This problem is familiar to everyone who is losing weight – at first, the body responds with joy to nutrition and training, gives up water and, even if not quite easily, part with fat. But when there is very little left before the final, the weight stops at one line. And all attempts to change the situation and lose 1-3 kilograms fail.
Drink water
Do you remember that you need to drink a lot of water, especially during grueling workouts? Water reduces appetite and increases metabolism, despite the fact that it has no calories. Water is essential for the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as for the good functioning of other organs and systems. Try to limit your fluid intake after 18.00 pm, otherwise you risk looking swollen in the morning.
Eat regularly
It seems to you that if you start eating less often, the last kilograms will go away faster. In fact, the body, in case of hunger or lack of substances, begins to store fat in case nothing is given tomorrow at all. Therefore, if you see that the weight has stopped, break down your diet as much as possible. Not the other way around.
Eat fiber
Fiber will force your body to spend even more energy and calories on food processing – increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes. You can buy ready-made fiber, just remember that with an increase in fiber intake, water intake should also increase.
Diversify your diet
Just change your menu, to which the body is accustomed, give it a food reset, experiment with the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This will give an impetus for a new round of weight loss. Add more fermented milk, eggs, fish, use superfoods – flaxseeds, chia seeds, change baking flour for oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, flaxseed.
Take away the meat
Reducing the use of meat products for a short time – this will save you calories, which means the weight will go away. It is enough to give up meat a couple of days a week – and you will notice the first results very soon.
Sleep more
When the body loses energy, it tries to take it from readily available fast carbohydrates. And what willpower can withstand the sweet when the eyes stick together? If sleep is interrupted at night, try to sleep during the day.
Change your workouts
It doesn’t matter whether the training style or the type of load, or the exercises and approaches – the muscles are used to your sport and need a shake-up. If your loads are strength – add cardio and vice versa. Add activities like walking, skating or rollerblading. Cycling or swimming.