Eliminating odors in the country toilet is an urgent problem, especially in the summer. If you have such a problem, you need to check the ventilation pipe – it may be clogged. If ventilation was not done during construction, it must be done. It will take a little time and money, and there will be no intense smell in the room.
We do ventilation – natural and forced
Natural ventilation occurs due to the movement of air heated to different temperatures. In the toilet, for this, a window is made above the door, and holes in the side walls. It is advisable not to glass the window above the door, otherwise it will not fulfill its functions. To have fewer insects, it can be tightened with a net.
Side ventilation holes are made at the bottom. You can tighten it with the same mesh or install decorative grilles. The presence of holes at different levels ensures good air movement, which minimizes odor.
Exhaust ventilation is also necessary – a pipe from a cesspool or a box that has a waste container. The easiest way is to make it from a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. Its height should be 50-70 cm above the roof of the toilet. You will also need a 90 ° corner and an umbrella on top (or a deflector, if you find the right one) – so that foliage does not fly in.
In the wall of the toilet, make a hole equal to the outer diameter of the pipe. Insert a short piece of pipe, mount a corner to it. All this can be fixed to the wall with clamps.
If you install a fan in the pipe, we get forced ventilation. If there is no fan – it will be natural – the movement of air will provide a temperature difference and wind.
Methods of struggle
Unfortunately, the presence of ventilation is not a guarantee that there will be no smell. Its appearance is the result of even minor mistakes in the construction of the cesspool, as well as not the most successful location. Therefore, you have to deal with an unpleasant toilet smell and other methods.
store preparations
The industry produces special preparations to eliminate odors. They are available in liquid or bulk form, there are in the form of tablets. Bacteria are “packed” in these preparations, which process feces into completely harmless products – water and some kind of sediment. The result of processing almost does not smell of anything, and even more often it can be used as a fertilizer.
There are three types of drugs:
- with anaerobic bacteria. They are insensitive to the presence of oxygen. Can be used in hermetically sealed containers. Their disadvantage is the release of hydrogen sulfide during processing, which means the presence of a characteristic odor. Also, these bacteria recycle approximately 7% of waste.
- Aerobic bacteria. They need oxygen to survive. They are used to process waste in cesspools. As a result of processing, silt settles at the bottom, which can be used as fertilizer, and water. Water can be used for technical purposes.
- Bioactivators. It is a mixture of two types of bacteria, supplemented with enzymes to speed up the processing process. This type of cleaner even copes with the processing of household chemicals.
Here are some remedies for the smell in the toilet in the country:
- Doctor Robik. The drug contains six different types of microorganisms that cope not only with biological waste, but also with household chemicals. The drug is diluted in water and poured into a cesspool or septic tank. In this case, the filling level decreases, and after a while the smell disappears.
Remedy for the smell in the toilet at the cottage “Doctor Robik” - DEVON-N. The liquid is diluted in water (60 g per 1 liter) and the surface is irrigated (from a watering can). With increasing temperature or waste storage time, the dosage increases. Also available as a dry mix. Diluted in water before use.
Means for eliminating the smell in the country toilet Devon-N - Micropan. There are preparations for toilets of different types: “Cesspool”, “Toilet-bucket” and “Biotoilet”. The Domovo series is suitable for septic tanks and sewers.
- Atmosbio. This is a bioactivator. Suitable for all types of toilets. There is only one limitation – water is needed for processing. Therefore, the liquid level must be controlled, if necessary, adding water.
- MICROZYME™ SEPTI TREAT. For a pit (septic tank) with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters, 2-5 kilograms of the drug will last for several years. During the first treatment, 200-250 gr. drug for each cube of waste. The next treatment will be needed in a couple of months. Added 100-500 gr. depending on temperature.
Toilet odor neutralizers
There are still a lot of drugs: in different forms (liquid, powder, tablets) and from different manufacturers. They are selected according to the composition of the prevailing waste. Basically, the recycling is efficient, there is no smell at all in the toilet, sometimes even a fragrance (BIOTAL) is present. The only drawback of this method of getting rid of toilet smell is the rather high price of drugs. And also the fact that bacteria are active only at positive temperatures.
Folk methods
Neutralizing the smell in the toilet in the country is possible without purchased drugs. There are at least two biological methods:
- Periodically add tomato tops to the cesspool.
- Once every 7-10 days, throw a bunch of nettles into the sewage.
Both of these plants, when decomposed, release substances that kill the bacteria that cause the “toilet” smell. The tops of a tomato (you can throw stepsons) at the same time also kills fly larvae, and also repels adult insects. So we get a double action – we eliminate the smell in the country toilet, and we get rid of the flies.

Dry toilets
A cesspool device is far from the best solution when building a toilet. Today, there are other ways to dispose of waste that, when used correctly, do not emit any odor at all. If you want to have an odorless country toilet, put a compost or peat toilet, which is also called a powder closet.
The essence of such a toilet is that after each visit, all waste is covered (powdered) with peat, sawdust, or a mixture of them. Small particles block contact with air, there is almost no smell. In the case of a cesspool, peat also works, but the volumes there are large and it is impossible to completely block access. Although with the regular addition of peat, the method works well.