How to get rid of the belly? Ways to drop your belly

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How to get rid of the belly? This question is asked more and more often by men who, being middle-aged, struggle with the problem of the so-called “Beer belly” or suffer from abdominal obesity. Subcutaneous fat, accumulated in the abdominal cavity, is not only a health problem, but more and more often an aesthetic problem, more often motivating to lose.

We talk about the problem of abdominal obesity when the circumference of the abdomen in women exceeds 88 cm and in men it exceeds 102 cm. The greatest enemy of a healthy and aesthetic figure is white sugar, the everyday sugar added to coffee or tea with spoons, and the sugar found in cakes, desserts and sweets. Sugar hidden in carbonated drinks is the most harmful, because it is liquid and our brain does not register it, you can drink large amounts of these liquid calories that the brain cannot see, otherwise the brain will perceive these calories from solids. Excessive consumption of sweetened carbonated drinks leads to fatty liver disease, which in turn causes problems with insulin resistance. If you suffer from abdominal obesity, you have to fight sugar for the first time, limiting it to complete stagnation.

How to get rid of a beer belly?

Alcoholic beverages, including beer, especially colored and flavored beer, are a source of unnecessary sugar. The most effective effects of shedding the “abdominal wall” are given by regular strength exercises and, for example:

  1. running,
  2. cycling, it can be a home bike,
  3. swimming,
  4. skipping on a skipping rope,
  5. squash,
  6. tennis.

All the above-mentioned types of physical activity have in common that the trainings involve the whole body, accelerate the heart rate and oxygenate the body. Regularity and timing are key, exercise should last at least 30 minutes. In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles and give them a better look, it is worth exercising the so-called “crunches”. It may be a consolation to know that belly fat is usually easy to shed. However, the whole body must be engaged in movement.

How to get rid of a belly after 50?

A certain amount of adipose tissue is needed to stimulate the immune system, protect against heat loss, and deeply hidden visceral fat protects internal organs from injury. However, excess fat is disadvantageous and contributes to the development of many diseases, e.g. hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia. Excessive adipose tissue increases the risk of cancer development. After the age of 50, the human body needs the right approach. The older someone is, the harder it is to lose weight. Diet should go hand in hand with physical activity. The most important thing is eating balanced meals and practicing sports, completely giving up fast food, refined sugar, sweets, cakes and white bread. It is also recommended to limit dairy products and legumes because they cause gas. The diet should be easily digestible, rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, the body requires regular rest and sleep, which reduces the negative effects of stress. Under the influence of stress, our body produces cortisol, the so-called a stress hormone that stimulates fat to accumulate in the abdominal regions.

How to get rid of a stomach in a man?

Male abdominal obesity is a very common problem. It is caused by a decrease in blood testosterone levels and other factors, improper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and drinking alcohol. The fat around the belly doesn’t look nice. The waist circumference of men should be 90 cm, a circumference within 94-104 is a warning. In addition, blood pressure measurement is also important, if it exceeds 140/90 mm Hg, diagnostics for arterial hypertension must be started. A man who wants to shed excess belly fat should start by paying more attention after meals. The number of calories for a healthy man is 2200, for an obese man, this amount should be limited to 1200-1400 calories a day.

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