Split strands are one of the most common problems faced by owners of medium and long hairstyles. This painful condition makes the hair look unkempt, and also leads to weakening, thinning and hair loss. Fortunately, removing the damaging factors and proper treatment will help get rid of this problem.
How to get rid of split ends
To understand that hair is splitting, you need to carefully examine the ends. If some hairs are “disheveled”, diverge into two or more parts, then the answer is yes.
Another way to spot the problem is to twist the hair into a tourniquet. If they look smooth with no loose ends, then everything is in order. Problematic ones in the literal sense of the word will crawl out: the split ends will stick out in different directions, giving the tourniquet an untidy look. Most often, the hair is dissected at the end. However, it is not uncommon to see splitting along the entire length. White dots at the ends indicate the initial stage of the disease.
Owners of long hair (more than 30 cm) visit this trouble more often than people with short haircuts, which is natural: in this case, nutrients and sebum, which lubricates and moisturizes the hair shaft, is not enough for the entire length, which makes the ends dry out and thinner. becoming brittle. Therefore, the further from the bulb, the weaker the hair.
A painful condition of the hair, in which the structure splits, is called trichoptilosis by trichologists.
Splitting hair can be caused by external or internal causes.
Of the most common external causes, various methods of thermal styling, perm and coloring, damage when combing with sharp-toothed combs can be distinguished. Temperature changes, chlorinated and hard water, exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affect the hair structure.
Also, fragility and splitting of hair can appear against the background of dehydration, lack of vitamins (primarily A, B, C and E) and minerals. Stress, bad sleep – all this negatively affects the condition of the hair.
The section of curls can be one of the symptoms of diseases associated with malfunctioning of internal organs, anemia, parasitic diseases or chronic infections. Occasionally, in about 3% of cases, this problem is a consequence of a congenital abnormality of the hair follicles.
The average lifespan of a hair is 2 to 6 years. Therefore, once you injure your hair, you can get a problem for a long time.
The most common method of dealing with split ends is to regularly trim the damaged ends. Many barbers also offer hot scissors, which seal the cut hair, preventing it from flaking again. However, splitting can occur not only at the ends. In addition, such methods do not eliminate the causes of the painful condition.
Although we must admit: you still have to remove the length of the damaged hair, since there are no ways to glue them together. In addition, for prophylactic purposes, owners of long hair are advised to trim their hairstyle by 1–2 cm every 1,5 months.
Anyone who has visited this problem is advised to first make adjustments to their daily hair care. You will have to abandon the perm, switch to the use of gentle dyes for coloring (ideally, based on henna). Remove curling irons, irons and hot curlers away, and use the hair dryer only in cool air mode. It is also necessary to switch to the use of special shampoos and conditioners for brittle and split ends.
A good effect can be achieved with medicated hair masks. You can use ready-made purchases, the choice of which is limited only by the capabilities of the wallet. Or you can prepare a mask at home. These formulations are more affordable financially, and in terms of efficiency they are in no way inferior to professional ones.
To combat this problem, masks based on fermented milk products are well suited. For example, yoghurt. After shampooing, apply slightly warmed natural yogurt along the entire length of the hair. Then put on a shower cap and warm your head. The minimum duration of such a procedure is half an hour, but you can do it for the whole night. At the end, the mask is washed off with water and lemon juice to get rid of the smell of sour milk.
Aloe juice will help to achieve a good effect in the fight against brittle and dry hair. It moisturizes the hair well without making it greasy. To prepare the mask, you need to grate or grind an aloe leaf in a blender, add a tablespoon of honey, 1,5 teaspoons of brandy, a tablespoon of castor oil and egg yolk to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to hair for an hour, then rinse with warm water.
It is recommended to apply masks once a week for long courses until the problem disappears, periodically returning to them later in order to prevent
Cosmetics manufacturers offer special anti-split hair products that do not require rinsing: serums and fluids. The first is a concentrated nutritional composition that is applied to damp hair after washing. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they also have a cosmetic effect, smoothing the hair structure and “gluing” split ends, due to which the effect of use becomes noticeable very quickly. The composition of whey usually includes lipids, proteins, plant extracts. Despite the huge benefits, serums are used in courses, they are not suitable as a means of daily care.
Unlike whey, fluids are 80% water and do not contain oils. Thus, their main purpose is moisturizing. However, they also smooth out damaged areas of the hair without weighing down the hairstyle. Apply fluids to wet ends or dry hair (exact recommendations are always written on the bottle). You do not need to rinse off the product.
Since the section of hair is a consequence of dehydration, for the treatment of this condition and for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid, 1,5-2 liters per day. And in the summer and in rooms with dry air, regularly irrigate your hair with thermal or mineral water.
Also, proper nutrition will help in the fight against this problem. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sweets and animal fats, include sea fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits in the diet. Lack of vitamins and minerals can also be eliminated with the help of special vitamin complexes. A normal sleep and a healthy lifestyle will help to consolidate the effect for a long time.
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