How to get rid of the virus in the body

How to get rid of the virus in the body

Some viral infections can spend their entire lives inside us, without giving themselves away. decided to find out how dangerous they are and if there are ways to get rid of them.

How to get rid of the virus

Acute viral infection itself manifests itself with high fever, weakness, pain in muscles and joints … If it is not overcome in time, it flows into the chronic stage. Which is also dangerous, because then the infection will begin to undermine health day after day, seriously worsening its condition. But it happens that getting into us, the virus does not manifest itself at all. The most well-known microorganisms that can be in a latent (dormant) state for many years include the human papillomavirus (HPV) and representatives of the herpes family, including cytomegalovirus (CMV). These diseases are found in 70-90% of people, that is, in the majority!

We go out in search

If you have suffered a viral infection without even noticing it, a blood test will show the presence of antibodies (immunoglobulins) of the IgG class. But at the same time, microorganisms can be in a latent state, and in order to find out whether a person is sick at the moment, it is additionally carried out PCR diagnostics (polymer chain reaction). This method allows you to determine the amount of virus DNA in the blood and calculate the “viral load” accordingly. If this indicator is high, the disease is in full swing. If the PCR test is negative, everything is fine: the virus is not dangerous. This means that a person is not considered sick and is not contagious to others. But what is holding back viruses?

According to scientists, even dinosaurs that lived on Earth more than 300 million years ago suffered from the papilloma virus.

The most important condition is good immunity. Most often, the virus goes from a latent form to an active one when the body is weakened during pregnancy, illness, severe stress and psycho-emotional overload.

Exposure methods

It is impossible to get rid of herpes viruses or HPV. But while they are in a dormant state, there is no reason for concern: these microorganisms do not affect pregnancy and fetal development, are not transmitted through blood and other biological fluids, and do not harm their host. But if the virus wakes up, you need to urgently go to the doctor: the infection in the active phase is dangerous for the body. Antibiotics do not treat such diseases – only specially developed antiviral drugs. Additionally, a massive immunotherapyto raise the tone of the body to a level at which the virus cannot do harm.

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