How to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the washing machine

When clean linen instead of freshness begins to smell like God knows what, it’s time to take care of the “health” of the car.

Perfect powder, a conditioner with a wonderful aroma, a carefully selected washing mode – it would seem that everything is done to enjoy the aroma of freshly washed laundry at the exit. But, oddly enough, despite all these tricks, linen can smell musty, moldy and other unpleasant things. Why does this happen? Because an unpleasant smell settled in the typewriter. We’ll have to deal with its reasons.

First, let’s figure out if you are using the machine correctly. Among the most common mistakes are:

  • Closed hatch

After washing, the hatch must not be slammed; you must leave the machine open for several hours so that the moisture from the drum completely evaporates.

  • Dirty cuff

Few people wipe the rubber cuff – the seal between the door and the drum. But in vain! After all, water, fibers and excess debris remain in its folds. This can lead to mold, which will require replacement of the part.

  • Storing dirty items in the drum

If you immediately put dirty things in the drum after washing, you create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. After all, the machine has not yet had time to dry! It is best to store these clothes in a special laundry basket. First, it will be hygienic. Secondly, it will not take up much space. Thirdly, it will add coziness and order to the interior.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the washing machine

  • Poor quality detergent

Do not go for cheap powder or air conditioner, otherwise you can ruin the car. The fact is that a poor-quality product settles on the walls of the insides of the equipment and is not washed off. Because of this, a rotten smell appears over time.

  • Excess powder

Many people think that the more powder you put in, the cleaner your laundry will be. This is the biggest mistake! Surplus funds remain on the walls of the parts. The same story may repeat itself as with a low-quality detergent.

  • Dirty tray

It must be remembered that the funds leave a film on the walls of the tray. Due to the fact that it is rarely ventilated, mold forms over time. To prevent this from happening, you need to rinse the tray with warm water at least once a month.

  • Dirt in the powder feed duct

An unpleasant odor may occur due to contamination in the powder duct. Take out the tray and shine a flashlight. If you see mold, take a brush and clean it gently.

  • Clogged drain filter

The filter must be cleaned every six months. After all, after washing, fibers, hair and small objects remain in it.

  • Water in the car

If some water remains in the drum after washing, it will begin to fade over time. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist to check the connection of the washing machine to the house communications.

  • Old drain hose 

With prolonged use of the hose, mold forms on its walls, which can rot. Try skipping a wash cycle with no laundry at the maximum water temperature. If the smell still remains, then the hose must be replaced.

  • Plaque on heating element (tubular electric heater)

A mixture of small debris, together with residual detergent, can settle on the heating element. To avoid trouble, you need to add a special descaler. You can also use citric acid (100-200 g), chlorine-containing bleach (0,5 l. In the boil mode), dishwasher tablets (in the middle of washing, you must stop the machine for 2 hours) or 9% table vinegar (half a glass on “boiling”) at high temperature.

  • Sewerage problem

If the machine is fully functional, then there is a problem with the house communications. The washer may allow the smell of pipes to pass through. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent blockages at an early stage.

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