How to get rid of scars? Video Tips

How to get rid of scars? Video Tips

Scars and scars on the face can not only form as a result of trauma or surgery – even inflammation or acne can cause overgrowth of connective tissue and the appearance of such a defect on the skin. If time has not yet been missed, you can remove a fresh scar with the help of folk remedies.

What scars and scars can be removed at home

Keloid scars, which appeared as a result of the proliferation of connective tissue at the site of the surgical suture, or hypertrophic, which appeared as a result of a lacerated wound, cannot be removed with folk remedies, the help of professionals is needed here. But normotrophic and atrophic scars and scars, the result of acne and local inflammatory processes, can be removed with home remedies, especially at the initial stage.

And in order not to have to get rid of scars at all, the easiest way is to take preventive measures and prevent their formation.

So, if a dark spot remains on the skin after a healed pimple, you should wipe it with a cucumber extract, lemon juice or fresh tomato

Getting rid of scars with folk remedies

A propolis-based ointment gives a good result.

To make it, you will need:

  • 20 g propolis
  • 20 g sea buckthorn oil

Mix the propolis and oil in a small glass and heat this mixture in a water bath to completely dissolve the propolis in the oil. You can apply this ointment immediately after it has cooled down. Apply it in a thin layer to the scar in the morning and evening. It’s good if you have the opportunity to apply the ointment during the day – this way the result will be noticeable faster.

Another folk remedy is almond oil mixed with an oil solution of vitamin A in equal proportions. Both remedies can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply this mixture to your skin several times a day.

Vitamin A, taken daily by mouth, 1-2 capsules will speed up the process of scar elimination

As a preventive measure and at an early stage of the appearance of a scar, it is good to use calendula ointment, you can also buy it at the pharmacy. It is an excellent remedy for healing small wounds on the skin, quickly and effectively restoring its original appearance.

An ointment based on badger fat with herbs, which can also be made at home, is also effective.


  • 2 tsp marigold flowers
  • 2 tsp. finely chopped plantain leaves, dandelion leaves and milkweed herb
  • ½ tsp each. celandine juice, Kalanchoe and wormwood
  • 100 g of vodka
  • 50 g badger fat

Mix herbs and plant juice with vodka in a small bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Put them in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain the infusion, mix it with badger fat, which is sold at the pharmacy. Put the mixture in a water bath, heat and stir until smooth. Apply this ointment to the inflamed areas on the skin. This remedy is also effective for keloid, postoperative scars.

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