How to get rid of snoring in your sleep at home?

The treatment of snoring does not always require surgical intervention; in some cases, you can get rid of the pathology at home. This does not mean that you need to self-medicate – just some of the factors that affect the appearance of snoring can be eliminated by simple and safe methods.

Situations in which it is acceptable to use these methods:

  • The use of alcohol, nicotine;

  • Excessive body weight;

  • The use of drugs;

  • Chronic respiratory diseases;

  • Changes associated with aging of the body;

  • Physical fatigue;

  • Physiologically irrational body position.

In many cases, snoring causes several causes at once, so a complex effect should be chosen.

Factors that cause snoring during sleep

Excess weight

Excessive body fat is one of the first causes of snoring, so weight loss will help get rid of the negative symptom. The optimal bar to strive for in order to obtain a visible result is a monthly loss of 3,5% of the total body weight.

What to do to lose weight:

  • Follow a diet;

  • Apply dosed physical activity;

  • Observe the diet.

To reduce the weight of the case, it is recommended to include in your menu:

  • Protein-rich foods – chicken fillet, veal, low-fat dairy products, egg white;

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber – apples, cabbage, bananas, avocados;

  • Whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, brown rice, oatmeal;

  • Products containing complex carbohydrates – millet, buckwheat, beans, lentils.

The use of sugar-containing, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, canned food, mayonnaise, wheat flour products, carbonated drinks is not recommended. The list of prohibited foods includes sausages, french fries, pork dishes, lamb, canned food, kvass, beer, soda, high-fat dairy products.

Rational nutrition rules:

  • The proportion of fat in the diet should not exceed 30% of the total food;

  • Fractional nutrition – 5-6 times a day;

  • It is desirable that the hours of eating are unchanged;

  • Dinner is planned no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

It is strictly forbidden to snack on high-calorie sandwiches, chocolates, it is better to eat an apple or low-fat yogurt if you feel hungry.

A prerequisite for rational weight loss is physical activity:

  • Running at a slow and medium pace;

  • Active team games (volleyball, basketball);

  • Fast walking at a speed of at least 120 steps per minute;

  • Aerobic types of physical activity (cycling, using an exercise bike);

  • Sports or Latin American dances.

Any kind of physical activity is mastered gradually, dosing the load in stages.

Drug use control

Medicines of certain pharmaceutical groups have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the upper respiratory tract. These are antihistamines, sedatives (Phenazepam, Tranquezipam, Fezanef, Fenzitat). In order not to provoke snoring, it is advisable to use them in the minimum dosage or refuse altogether, to choose analogues without such a side effect as relaxation of the muscles of the pharynx.

Chronic fatigue

Psycho-emotional overload, physical fatigue, busy work schedule, reduced immunity weaken the body and lead to snoring at night.

Ways to prevent fatigue:

  • Alternate activities, mental load to change to physical;

  • Go to bed no later than 23:XNUMX;

  • Rest and work in a ventilated area;

  • Master the relaxation technique and apply it regularly;

  • Do not watch negative content and TV shows before going to bed;

  • Evenly distribute the load throughout the day;

  • During work, take a five-minute break every hour.

Smoking and alcohol

The toxic components of nicotine, when exposed to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, disrupt their normal functioning, causing edema. In combination with relaxed pharyngeal muscles, edema can significantly reduce the airway clearance, which causes nocturnal snoring. To reduce the negative impact of nicotine, you should reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke and stop smoking 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Even a minimal dose of alcohol relaxes the muscles of the upper respiratory tract. The tissues of the pharynx, tongue, and palate begin to vibrate, creating a sound background emitted by a snoring person. In order not to provoke snoring, you need to stop drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Mucus, which is actively secreted in diseases of the nose and pharynx, narrows the lumen of the respiratory tract, leading to snoring.

Measures to reduce or reduce the intensity of snoring:

  • Instillation into each nostril 2 drops of olive, sea buckthorn oil;

  • Carrying out inhalation from herbs of mint, thyme, eucalyptus, filled with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes, it is carried out by tilting your head over a container of hot water. An alternative to inhalation is an aromatic lamp filled with eucalyptus essential oil. It can also be added to a humidifier located in a room in which a person suffering from snoring sleeps;

  • Rinsing with medicinal solutions of the mouth and nose – saline solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. salt dissolved in a liter of warm water. They gargle for 5 minutes. To rinse the nasal cavity, each nostril is drawn in turn saline solution and released through the mouth.

Age-related changes in the tone of the muscles of the nasopharynx

The tissues of the human body lose their tone and elasticity with age. The muscles of the nasopharynx are no exception, which sag over the years, partially blocking the lumen of the upper respiratory tract. Sagging tissues of the pharynx rub against each other during sleep, causing snoring.

Ways to get rid of snoring at home

To relieve the negative symptoms associated with snoring, there are many special devices and drugs:

  • Fixing strap – a soft “bridle” in the form of a belt is put on the lower jaw, fixed on the back of the head and keeps the mouth closed;

  • mouth guard, made to order – fixed on the teeth, fixes the jaws in one position, allowing air to pass freely through the respiratory tract;

  • Snoring nipple – does not allow the tongue to sink and vibrate, shifting the lower jaw forward and thereby creating an increased tone of the tissues of the pharynx;

  • nasal dilator – fastened to the nostrils, slightly opening them and keeping them in this state at night, the device improves breathing and prevents snoring;

  • Medical preparations – aerosols doctor snoring, silence forte, sleepex, as well as special lozenges for resorption prevent snoring, improving nasal breathing.

[Video] Dr. Berg – SNORE IN YOUR SLEEP? How to get rid of snoring:

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