How to get rid of the tire? Advice of women who have lost several dozen kilograms

Losing weight is not an easy process. The rules are simple: change your diet, be more active, drink plenty of water, but it requires a lot of sacrifice and discipline. It’s especially hard to get rid of belly fat. However, many people do. Here is a handful of tips from women who managed to lose several dozen kilos. Which elements did they consider the most important?

  1. Abdominal obesity, also known as the meninges, is the bane of many people
  2. It is dangerous to our health because it increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer
  3. How to get rid of the tire? There are many ways, as the examples below show
  4. The EatThis website collected advice from women who lost several dozen kilograms. Record holders dropped even more than 50!
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Plan and customize

Tuesday Gray lost 35 kg (78 lb). And still losing weight. The key to success in her case is planning meals in advance and shopping according to that plan.

«Always have a plan. From the very beginning of my weight loss adventure, I sit down every Sunday and plan all my meals for the next week, along with my shopping list. Then I also pre-prepare these meals. If we spend the evening away from home, I check the menu before going out and also plan a specific meal. I am not afraid to bring my own products to the restaurant »says Gray, quoted by

«I supply the refrigerator and the pantry with food that I know will fuel my body. I also try to keep myself from getting too hungry, but I’m a busy mom and sometimes I don’t listen to my hunger cues and I’m starving before I know it. Then I have things on hand that I know are in my plan. It helps me not to overeat»- he adds.

Tuesday has also learned to change recipes to suit the ingredients she likes and fits into her weekly schedule. “I replace the special pizza dough with my own two-ingredient dough (self-rising flour, that is with the addition of raising agents half and half with Greek light yogurt), whole wheat bread instead of white or chickpea pasta instead of classic” – he advises.

Give up fast food

Laura Guzman lost 58 kg (130 lb). Je council is in no way revolutionary. She just implemented what nutritionists and weight loss guides say.

«Give up fast food, fried foods and alcohol. Proper nutrition is key. You have to choose the right diet. And drink a minimum of a gallon (3,8 liters) of water a day, ”he says. He has one more piece of advice. «Watch out for sauces and dressings. They contain more calories and fats than you might think. Choose those without sugar »- he warns.

Laura reminds you of one more thing. “Exercise at least four times a week, including cardio and core workouts,” he writes.

Replace processed foods with wholesome foods

Connie Chan lost 45 kg (100 lb). What’s his advice?

“My main tip is to replace processed carbohydrates or high-sugar foods with more wholesome protein-enriched foods,” she says.

“They have more nutrients, less sugar, fat and calories, and still satisfy my sweet tooth,” admits Connie.

Use a caloric deficit

Jasmine May lost 24 kg (53 lb). What has contributed to this change?

«My best advice about losing a tire is a constant caloric deficit. You don’t even need to exercise if you don’t like it. But being constantly deficient in calories will make you lose belly fat, ”admits Jasmine.

Don’t be afraid of fruit

Jennifer Douglas lost 62 kg (137 lb). What advises?

«My number one tip is not to be afraid of fruit! For years I avoided them because they were programmed in my brain to be harmful because of their sugar and carbohydrate content. And these are the sweets of our nature, and they are delicious! Don’t be afraid of them, enjoy them at least twice a day!” — appeals Jennifer.

Are you looking for a way to improve your metabolism? Berberine can be a support. You can find the supplement with it in Medonet Market.

Eat your vegetables

Chloe Campos lost 45 kg (100 lb). Vegetables helped her lose weight.

«Eat your vegetables. At mealtimes, I eat my vegetables first. Thanks to the large amount of nutrients contained in vegetables or salad mixes, which I add to all meals, I feel full faster and more satisfied »- says

«Because it’s easier to eat a packet of cheese puffs, but five portions of broccoli are not that much» – Chloe Campos.

Give up carbonated drinks

Christina Spencer lost 43 kg (95 lb). In her case, the key was to give up soda.

«How to effectively get rid of the tire? Goodbye to carbonated drinks. I realized that after drinking them my stomach was inflating terribly. Besides, he was sometimes overloaded with sugar. Now I mostly drink water, tea and still drinks »reveals Christina.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the diet. Do you have to stick to it 100% to stay healthy and feel good? Do you really have to start every day with breakfast? What is it like with sipping meals and eating fruit? Listen:

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