How to get rid of the second chin in adults at home
If you are embarrassed to be photographed because of a double chin, you need to think about how to tighten the muscles of the face and neck. There are many ways to reduce the double chin and even get rid of it.

The main reason for the appearance of a double chin is often related to our genetic characteristics. If someone in your family has a double chin, you are more likely to discover it over time as well.

With age, our skin loses elasticity, sags, fat accumulates under it, which causes the appearance of a second chin. Features of the structure of the bones or the anatomy of the face can lead to the same problem. Or a combination of both.

You can, of course, spend money on complex procedures like lipolysis and ultrasonic RF facials, but there are several natural ways to reduce a double chin.


Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are the best tips for getting rid of belly fat. If you are overweight, try to reduce your calorie intake by cutting down on fatty and sugary foods – choose healthy foods that are high in protein and vegetables. Foods containing healthy fats such as fish (salmon and mackerel), nuts (almonds and walnuts), seeds and avocados promote collagen production and give the skin a youthful glow.

Physical activity

Exercise also increases your body’s calorie intake, which helps you lose weight and, as a result, get rid of a double chin. Walking, jogging, dancing or swimming will certainly help you.

What’s more, diet and exercise will benefit your entire body, not just your chin.


Skin care experts offer several exercises and yoga techniques to tone the neck muscles, tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. The goal of regular exercise is to relax the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté.

Here are 5 exercises that will help get rid of the double chin. Try to be as consistent as possible and do each of these facial exercises in the morning and evening to see results.

  • Muscle stretching. Place your fingertips on your collarbone. Lift your chin up and press down with your fingers to feel the stretch in your neck muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Fist exercise. Make a fist with one hand and rest your chin on your fist. Slowly open and close your mouth, pressing with your fist to create resistance in the jaw so that the neck muscles work against it. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Language exercise. Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue with force to feel the jaw muscles work. Hold your tongue out for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • Ball exercise. Place a tennis ball under your chin. Lower your chin, pressing it against the ball. Do 25-30 repetitions daily.
  • Chewing gum exercises. As strange as it sounds, chewing gum can be one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of excess chin fat. When you chew gum, you repeat the exercises for the muscles of the face and chin and remove excess fat. This exercise also lifts the chin and strengthens the jaw muscles.

Lymphatic drainage massage

If you can’t do weekly facials and prefer not to spend money on expensive treatments, at-home lymphatic drainage massage is an easy way to reduce facial puffiness and double chin.

In addition, facial massage is a great way to relieve tension in the jaw. It tones and tightens the muscles, promotes lymph drainage, making the skin look firmer and the double chin less pronounced.

Lymphatic drainage massage in circular motions is aimed at improving blood circulation, removing toxins and reducing fluid retention on the face. We have many lymph nodes along the jaw line, so by massaging from the chin up to the ear, you are helping the lymphatic drainage process. When we massage our face, we increase blood flow to the area we are working on, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the skin, and promotes collagen production.

Lift your head up and starting from the center at the base of your neck, apply the cream in quick upward strokes to the center of your chin. Then move to the right side of the neck using the same technique moving towards the jawline.

Then place the knuckle of your index finger under the jaw line and the knuckle of your middle finger above the jaw line so that your two fingers form a V (you should pinch the skin between the knuckles). Run your knuckles with decent pressure from the base of your chin up to your earlobes, then across the base of your neck. Do this 5 times on each side.

Lymphatic drainage massage should be done 3 times a week.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about the second chin plastic surgeon Valery Izrailov.

Why does the second chin appear?

The second chin is an aesthetic defect that equally often worries not only women, but also men.

Reasons for the formation of a second chin:

• malocclusion;

• features of the anatomical structure;

• genetic factor;

• excess weight, obesity;

• dramatic weight loss;

• hormonal disorders;

• age-related changes.

Is it possible to really get rid of the second chin at home?

In addition to the above voiced at home, you can use other exercises:

• stick out your tongue with all your strength – try to get it to the tip of your nose until you feel a strong tension;

• lightly pat your chin with the back of your hand;

• open your mouth so that you feel a strong tension under the jaw, repeat several times;

• stretch and inflate the lips with a tube and then move the lips to the right and left;

• raise your chin more often;

• turn your neck.

What procedures can be done in the clinic?

It is possible to eliminate the double chin with threads and other hardware procedures designed to stimulate intracellular renewal processes that accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helping to restore the natural density and elasticity of the skin.

How to radically solve the problem?

In the most difficult cases, surgical interventions can be used:

• liposuction;

• neck plastic surgery (SMAS).

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