How to get rid of sweating
Hyperhidrosis is a delicate problem that spoils mood and clothing. Why there is excessive sweating and how to treat the disease, helped to find out in the center of medical cosmetology “Petrovka-Beauty”.
How to get rid of sweating
If in the morning you put on a clean blouse, and after an hour you can squeeze it out, if you sweat, even when you sit still in the shade, and wet palms force you to refuse to shake hands, you may have hyperhidrosis. First of all, you should consult a doctor:
1. Endocrinologist… Often, increased sweating occurs due to a malfunction of the endocrine glands. If, in addition to sweating, there are complaints of increased thirst and bouts of night hunger, it is worth donating blood for sugar: perhaps it is diabetes.
2. Cardiologist… If, in addition to sweating, there is nausea and sharp pains in the heart area, it is imperative to conduct an examination, in particular, to remove a cardiogram.
3. Dermatologist… Inflammation of the sweat glands may have begun.
4. Neuropathologist… When, in addition to sweating, the patient complains of changes in blood pressure, lack of appetite, tightness in the chest, perhaps this is a sign of vascular dystonia.
5. Gynecologist… Hot flashes, when a woman is thrown into the heat, then into the cold, almost always accompany menopause. Hormone replacement therapy helps to get rid of them.
If your health is in order, it means that excessive sweating has arisen as a result of stress, heat, physical exertion, and so on. How to solve this problem?
Water should be drunk at the rate of: 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
Drink water that is warm or cold (not ice cold) to replenish the liquid you lost in sweat.
Be careful with alcohol, as it stimulates blood flow to the skin.
Avoid coffee, strong tea and cola. The caffeine contained in them increases the contractions of the heart, forcing it to work as if overheated.
Lose excess weight. A fat person sweats more, any physical activity in the heat becomes unbearable for him – the heart cannot cope with blood circulation.
Try to be calm. Even the smallest experience sweats. If it is difficult to cope with stress, take anti-anxiety drugs, do auto-training or breathing exercises.
Use antiperspirant deodorants not only under your armpits, but also on your back, hands and feet. Most importantly, apply the products to clean, dry skin, and do not use them daily.
These measures will help reduce sweating, but will not solve the problem. Really get rid of hyperhidrosis will help … Botox!
How the stars get rid of sweat
R’n’B diva Beyonce has to sweat a lot, but this is imperceptible.
The hot Los Angeles sun, spotlights, excitement during the Oscars, nothing seems to affect celebrities. Their outfits are in perfect condition all day and no wet armpits. Don’t the stars sweat?
In fact, a few days before the celebration, they visit dermatologists for an injection of butoloxin, which we know as botox.
Botox against sweat
Botulism toxin injections are not harmful to health. The medicine only blocks the release of a substance – acetylcholine, which transmits commands from the nerve to the sweat gland. Due to this, only the areas of the body affected by hyperhidrosis are “dried out”.
In the center of medical cosmetology “Petrovka-Beauty”, before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo an examination in order to exclude serious causes of sweating. After that, a test is carried out for the degree of sweating. For this, the test “Minor’s test” is used: an iodine solution is applied to the dry skin of the armpits, and after it dries, starch powder is sprayed.
As a result, the protruding sweat turns purple, allowing you to determine the boundaries of increased sweating and its intensity:
• Sweat spots up to 10 cm in area indicate a mild degree of hyperhidrosis;
• From 10 to 20 cm – about moderate;
• More than 20 cm – about severe hyperhidrosis.
Center for Medical Cosmetology “Petrovka-Beauty”.
How is the treatment?
With a very thin needle, quickly and practically painlessly, a preparation containing botulinum toxin type A is injected into the problem area. The whole procedure takes no more than an hour, but after that hyperhidrosis and the smell of sweat will not bother you for the next 6–8 months.
We can say that Botox fights hyperhidrosis even more effectively than wrinkles. The fact is that the function of the sweat glands is restored much more slowly than the mobility of the muscles, so the injection of Botox into the armpits completely blocks the work of the sweat glands already for 1–4 days.
This technique is versatile and helps even in cases such as sweating of the face or sweating of the head.
How much is it?
As a specialized center for working with botox, “Petrovka-Beauty” offers very favorable prices for this procedure. For an injection, you need about 80-100 units of the drug (1 bottle).
Center address: Moscow, st. Petrovka house 19, building 5. Phone: (495) 775-79-43.