How to get rid of wrinkles

Together with Anna Borteychuk, we figure out how to use our natural data to preserve youth and attractiveness.

Anna Borteichuk, head of the Estetic Alliance aesthetic medicine center, knows everything about the possibilities of anti-age medicine and the intricacies of its application. Thanks to many years of experience, she can not only visually diagnose a person, but also determine the number and nature of plastic surgeries.

Anna willingly shares her unique knowledge online: her Instagram blog has almost 200 thousand subscribers, and this number is steadily growing. In her publications and videos, she reveals professional beauty secrets, talks about modern anti-aging procedures and shares recommendations regarding the possibilities of medicine in this area.

Anna Borteichuk’s blog attracted a lot of attention: the largest publishing house in Russia offered to publish a book based on her knowledge and experience. “Anti-age for every day. Beauty Management ”tells readers how to properly take care of their appearance, in an accessible and simple way, reveals the essence of complex innovative techniques and cosmetic procedures.

For Wday exclusive, Anna provided an excerpt from her book. We suggest that you take a test to determine your type of aging and receive recommendations from a recognized anti-age specialist.

«… A clear definition of your strengths and weaknesses is the key to choosing the best methods for maintaining your beauty. By answering the questions and counting the number of letters that prevail in your case, you can find out how your face will change with age. And then I will tell you what tactics should be followed in connection with your individual characteristics.

· Excess weight – a;

· Normal physique – b, d;

· Thin physique – in;

• excess subcutaneous fat on the face – a;

· A moderate layer of subcutaneous fat – b, d;

• thin face – in;

· Thick skin – a, d;

· Normal skin – b;

· Thin skin – in;

· The presence of edema – a, b;

Swelling is not typical – c;

• fuzzy oval of the face, a tendency to the formation of flews, double chin – a;

• clear oval of the face – c, d;

· The presence of bags under the eyes – a;

Bruises under the eyes, pronounced lacrimal groove (hollows under the eyes) – b;

· Folding of the upper eyelid – g;

· Pronounced nasolabial folds – a, b;

· The presence of small wrinkles at an early age (up to 30): around the eyes, near the mouth – in;

Pigment spots – c, d;

Redness of the face, dilated capillaries – a, b;

· Downward corners of lips, eyes – b;

· Active mimic muscles – g;

Low muscle tone depressors (lowering the corners of the lips down for example) – c;

· Pronounced mimic wrinkles: the forehead “in an accordion”, “crow’s feet”, etc. – g;

· You are a woman – a, b, c, d “

More “a”

The gravitational, or deformational, type of aging is the most difficult and most common type among Russian women.


Tight skin, so early wrinkles are not threatening you.

Well-developed subcutaneous fat, the face looks full in youth.


A tendency to edema.

Vascular disorders, capillary networks are possible.

Predisposition to fullness of the face with weight gain.

The main problem of this type is that the facial tissues are rather heavy, therefore, if the aging process is not stopped in time, the fat packs shift to the center of the face and down along with the skin. Deep folds are formed, flews, eyebrows slide over the eyes, hernias of the lower eyelid appear, the oval of the face is blurred, and a second chin is formed. Only surgery will radically help in this case.


Keep track of weight – fullness will be more critically reflected on the face than in other types.

Prevention of edema: do not abuse salty, smoked and sweet (simple carbohydrates very much retain water).

It is very useful to sweat at least once a day: sauna, fitness; massage – both general and cosmetic – for the full movement of lymph, local movements on the face are not enough …

Physiotherapy (microcurrents, LPG, endosphere) will improve microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, prevention of a pasty face. Hardware cosmetology (RF, Ulthera, etc.).

If the skin is constantly stretched and deflated, as with edema, fluctuations in weight, this leads to a decrease in its tone: remember the ball – once inflated, then deflated – it will not be the same.

Considering that this type of skin is dense, there are usually no restrictions on peels (chemical and laser), and they smooth the skin surface well and improve tone.

Sutures give a very good effect, but not ordinary mesothreads, which only stimulate the production of collagen / elastin, but surgical ones (with cones or notches), due to which tissue lifting can be achieved. The procedure is especially effective when it is carried out proactively: that is, with the initial signs of ptosis. With the existing sagging, thread lifting will already be ineffective, since it is cosmetologically almost impossible to return heavy tissues to their place.

You have to be careful with fillers, especially hydrophilic (water-retaining), because instead of the lifting effect, you can get a weighting of tissues and, as a result, their omission or the appearance of a punctured face of a “drunkard” …

The same applies to hernias under the eyes: fillers in this area are used, but special and according to a special technique, which must be learned not from the videos in YouTube, as some self-taught people do. The doctor must have a certificate. Correct diagnosis is important, in some cases only blepharoplasty will help.

When working with the gravity type, it is often necessary to first lighten the tissues, and then work on the lifting. Therefore, lipolytics are used to correct excess fat deposits on the face. In refractory cases, there are minimally invasive surgical procedures that allow you to remove excess fat in the chin area, for example.

Deformation changes are possible in all women, they mainly occur due to excessive obesity. Therefore, weight control is the main rule of anti-aging.

More “b”

The muscular type of aging occurs mainly in men, but sometimes in women, more often of Asian origin.


Tight skin, no tendency to form superficial wrinkles.

There is no tendency to swelling and a heavy face.

A clear oval of the face allows you to look youthful.

Age signs appear late enough.


Active mimic muscles lead to the formation of mimic wrinkles and sometimes very pronounced nasolabial folds, creating the look of a tense face.


If in the upper part of the face the issue is solved quite simply by the use of botulinum toxin, then in the lower half of the face we are limited in the use of muscle relaxants due to the fact that the muscles are involved in the process of smiling, chewing, etc. facial expressions are very beneficial for the patient.

Face fitness is contraindicated for this type, but it is possible to use relaxing self-massage exercises.

The skin of the eyelids, which is prone to wrinkling, requires special care: it is possible to use botulinum toxin, mesotherapy. Creams usually work well with a rich texture. If you miss the moment, only blepharoplasty will help.

It is important to strengthen the skin of the face in a timely manner in order to avoid the premature formation of deep lines from facial expressions, all the tools available in cosmetology are relevant.

More in”

Tired morphotype.


Due to the normally expressed subcutaneous fat, deformation changes are insignificant.

A clear oval of the face is characteristic – one of the main features of a young face.


Puffiness may occur, so it is important to monitor water-salt metabolism and carry out lymphatic drainage.

The most common signs are drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips, which makes the face look sad. Therefore, it is important to notice and correct them in time before these changes are recorded.


One of the significant reasons is the activity of depressor muscles. The lowered corners of the lips are corrected with botulinum toxin and a drop of filler (you can even do it without increasing the volume of the lips). Lowered eyebrows are also corrected with botulinum toxin. With a more pronounced prolapse, lifting threads are used.

The skin of the eyelids is strengthened with creams and injectables, the deepening of the nasolabial folds is filled with fillers and straightened with threads.

Deepening of the nasolacrimal and mid-buccal grooves, bruises under the eyes are successfully corrected by the introduction of a filler. Considering the increased activity of depressor muscles in this type, the performance of face fitness exercises can lead to even greater hypertonicity and aggravation of the existing omissions. Due to the impossibility of a selective approach to training the muscles of the face, in contrast to the muscles of the body, in my opinion, it is inappropriate to try to achieve improvements with the help of gymnastics.

The drooping of the corners of the lips, for example, occurs not due to muscle stretching, as some face fitness adepts claim, but, on the contrary, due to spasm and shortening of the muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth.

More “g”

The fine-wrinkled type of aging is considered the most favorable, since it is the easiest to correct, and its owners have a chance to look young for a long time.


There are no bulky fat packs, which, when displaced, make the face flabby.

There is no tendency to edema.

The oval of the face retains its youthful outlines for a long time.


Thin skin looks good when young, but is prone to premature wrinkles, especially around the eyes.

The wrinkles around the mouth are very aging and hit on sexuality (especially typical for those who smoke).

The skin is often sensitive and prone to pigmentation.

Loss of volume is possible, which will make the face haggard.


More than people with a different morphotype, beware of excess sun.

Leave aggressive procedures such as midline peelings and laser resurfacing for last, as they can lead to further thinning of the skin and exhaust the reserve ahead of time. In case of loss of facial volume, fillers will help, which at the same time serve as a support for tissues and straighten wrinkles. Timely anti-age treatments will help avoid early wrinkles. Although this type is called the most favorable, all other things being equal, in comparison with other types, a fine wrinkled person should visit a beautician more often than others in order to maintain his advantage, since thin skin constantly needs care.

The gravitational type, which does not have excess weight and excessive facial expressions, is the option when up to 40 years old there may be no indications for active cosmetic manipulations, but if you miss the moment of development of age-related changes, such patients begin to age abruptly and resort to a beautician in panic …

At the same time, the fine-wrinkled type sometimes becomes a beautiholic at the age of 30, because the skin can be capricious and require care, but with a competent approach, the face looks young at both 40 and 50.

It is relevant for all types of aging, but it will be especially noticeable for the fine wrinkled type: malocclusion, absence of teeth, decrease in their height.

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