How to get rid of red hair

How to get rid of red hair

Bright red hair is the real dream of thousands of girls. In addition, it is not so difficult to execute it – the stores offer hair dyes of all possible red and red shades. However, there are some girls who would like to get rid of the red color; it turns out that this is not so easy to do.

Getting rid of natural color

Owners of natural red hair were both very lucky and unlucky at the same time. On the one hand, a bright, sunny hair color will certainly attract the attention of others to them, in addition, these people are usually optimistic, cheerful and never lose heart, and many young ladies achieve this color only by dyeing. On the other hand, it is not so easy to radically change the image of a red-haired girl: due to the high content of coloring pigments, these hairs are very difficult to bleach and dye in general. Nevertheless, there are ways, but dyeing natural red hair will take a long time.

Very often, discoloration of red hair gives an unpleasant yellow tint instead of white.

To avoid it, it is necessary, first, to dye your hair gradually. Choose a paint that lightens 2-4 tones, no more. Bleach and try to keep your hair from lightening the rich golden tone.

After that, you can repeat the procedure 1-2 more times with stronger clarifiers until you get a platinum tone. To prevent your hair from giving off yellowness, from time to time dye it with tint balms with the desired shade.

Do not carry out several dyeing procedures in one short period of time, after each dyeing, be sure to use restorative masks, otherwise your hair will suffer greatly from multi-stage dyeing

It is somewhat easier to repaint red hair in dark shades, but if you skip the lightening stage and apply a dark tone right away, then as the paint is washed off, a redhead will begin to appear – in this case, you risk becoming the owner of an unpleasant, rusty and heterogeneous shade of hair. To avoid this, either first carry out the lightening procedure, or constantly tint your hair with a tint balm with a platinum or light brown shade.

We remove the acquired red color

Getting rid of the acquired red color is a little easier than the natural one. Here you will have to choose one of the following strategies.

Firstly, you can visit a beauty salon, where they will help you achieve the desired shade in a few procedures. This, of course, is a much more expensive option, but unpleasant surprises will not await you and professionals will take care of your hair.

If this is not possible, then first get a hair remover. This is a special product that can be used to remove most of the dye from your hair.

Use it according to the instructions

Most likely, even after repeated washing procedures, a reddish or yellowish tint will remain on the hair. You can try to get rid of it with a clarifier or tint balm. After the hair has got an even light shade without yellowness, you can experiment with colors further.

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