How to get rid of sparrows in the area and under the roof
Sparrows feed on insects, they help summer residents to get rid of pests. However, if sparrows are short of basic food, they can easily spoil crops and destroy crops. Having settled under your roof, the birds will cause a lot of inconvenience: traces of droppings, chirping, constant noise. This article will show you how to get rid of sparrows in your area. Several simple and affordable ways will allow you to save your harvest and your own nerves.
How to get rid of sparrows in the area?
How to get rid of sparrows using available tools?
Experienced summer residents are ready to share the most effective ways to get rid of sparrows. Let’s take a look at some of them:
If birds are purposefully destroying plants from several beds, try to protect them with a special net. It is enough to drive in a few stakes around the perimeter and pull the threads between them. It is better to use a removable mesh on the frame, then plant care will be greatly simplified;
cassette tape can scare off sparrows. If you do not have such a rarity, you can safely use the usual New Year’s rain. Old CDs can also be hung around the perimeter of the summer cottage. They will reflect the sun’s rays, and this will frighten the birds;
The scarecrow is a very old, but time-tested remedy for feathered pests. Everyone can build such a structure. Tie two long sticks with a cross and hang your old clothes on them. For more realism, you can fill the scarecrow with straw.
Unusual loud noises, rustling shiny products, tin cans – all this can be used to scare off sparrows.
How to get rid of roof sparrows?
Birds often settle under the canopy. If the sparrows decide to make a nest, it will not be so easy to drive them away. The easiest way is to get a cat who will pay them a visit and scare them properly. If you don’t have a fluffy pet, you can ask your neighbor for a while from a summer cottage.
You can also drive the sparrows out from under the roof with the help of anti-slip spikes. Such products are placed directly on the cornice to make it inconvenient for the birds to return to the nest. This method works gradually. Sparrows will simply get tired of constantly overcoming the obstacle, and they will start looking for another place to nest. Have patience, and forward to effective control of pest sparrows! These humane methods will help you get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood without harming the birds.