How to get rid of Rhabdophobia — the fear of being beaten?

Hello, dear readers of the site! Rhabdophobia is a panic fear of being punished, and mostly physical punishment is meant. And today we will try to figure out why this phobia occurs and how it can be dealt with.

What is it like?

Rhabdophobia manifests itself mainly as an anxiety disorder. That is, the person becomes restless, cowardly, as he is in constant tension due to the expectation of punishment for a misconduct.

And if in childhood this anxiety is familiar to many, then in an adult it is considered not very normal, which is why we can safely say that there is a phobic disorder.

The nervous system with this mode of life, of course, is depleted. Which leads to irritability, irascibility, insomnia and even depression.


How to get rid of Rhabdophobia — the fear of being beaten?


Rabdophobes are characterized by excessive self-criticism. When it is within normal limits, it allows a person to become more aware, it advances him, develops him.

In this case, it does not carry any constructive solutions. And only provokes the emergence of complexes, for example, inferiority, neurosis, depression and low self-esteem.

By the way, you will learn more about what depression is and what it threatens with in this article.

Fob is constantly dissatisfied with himself, no matter what he does. If others praise him, he does not accept praise, since he has a completely different opinion about why he managed to achieve positive results.

It is distinguished by gloominess, nervousness, due to anxiety, insomnia appears, health problems, not only mental, but also physical.

Everything that happens in life is unpleasant, gives meaning. For example, that simply, finally, the punishment for wrongdoing befell. Blames himself for any random events, even those to which he has nothing to do.


When thinking about the upcoming beatings, a panic attack occurs. A person becomes so scared and anxious that his heart, stomach, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or loss of consciousness begins to hurt.

The pressure rises, the heart rate accelerates. There is a catastrophic lack of air, which “accelerates” the panic even more. After all, it seems that now he will suffocate due to breathing problems.

The face turns red, as it throws you into a fever, you really want to go to the toilet, there may be a tremor of the limbs. The gait becomes wobbly and uncertain. A person in this state does not really understand what he is doing, so he often finds himself in awkward situations.

For example, he cries or runs headlong somewhere, does not notice the door or other obstacles.

Feeling embarrassed after a panic attack. Why the guilt intensifies, as does the anxiety that such “bad” behavior will certainly not be forgiven. And this provokes new bouts of insomnia, obsessive thoughts, and so on.


How to get rid of Rhabdophobia — the fear of being beaten?


The most common and quite logical reason for the development of rhabdophobia is directly severe punishments for disobedience. Especially if they turned out to be unfair.

The child then does not understand why he was beaten and deprived of something, so he expects a repetition of the situation at any moment.

After all, when he was guilty, then it is clear that he did wrong and in the future there is a choice. Either refrain from committing an offense, or mentally prepare for the consequences.

Usually harsh forms of punishment are practiced in dysfunctional families. For example, a father who was addicted to alcohol in moments of intoxication beat everyone who came under his arm until he lost consciousness.

Or the kid did something and expects that everyone will find out about it and he will definitely not be greeted.

But retribution for misconduct does not come, as well as detente. After all, it is not easy to live, every minute being ready to be exposed, and subsequently punished. The body can not stand it and fails in the form of a disorder.


It happens that mastigophobia, the so-called fear of spanking, arises from the ridicule of classmates, which gradually developed into bullying.

That is, psychological or physical bullying, when a group of people, in particular children, consistently presses one person. Leading to nervous exhaustion, breakdowns, and in some cases to suicide attempts, unfortunately, in most cases successful.

Also, any kind of conflicts with teachers, relatives, brothers and sisters have an influence.

For example, in sibling relationships (between children born by the same parents in the same family) it happens that the elders bully the younger ones.

They, wanting to feel their power over another person, intimidate him, threaten to tell his parents about some offense if they do not do as they are told.

In general, the younger one literally lives in constant fear, expecting betrayal, pain, punishment. Due to some circumstances, he is unable to share his worries with his parents.

Most often because adults do not believe, ordering to obey those who are more experienced, or because they are not particularly included in the lives of their children.

Therefore, attempts to find protection from them will be useless. Or rather, with negative consequences for the so-called snitching.

How to get rid of Rhabdophobia — the fear of being beaten?

Victim Relations

It happens that childhood passed relatively well, without pain and humiliation, but in adulthood a person got into a relationship with a tyrant or a perverted narcissist, in general, completely destructive. Destroying not only the personality, but also its health.

For example, it is not uncommon for a woman to become a victim of domestic violence. A loving husband once raised his hand to her, then again and again, until it came to consistently manifest violence.

She could get a divorce in order to save her life and dignity. Only now the psychological trauma that arose under such abnormal conditions will make itself felt as rhabdophobia.

A woman in other respects will be on her guard, expecting that at any moment a fist will fly in her direction due to bad weather or undersalted borscht.

You will learn more about victimhood, that is, a tendency to sacrifice, often getting into unpleasant situations here.


In families where faith in God is more like fanaticism, the knowledge is propagated by adults that even the slightest negative thought will not go unnoticed. God sees everything, which means that retribution is not far off.

But, mental activity, as you yourself understand, is not so easy to control. Especially feelings.

And when someone in the class takes away their favorite thing and breaks it, anger will be a completely natural reaction to violation of personal boundaries. Only she is a forbidden feeling, «bad.»

And it’s hard not to get angry. Of course, it can be suppressed, “shoved” far away, but the very fact of its occurrence has already happened.

Accordingly, it remains to wait for illness and other failures for having committed a sinful thing — daring to experience irritation.

Impressive individuals who really become fanatics, or who fall into a religious sect, are at high risk of acquiring rhabdophobia.

Which is not surprising. The belief that there is someone who is watching every step cannot but cause anxiety. And, as you remember, this significantly depletes and deprives resources.


Be sure to contact a psychotherapist. Living in constant fear is hell. And you can get rid of them only by getting outside support, qualified help.

It also helps to realize the reasons that provoked this fear, one’s reactions to stimuli, the presence of personal conflicts inside, and so on.

The most commonly used treatments for phobias are the Gestalt approach, hypnosis, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

It is also important to seek the advice of a psychiatrist. Who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications.

For example, with depression and outbreaks of aggression, or mood swings, sedatives, antidepressants are prescribed. If brought to exhaustion insomnia — sleeping pills.

With an integrated approach, the fob quickly returns to normal, copes with his emotions and relaxes. Leaving gradually behind former fears and anxieties.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Subscribe to the site, it motivates us to create more interesting articles and tests. Which will allow not only to know the secret corners of your soul, but also to become more developed, well-read.

For example, do you know what the panic fear of marriage is called? But we know, as well as by what signs it can be determined and how to cure it.

In general, happiness to you, success, and see you soon!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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