How to get rid of ticks at their summer cottage
Ticks live not only in the forest belt, but also in backyard and garden areas. They are dangerous for people, since they are carriers of serious diseases, they can harm pets and plants. How to get rid of ticks at their summer cottage? What to do if a spider mite is wound up?
How to get rid of ticks at their summer cottage: simple rules
Ticks at their summer cottage: how to get rid of?
Ticks live most often in tall grass, low bushes, hibernate in fallen leaves, trees, old debris. To find them on the territory of a country house, it is enough to resort to a simple method. You need to take a white cloth, you can use a sheet or a waffle towel, fix it on a long stick and walk through the grass and bushes. If pests live on the site, then their individuals will be noticeable on the canvas. To protect the territory from ticks and get rid of them, you need to follow the following recommendations: take care of lawns, regularly mow the grass, monitor garden paths and resting places; get rid of old garbage, fallen leaves, dry branches in time; take appropriate measures when rodents appear – they are the main carriers of tick larvae, transmit various infections to pests. If these methods do not bring results, then you should turn to store products. Chemical treatment of the territory should be carried out twice a year, in late autumn and spring in dry, calm weather.
How to get rid of spider mites
Spider mite is a pest that attacks garden plants and vegetables. It is very difficult to notice it, reaching a length of 1-2 mm. He loves to multiply and parasitize on cucumbers in greenhouses, strawberries, tomatoes, ornamental plants. This insect sucks out the cell sap from the leaves, the culture withers and then dies. To get rid of a tick on cucumbers, it is worth considering the peculiarity of the pest: it quickly adapts to the chemical action of pesticides.
Individuals get used to the doses of drugs and do not react to them in any way.
The most effective acaricides in pest control are Akarin, Fitoverm and Apollo. These poisonous substances affect the parasites, their larvae and eggs. You also need to remove the areas of the plant affected by the tick, then burn them. A good way is to water the cucumbers abundantly so that the parasites are washed off the leaves.
Getting rid of pests is a difficult but feasible task. Only by coping with ticks on the site, you can protect yourself and loved ones from bites and infections.
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