How to get rid of woodlice in the garden

How to get rid of woodlice in the garden

Woodlice are not insects, but members of the crustacean family. They love moisture, feed on rotten plants. However, if these pests are bred in the garden, they will eat everything indiscriminately: both rotten and healthy vegetation. Let’s figure out how to deal with woodlice in the garden so that it does not destroy the entire crop.

Why do woodlice appear in the garden

Woodlice love moisture, in nature they live near water bodies, and on your site they can start if you over-water it. They also start if the plantings in the garden are too dense or overgrown with weeds. In such cases, the humidity is also increased. Sometimes nothing can depend on you at all. Some regions of our country are very humid, and woodlice are especially comfortable in them.

Woodlice choose moist and secluded places in the garden

The presence of convenient shelters in your garden leads to the appearance of wood lice. Such shelters include deposits of rotting tops, heaps of boards, old rags and newspapers lying on the ground. If you do not collect fallen fruits for a long time, it means that woodlice will soon come to you. They also love open cesspools, old hemp and fallen trees.

How to get rid of woodlice in the garden

Here are some popular methods to help you defeat these nasty pests:

  • Add salt to areas that woodlice love, such as rotten hemp. Do not add salt to the beds! This will kill the plants.
  • Mix equal amounts of tobacco, red pepper and baking soda. Dilute this mixture with hot water and treat the soil in places where pests accumulate.
  • Make or buy birch brooms. Wet them and leave them overnight in places where there are a lot of wood lice. By the morning they will all gather in this cozy house for them. In the morning, dispose of the wood lice broom away from the garden.
  • Dissolve 100 g of dry kvass in powder form with 500 ml of boiling water. Spray the passages between the beds with the solution.
  • Dilute 10 g of boric acid powder with 500 ml of water and also spray the passages between the beds.
  • Make deep holes in raw apples or potatoes and place them around the garden overnight. Dispose of this woodlice trap with the victims in the morning.

If folk remedies don’t work, use chemistry. Suitable preparations: Thunder, Aktara, Ideal. Use them according to the instructions.

Mokrits can be defeated using folk and chemical methods. But it is also important to get rid of the reasons for their appearance in the garden in time, otherwise the problem will return very soon, no matter how you fight it.

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