How to get rid of the toughest weeds
Cow parsnip, wheatgrass, whitewash, woodlice, sow thistle are the “hot five” of the most tenacious weeds. Our advice is how to get rid of them at their summer cottage.
A giant weed that can grow up to 3-4 meters! Suppresses all plants within a meter zone from the stem. But this is not so bad. The cow parsnip is dangerous to human health – the hairs covering its trunk secrete poisonous juice. This juice, when it gets on the skin, causes severe, poorly healing burns.
Methods of struggle
Mechanical: The most effective way is to dig up the plant along with the roots and burn it before the seeds appear. Please note – all stages of this “operation” must be carried out in clothing that completely covers the body, glasses and gloves!
Folk: Experienced gardeners recommend this method: cut the stalk of the cow parsnip low and pour vinegar essence (not vinegar!) Inside its base-pipe, or add ordinary table salt, a couple of tablespoons. It is important to be in time with the procedure before the seeds ripen.
Chemical: Simply spraying with chemicals for hogweed is an empty phrase, unless some of the leaves dry out.
But the weed is guaranteed to be destroyed by the injection of the herbicide. Prepare a roundup solution (10 ml per plant), draw it into a syringe and inject it into the base of the stem. The plant will completely die in 10 – 14 days.
A giant weed that can grow up to 3-4 meters! Suppresses all plants within a meter zone from the stem. But this is not so bad. The cow parsnip is dangerous to human health – the hairs covering its trunk secrete poisonous juice. This juice, when it gets on the skin, causes severe, poorly healing burns.
Methods of struggle
Mechanical: The most effective way is to dig up the plant along with the roots and burn it before the seeds appear. Please note – all stages of this “operation” must be carried out in clothing that completely covers the body, glasses and gloves!
Folk: Experienced gardeners recommend this method: cut the stalk of the cow parsnip low and pour vinegar essence (not vinegar!) Inside its base-pipe, or add ordinary table salt, a couple of tablespoons. It is important to be in time with the procedure before the seeds ripen.
Chemical: Simply spraying with chemicals for hogweed is an empty phrase, unless some of the leaves dry out.
But the weed is guaranteed to be destroyed by the injection of the herbicide. Prepare a roundup solution (10 ml per plant), draw it into a syringe and inject it into the base of the stem. The plant will completely die in 10 – 14 days.
A real disaster for the garden. With the help of long tenacious roots, it quickly multiplies and assimilates more and more new areas. Weeding is useless – the plant penetrates a 40 cm layer of soil with its roots! And sprouts from the smallest piece of root.
Methods of struggle
Mechanical: Complete digging of a thick layer of soil, each root must be selected. The spread of dreaming can be restrained by digging a plastic garden tape into the ground to a depth of at least 20 cm. And so that the plant does not multiply by self-sowing, you need to mow the grass and cut off the flower stalks.
Folk: It is recommended to cover heavily infected areas with black film, cardboard or agroperlite until the spring of next year. Without sunlight, most plants will die. The second way is to plant potatoes, it cannot stand hilling.
Chemical: Roundup, killer, tornado drugs are recommended against sleepiness. Only the tenacious weed will have to be processed several times per season. It is better to carry out a “chemical attack” on a clear, windless day. Beware of getting drugs on leaves and shoots of ornamental and edible plants.
Weed is an indicator, it shows that the soil on your site is too acidic, and there is not enough sun on the site. Due to the vitality of the weed, it is necessary to fight it all summer, woodlice constantly blooms and is able to change several generations per season.
Methods of struggle
Mechanical: It is very difficult to weed out this intruder. Even a small leaf or a piece of stem that remains in the ground can very quickly give a new plant. The delicate stem breaks during weeding and takes root even better, and after a few weeks new shoots appear. Cut the weed with a hoe or flat cutter as soon as you notice. The main thing is not to allow flowering!
Folk: The easiest way is to create unbearable conditions for the weed: in the fall, when digging, add lime or chalk, ash to the soil. Ash can be applied at any time. This method will significantly reduce acidity, and wood lice will leave the site by themselves.
Chemical: Easily and completely destroys roundup wood lice. When using the chemical, follow the directions exactly and follow the safe dosage and handling rules. Please note – “chemistry” can not be used in the beds and in the orchard, unless digging in the fall.
An incredibly stubborn plant that survives in all conditions. And the reason for this is the roots, which penetrate to a depth of 1 m. One plant is capable of producing 10 seeds, which germinate in two weeks. Wheatgrass lures harmful insects into the garden – wireworm, Hessian fly and stemworm.
Methods of struggle
Mechanical: The best way to kill weeds is to dig the area with a pitchfork to a very great depth (up to 30 cm) and carefully pick the roots with your hands. Even a small outgrowth can clog an entire garden. Move the weeded plants out of the territory and burn them.
Folk: Lawn grass suppresses wheatgrass very well. Heavily infested areas are recommended to be taken under the lawn or simply sowed with clover. Mulching can also help – sawdust, straw, agroperlite (leaving cruciform slots for useful crops).
Chemical: In clear weather we spray the weeds with Roundup. When the plants turn yellow (after 7 – 10 days), dig up the soil and remove the roots. On a lawn where there are few weeds, the preparation can be applied with a brush. Beware of getting “chemistry” on the leaves and shoots of cultivated plants.
How to apply chemicals: expert commentary
Agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences, Alexander Kalinin:
- All herbicides (chemicals for weed control) must be applied very carefully, it is better to carry out a “chemical attack” on a sunny, calm day.
- First, cover the cultivated plants with foil or special shields so that no chemical gets on them. Be sure to take children and animals away from the cultivated area. Wear protective clothing, gloves and boots, and do not neglect a respirator or gauze bandage. In flower beds, chemicals are applied pointwise with an applicator or brush directly to the leaves of the weeds.
- Some inexperienced summer residents expect an instant result from the treatment, repeating the spraying over and over again. In fact, you have to wait about two weeks. The herbicide is absorbed by the plant, accumulates in the roots, and only after that the green “freeloader” dies.
- When killing weeds around fruit trees and shrubs, do not forget to cover the crown of undersized plants (large trees will not be affected).
- Usually, you can go to the treated area only after 4 days, when the chemical becomes safe for people and animals. The drug itself decomposes in the soil within a month.
- Remember that some drugs kill all plants in a row (glyphosate, hurricane forte, roundup). They are best used to prepare a large area for sowing, say, a lawn. Always read the directions while observing the dosage.