How to get rid of the smell of wool at home
Animal hair has a rather unpleasant specific odor. If you prefer to buy woolen clothes or a cute fluffy lives in your house, be prepared for the fact that with a high degree of probability you will also encounter this problem. What to do in this case? How to get rid of the smell of wool? In this article you will find the most detailed answers to these questions.
How to get rid of the smell of wool?
How to get rid of the smell of sheep’s wool?
Sheep wool blankets are very popular. They are warm, light, do not cause allergies, and have antibacterial properties. However, such products have one significant drawback: the smell of sheep’s wool is very sharp and unpleasant, it is rather difficult to get rid of it.
After purchase, the product must be washed in warm water and fragrant soap. Take the blanket out into the sun and dry thoroughly. If that doesn’t work, put some coffee beans in a cloth bag and wrap in sheepskin. After a few days, the smell will be almost imperceptible.
Eliminate the smell of pet hair in the apartment
To keep your pets as little trouble and trouble as possible, try to take proper care of them. The unpleasant smell will disappear if you adhere to the following rules:
regularly thoroughly clean the area where the animal is often. Consider the fact that wool can accumulate not only in carpets, but also on furniture, clothes, in the farthest corners of the room;
use baking soda to eliminate dog odor in the apartment. Thoroughly sprinkle all carpets and rugs with this product, then vacuum the surfaces well;
wet cleaning of carpets should be performed with an antibacterial agent at least once every three to four weeks;
clean the litter box as often as possible, use a scented litter that eliminates the unpleasant odor;
hide all clothes in a closet with tightly closing doors;
You can also use aroma lamps to remove the smell of wool from your home.
Everyone decides for himself whether to buy things made from natural wool or have a pet. Weigh the pros and cons in advance, be sure to keep in mind that you will have to regularly deal with the unpleasant smell of wool. Although the use of modern household chemicals and improvised tools make this process not as difficult and tedious as it might seem at first glance.