What to do and what not to do so that harmony reigns in the house? Woman’s Day understands what the Eastern teaching advises about this.
The main enemies of well-being in a feng shui home are clutter, dirt and deposits of old things. Therefore, to harmonize the energy in the home, a general cleaning is necessary.
First of all, we put everything in its place. Along the way, we make a difficult decision – to leave this or that thing or get rid of it. The thing is that out-of-order appliances, cracked dishes, outdated clothes and shoes, etc. often take up too much space and, according to feng shui, accumulate negative energy. If in doubt, the golden rule should apply: if a thing has not been used for a year, then most likely it will never be needed again. With this in mind, it becomes easy to understand what you need and what you don’t need. It is not for nothing that they say: the old takes the place of the new. So proceed with no regrets.
According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, each side of the world is responsible for a specific area of life:
north is a career
northwest – travel,
west – children, creativity,
southwest – love,
south – glory,
southeast – wealth,
east – family,
northeast is wisdom,
the center is health.
If you stand in the center of the apartment with a compass, you can easily determine where which zone is, and most importantly, which of these zones is screaming for help. Problems at work? Now look what is going on in the north corner. Don’t you meet your one and only? It looks like you haven’t washed the southwest window for a long time. In general, the principle is clear: where it is dirty, there are problems. And do not forget to ventilate the room in which you live. Stagnant air builds up negativity.
The kitchen and the bathroom are considered the most unfavorable premises in Feng Shui, because the laws of the existence of positive energy are most easily violated here.
В kitchen two objects live at once – the accumulator of negative; it is a refrigerator and a stove. The stove must be clean and only fresh food must be in the refrigerator.
Concerning bathrooms, then the rule is this: the toilet should be kept closed, as well as the door to the restroom. Bad feng shui is when the plumbing is out of order. Constantly escaping water causes losses.
Trash bins are usually stored in these rooms. So they shouldn’t be in plain sight. At least a bucket needs a lid. And in order to avoid the accumulation of negativity, it is recommended to throw garbage every day before 8 pm.
Houseplants are another source of energy, but some are positive and some are negative. For example, plants that are directed upwards are considered auspicious sources of energy, while flowers with drooping branches and leaves attract downward, and therefore negative, energy. In addition, it is better to give preference to plants with round leaves – Feng Shui generally does not approve of sharp corners in anything. The best choices for the home are ficus, geranium, jerky (money tree), violet, citrus trees, Chinese rose, myrtle.
Do not keep dry or withering plants at home, they take away all the positive energy. If you cut flowers for a vase, change the water in time and discard the bouquet as soon as the petals begin to crumble. The most favorable garden flowers are peony, rose, lily, daffodil.
Not only in feng shui, but also in the traditions of other cultures, there is a rite of fumigation of a room. Fragrant sticks will help you with this. From the front door in a clockwise direction, go around your entire dwelling with a smoking stick of incense. Pay special attention to the corners – where the most bad energy accumulates. Scented candles can be used.
If you can’t stand the smoke and the heavy smell of incense, you can make a home aerosol: add 100 drops of essential oil to 9 ml of water. Pine or lavender works best. The process is the same as with incense – from the entrance clockwise we go around the apartment and spray the solution in the corners.