How to get rid of warts
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Few of us have ever encountered warts at least once in our lives. According to statistics, every tenth person has them. It is believed that these harmless formations on the skin are not dangerous, although their appearance is unlikely to cause a sense of aesthetic pleasure in someone.
But this is not important.
Human papillomavirus is one of the most common in the world. According to various sources, it is carried by 50 to 80% of the world’s population. If a person has strong immunity, then the virus may not manifest itself throughout life. But as soon as the immune system malfunctions under the influence of various factors, the virus begins to actively act. As a result,
How to keep yourself out of trouble
First, to strengthen the immune system. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, moderate exercise help mobilize the body’s defenses and help resist HPV.
The second factor is adherence to hygiene rules. It is recommended to wear personal slippers in the pool or sauna, not barefoot. It is necessary to choose a beauty salon where you do manicure and pedicure with special care. Do not use someone else’s underwear. Other people’s shoes are also a sure way of contracting HPV. However, its own, if it is close, is also fraught with danger, since it reduces local immunity. And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about washing your hands, especially after walking outside and using public transport.
There are various ways to get rid of warts – from conspiracies and spells to methods recognized by traditional medicine. One of the most effective and popular is cryotherapy, when overgrown skin is removed under the influence of cold. Previously, this method was used only in medical institutions. It is now available at home.
Not so long ago, a system appeared in our pharmacies
The system can be used even before showering. No scars, burns or wounds after application
Attention! There are contraindications, therefore, before use, you must read the instructions and consult a doctor.