How to get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks – these unsightly, white, brindle changes in the structure of the skin are a source of complexes and shame for many people. There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks – they take time, but bring visible results.

Stretch marks they arise as a result of stretching of the skin due to rapid weight gain, changes in the shape of the figure during adolescence, hormonal changes during a developing pregnancy or as a result of building muscle mass. Stretch marks they can appear on the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms.

The skin, tightly stretched due to changes in the body shape, cannot keep up with the production of the right amount of collagen fibers and becomes weakened, resulting in the appearance of stretch marksinitially looking like cracks in the skin. Despite the fact that collagen fibers are very durable, and according to studies, a force equal to 1 kilograms is needed to break one collagen fiber with a diameter of 10 mm, weakening of collagen fibers may occur in both teenagers and much older people. During pregnancy, the woman’s body increases the level of cortisol, called the stress hormone, which disrupts the work of fibroblasts – connective tissue cells and weakens collagen fibers, then on the skin, stretched by the developing fetus, appear stretch marks.

Collagen fibers can be strengthened with the help of appropriate dietary supplements. Hanoju offers a high-quality supplement with collagen and hyaluronic acid that helps to prevent stretch marks. You can buy the dietary supplement for smooth skin at

The formation of stretch marks by increasing the elasticity of the skin can also be counteracted by calendula and verbena. Order Oleiq calendula hydrolate and Oleiq verbena hydrolate today at an attractive price. Firming body lotion with the body 3 complex formula Zielone Laboratorium perfectly brightens the skin thanks to the lemon extract, and the body 3 complex formula prevents the formation of stretch marks and cellulite. On the other hand, the Lanimes stretch mark cream cares for the skin with stretch marks.

Stretch marks initially they look like branchy red cracks. They itch and sting and the skin feels tight.

Fight against stretch marks it is worth starting at the stage of daily skin care, preventing changes by proper moisturizing and elasticizing the tissue. Nourished, soft skin is more prone to stretching, reducing the effects of the rapid development of muscle mass or belly volume in pregnancy. Greasing, moisturizing and massaging the skin, preferably using special sponges and massagers with protrusions, improves blood and lymph circulation in the skin, making it elastic and healthy. Proper care also helps to remove cellulite and prevent its formation. We recommend the iodine-bromine thermal brine for the Zabłocka bath, which has a very positive effect on the skin, reducing the visibility of stretch marks, cellulite as well as acne or psoriasis lesions.

It is worth introducing simple skin care treatments to your daily habits: a few minutes a day devoted to skin care is an investment for years. Try a bath with the addition of Zabłocka algae-thermal salt for bathing and peeling with relaxing, firming and regenerating properties.

Adequate diet and control of hormone levels in the body are also of great importance in the prevention of formation stretch marks. A zinc-rich diet helps maintain a healthier and more supple skin. Zinc is contained in, among others, pumpkin seeds, nuts, meat and offal, buckwheat, peas and cheese.

For stretch marks, try also the snail slime gel, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin, as well as Anka Dziedzic stretch mark cream with routine and wild bean extract.

Removal of stretch marks in a beauty salon

Na stretch marks specially formulated can help zabiegi kosmetyczne. They do not remove stretch marks completely, but they can visibly reduce it and make it shallower.

One of the treatments used to minimize stretch marks is a chemical peel, which consists in applying to the affected skin a mixture of acetic acid – for example, glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid and retinol. The acids are supposed to exfoliate dead epidermis and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in the skin.

Another leveling treatment stretch marks is mesotherapy, which involves injecting the skin with special substances to stimulate skin renewal.

Na stretch marks microdermabrasion is also used, i.e. a procedure that exfoliates the skin with a special device equipped with diamond particles, which rubs off dead epidermis in a virtually painless way.

Stretch marks can also be reduced with a fractional laser treatment. This quite painful procedure consists in making microscopic holes in the skin with a laser, which during the healing process are covered with new epidermis and thus reduce the visibility stretch marks.

Na stretch marks suitable, specially formulated creams and ointments containing natural acids, oils and extracts, for example of mother of pearl, can be used.

In the fight against stretch marks, the following are also used:

  1. carboxytherapy;
  2. microneedle radiofrequency, i.e. a special treatment with radio waves.

Home remedies for stretch marks

In addition to expensive creams and treatments for hundreds of zlotys, it is possible to perform simple leveling treatments at home stretch marks.

Olive oil in combination with lemon juice and vitamin E from the capsule is a great base for peeling. Add this mixture to coffee grounds or white sugar and massage the peeling into the affected areas stretch marks. We leave it for about half an hour, then wash it in the shower, massaging the body with a special glove, preferably jute or sisal. After peeling, lubricate the skin: preferably with coconut oil or natural shea butter. We can try the Sylveco moisturizing stretch mark balm, which contains betulin and licorice extract.

Lemon juice is worth rubbing into the skin with stretch marks also on a daily basis: its lightening properties will help to reduce the visibility of skin lesions. Skin with stretch marks you can rub with aloe vera gel or fresh aloe leaves, as well as raw potatoes. Potato juice stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis. Supportive in removing stretch marks baths in natural sea salt work well.

  1. At Medonet Market you can buy Strialys stretch mark cream, which strengthens and firms the skin and stimulates it to regenerate. Stretch marks are also positively influenced by massages, e.g. with the use of Optima Natura Natural Grape Seed Oil.

Stretch marks they can be the source of complexes, but we will never completely remove them. So let’s do everything we can to improve the condition of the skin, but the presence stretch marks you must accept and love your body as it is, with all the scars making up our history.

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