😉 Hello everyone! In the article “How to get rid of withers on the neck: expert advice” – basic information about this problem. The reasons for the appearance of withers in women and men. How to remove it, prevention, video.
Friends, in order to write this article, I studied the issue of publications of doctors and candidates of medical sciences. Here I will try to cover the topic in a simple and accessible language. I’ll tell you briefly about the main points of this problem.
What is a widow’s hump?
The withers on the neck are often called “widow’s hump”, “widow’s hump”, “widow’s hump”, “bull’s hump”. Why exactly “widow”? Because this ailment appears more often in women of “Balzac’s age”, after 40 years. In the old days, people lived much less and, as a rule, many women at the age of 50 were already widows.
The withers on the neck are not the deposition of salts, as many believe, but the deposition of adipose tissue in the region of the seventh cervical vertebra. Many young people also have a cervical bump due to the constant stay at the computer and sedentary work. More often from programmers, accountants and office workers.
Causes of appearance
- overweight;
- insufficient work of the muscles of the shoulder area and back;
- age-related hormonal changes;
- osteoporosis in the cervical spine due to metabolic disorders;
- the habit of sitting and walking hunched over;
- unhealthy diet, excess calories (sugar, baked goods, sweets);
- insufficient consumption of drinking water;
- injuries to the chest and neck;
- hereditary factor.
In this life you have to pay for everything. Do you like cakes, candies and pastries? Pay with excess weight. And poor study at school or at the university can pay off for laziness.
What is the danger?
The fact is that the fat pad on the neck blocks the blood flow to the brain! The blood does not reach the brain, headaches and serious disorders in the spine begin. Many people develop irritability and drowsiness. Memory weakens, performance decreases. There are jumps in blood pressure.
Widow’s hump: how to get rid of
Treatment can be successfully performed at home if there is no damage to the vertebrae. Here’s what to do:
- first, undergo a medical examination;
- special physical exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle;
- professional massage of the collar zone (10-15 sessions);
- self-massage of the problem area;
- proper nutrition: the use of low-fat foods, vegetables, fruits;
- balanced diet;
- weight control;
- drinking regime;
- change a soft feather bed to a hard mattress;
- the use of Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicators (agreement with a doctor);
- use proven folk recipes for softening the fat “pillow”;
- there is also the Darsonval procedure and laser liposuction.
Getting rid of the withers forever takes time and your patience. Successful treatment requires a system and strict discipline. If you get out of the way on the path to health, you will have to start all over again!
😉 Very positive video and unusual masseur
- Morning work-out.
- Regular swimming in the pool.
- Maintain correct posture without slouching.
- Working at the computer, do 5 minute physical exercises every hour.
- Movement: daily walks, running, walking, yoga, dancing.
That’s probably all that can help you. It all depends on you! Good luck!
In this video, additional and informative information: How to get rid of the withers on the neck
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