkles at home

If you have just entered the war against aging and time has not had time to leave deep furrows on your face, it is quite possible to control wrinkles with the help of home care.

At the same time, competent home care begins not so much with the purchase of cosmetics, but with a review of one’s own habits. It is necessary to make it a rule and provide yourself with the opportunity to go to bed on time, walk in the fresh air, eat sensibly, drink enough water. After all, the skin does not age separately from the rest of the body.

Morning jogging in the park is also a contribution to caring for wrinkle-free skin.

With the help of cosmetics

In order to get rid of wrinkles in a beauty routine, you should add:

  • peels;

  • serums / concentrates / essences from wrinkles;

  • wrinkle creams.

You can choose according to your taste and budget. If you look for anti-wrinkle products among the variety of anti-aging products, then the composition will most likely contain time-tested ingredients from this list:

  • retinol;

  • peptides;

  • vitamin C in high concentration;

  • native plant cells (plant “stem cells”);

  • hyaluronic acid.

Day cream for the face “Protection against wrinkles. 35+, Garnier

The stellar component is the plant cells of youth. In combination with tea polyphenols, known for their antioxidant activity, they smooth out the first wrinkles, moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. In the line “Protection against wrinkles. 35+” also look for a night cream and a cream for the skin around the eyes.

Serum for face and neck Revitalift Filler with 1,5% hyaluronic acid, L’Oréal Paris

The new generation serum contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Visibly smoothes the skin and reduces wrinkles: after two weeks of regular use, wrinkles are reduced by 47%.

Night cream “Lifting care. Age expert 45+”, L’Oréal Paris

The first item in the description of the action of the remedy, we see: “reduces wrinkles.” This effect is helped by a complex of retinopeptids (proretinol + peptides). Active components are included in the update processes, which are most active at night. The skin is smoothed, firmer and wrinkles are reduced. All products of the Age Expert 45+ range are aimed at anti-wrinkle action.

Concentrated anti-aging serum in ampoules Liftactiv Specialist Peptide-C, Vichy

Even 7 days of regular use (morning and evening) give a visible effect: the skin looks younger and fresher, wrinkles begin to smooth out. After a 30-day course of ampoules, most likely, you will have to answer questions from friends about what procedures led to this effect. The serum contains a complex of peptides, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C at a concentration of 10%.

12,5% ​​Vitamin C Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate, Kiehl’s

Contains 10,5% pure vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) and 2% vitamin Cg (ascorbyl glucoside) + hyaluronic acid. Clinically proven to instantly improve skin texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles over time with regular use.

The most important way to prevent wrinkles is sunscreen!

With the help of folk remedies

When a blogger of tender age talks about the effect of this or that homemade wrinkle mask, it’s worth considering whether there were wrinkles … Despite the incredible popularity of homemade masks and homemade cosmetics, making a remedy in your kitchen that would really get rid of wrinkles will not work, given the nature of their formation. Let’s check what are the most popular homemade wrinkle remedies.
  • fruit masks. A homemade mask of mashed kiwi or currant applied to the face is a real peeling with fruit acids. Pretty risky practice. Redness after such a mask is almost guaranteed. But getting rid of wrinkles is unlikely.

  • Masks from grains and seeds. These are scrub masks, the same idea is to exfoliate the skin and renew it, only mechanically. Why not rub your face with ground oatmeal mixed with sour cream and honey or coffee grounds? For normal to oily skin, scrubs are part of your weekly routine. But with skin prone to dryness (it is often the owners who deal with wrinkles), such procedures can again injure and stretch the epidermis.

  • Alginate masks are often touted as a remedy for wrinkles. They work as follows: you dilute a special powder, apply the mixture on your face, it hardens, as if “grabbing” the skin, after which you remove it with a gentle movement from the bottom up, like a mask-film, and you really get a visually tightened face skin.

  • Masks with honey, aloe and oils. Honey is very fond of being included in recipes for homemade anti-wrinkle masks (as, indeed, in professional cosmetics). By mixing a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of aloe gel, you get a nice moisturizing substance. By adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil, you will give the skin extra nutrition and hydration. It is difficult to say what will be more conducive to smoothing wrinkles: honey and aloe or the pleasure of self-care and 15 minutes of relaxation while the mask is aged on the face. Such measures can be considered preventive.

Anti-wrinkle massage

Properly performed facial massage is a great power in the fight against wrinkles. As we already know, in order to fight wrinkles, it is necessary to strengthen the skin, make it more elastic and dense. Rejuvenating massage includes:

  • improvement of microcirculation;

  • improvement of lymphatic drainage;

  • relaxation of tight muscles;

  • toning inactive muscles.

The result is a smooth and fresh face. And here it is better to trust a reliable professional. It is very important to know the massage technique so as not to stretch or injure the skin. Manual facial massage is done in courses, and its effect, like most cosmetic procedures, is enough for about six months or a year.

As for self-massage, this is a useful habit, which, with due diligence and patience, will certainly bear fruit.

  1. Apply a few drops of oil to cleansed skin.

  2. Alternating patting, pressing, vibration, “finger shower” and stroking, pass your fingers (also lubricated with cosmetic oil) from the bridge of the nose and the middle of the forehead parallel to the superciliary line to the temples, repeat the whole complex 3 times.

  3. Slowly moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, pinch your eyebrows quite vigorously, repeat 3 times.

  4. In the same direction, stroke your eyebrows and forehead with your fingers.

  5. With light and smooth massage movements 10 times, as it were, outline circles along the orbital bones of the eyes: move along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, along the lower eyelid – in the opposite direction.

  6. In the corners of the eyes, in the area of ​​u20buXNUMXb”crow’s feet”, alternate tapping and “finger douche”, counting up to XNUMX.

  7. Close your eyes and relax.

  8. If desired, wipe the face with tonic.

Such relaxation for the face can and should be arranged every day. And if you are ready to go further, try acupressure from professional face fitness trainer Yulia Saifullina:

Anti-aging gymnastics for the face

There are a great many author’s methods of anti-aging gymnastics for the face. We present a mix of the most convenient, in our opinion, and effective.

Preparation and warm-up:

  1. clean your face and hands – they will also participate in the process;

  2. Apply a moisturizing toner or essence to clean skin;

  3. sit up straight and calm, shoulders down, face relaxed;

  4. rub your hands to make your palms warm;

  5. cover your face with your palms and squeeze lightly to make it warm.

Exercise for forehead wrinkles and brow furrows:

  1. With the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, form half rings (or the letters “C”);

  2. attach these figures to the face in such a way that the index fingers lie above the line of the eyebrows, and the thumbs lie on the lower part of the orbital bone;

  3. press your fingers firmly against the skin and try with all your might to wrinkle your forehead and look up, overcoming resistance;

  4. maintain tension for 5-6 seconds, relax your forehead;

  5. do 4 sets.

Exercise from “crow’s feet” and wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. place the middle fingers of both hands on the skin just above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows;

  2. put your index fingers on the orbital bone at the outer corners of the eyes – you should get the letters “V”;

  3. lightly press your index fingers on the corners of your eyes and look up;

  4. while maintaining this position, lift the lower eyelid, overcoming resistance (the eyelid will tremble, this is normal);

  5. keep this tension for 5 seconds, relax and close your eyes.

  6. do 6 sets.

Lip wrinkle exercise:

  1. open your mouth, as if to pronounce the letter “O”;

  2. wrap your lips inside, as if wrapping them around your teeth;

  3. in this position, close and open your lips, as if repeating “pa-pa-pa”;

  4. keep doing this and at the same time smoothly, slowly raise and lower your head;

  5. do 6-10 sets.

These exercises are advised to do every other day.

We highly recommend trying face fitness with Yulia Saifullina:

Healthy lifestyle

And finally, it remains to recall where we started. The appearance of wrinkles is largely a consequence of a violation of the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, and an integrated approach will be the most effective in the fight against these traces of time. Beautiful, smooth, youthful skin is:

  • protection from the sun always, even when it is hidden behind clouds;

  • compliance with the drinking balance (30 ml per kilogram of body weight per day);

  • proper nutrition with enough fiber (at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day), vegetable oils (15 ml per day), protein, vitamins and a minimum of sugar;

  • giving up bad habits: smoking impairs microcirculation in the skin, alcohol can provoke swelling, a sedentary lifestyle interferes with the full supply of oxygen to tissues, leading to swelling;

  • good sleep: numerous studies have shown that it is useful for youth and beauty of the skin to sleep for 8-9 hours – there is no need to tell how lack of sleep affects the condition of the skin;

  • minimum stress: everyone knows that negative experiences make you old, so inner harmony is a reliable prevention of wrinkles and a guarantee of a happy attitude.

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