How to get rid of nail or skin fungus?

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Do not believe that nail or skin fungus will go away on its own. Find out what to really do if you experience unpleasant symptoms.

According to a recent study, almost one in five people in Russia suffers from nail or skin fungus (1), and worldwide, more than a billion people are infected with a fungal infection, and more than 10 million new cases of the disease are recorded every year (2). What is the reason for such disappointing statistics? As a rule, having noticed the first symptoms of a fungus, people simply do not act or do not pay enough attention to them, choosing the wrong forms of treatment (for example, cosmetic products or folk remedies). This behavior leads to the progression of the infection and, as a consequence, the restriction of visits to public places, the loss of psychological comfort and freedom of communication (3,7). Almost half of the patients with fungus interviewed in the IPSOS study are afraid to wear open shoes (4), are upset about long-term treatment (5), and 47% of those suffering from skin fungus try to visit public places where they need to take off their shoes less often (6). The lack of qualified medical care or the wrong choice of treatment lead to a delay in therapy, the appearance of advanced forms of the disease and, as a result, to an increase in financial costs (6,7). A fungal infection is not just a cosmetic problem, but a serious condition that does not go away on its own (8). How to deal with unpleasant symptoms and prevent the development of the disease quickly and effectively?

Exoderil® from the well-known Sandoz brand, an expert brand with 40 years of experience (9) in treating fungus, has taken on a mission to educate consumers to recognize possible signs of fungal infection and take the right steps when a disease is suspected. To improve health literacy of the population, in 2016 the brand is launching a large-scale educational campaign “The Cost of Inaction” designed to help people fight the fungus properly. Within the framework of the campaign, it is planned to release a new version of the website, publish educational articles and videos in the media, and participate in public events where the population’s attention will be drawn to the problem of fungal diseases. In addition, a special mobile application will be launched very soon, which will tell you about the important rules of therapy and help track the progress of the treatment of nail fungus. “Our task is to explain to the patient that it is necessary to treat the fungus in a timely manner and correctly. Local therapy is able to cope with the fungus at the initial stage and enhance the effect of systemic therapy in the treatment of advanced fungus (reduce the period and cost of treatment (6, 7), ”say Exoderil® experts.

It is important that for each form of fungal infection there is the most convenient form (10) of the drug. So, for the treatment of nail fungus, products in the form of a solution are better suited – thanks to the liquid form, the Exoderil® solution quickly and deeply penetrates the nail and kills the fungus. Such therapy is more effective in comparison with varnishes and ointments, which do not penetrate into the “channels” of the nail and do not reach the concentration required to achieve a therapeutic effect (11). Exoderil® gentle cream is preferred for treating skin fungus (11), as it does not contain alcohol and does not cause additional irritation. The triple action of Exoderil® cream allows not only to destroy the fungus, but also to quickly relieve symptoms (itching, redness, peeling). Note that numerous studies have shown a high safety profile and effect (12) of Exoderil®, which made it possible to include the drug in the Federal clinical guidelines for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and nails.


1 According to the results of the Omnibus study (a nationwide survey of the population) conducted by the Romir research holding in August 2015 with a sample of 1500 respondents: 19% of respondents reported having a nail or skin fungus in the last 12 months.

2 Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections, 2015 applying-for-itraconazole-to-be-included-on-essential-medicines-list /)

3 Ustinov MV Pharmacoeconomic aspects of therapy of onychomycosis. Therapist. 2006; 5: 56-9.

4 According to the results of the U&A (usage & attitude) study with a sample of 890 respondents, conducted by Ipsos LLC in September 2015: To the question “Look at the statements that other people suffering from fungus use to describe their condition. Tell me how much you agree with each statement. ”42% of nail fungus and 42% of skin fungus responded positively to the answer“ I avoid open shoes ”.

5 According to the results of the U&A (usage & attitude) survey with a sample of 890 respondents, conducted by Ipsos LLC in September 2015. To the question “Look at the statements that other people suffering from fungus use to describe their condition. Tell me how much you agree with each of the statements. ”42% of nail fungus and 44% of skin fungus responded positively to the answer option“ I am upset about long-term treatment ”.

6 According to the results of the U&A (usage & attitude) survey with a sample of 890 respondents, conducted by Ipsos LLC in September 2015. To the question “Look at the statements that other people suffering from fungus use to describe their condition. Tell me how much you agree with each of the statements “41% of those suffering from nail fungus and 47% of those suffering from skin fungus responded positively to the answer option” I try to visit public places less often, where you need to take off your shoes (beach, pool, etc.) ” …

7 D. A. Kataev. Onychomycosis. Practical value for the patient and calculation of drug dosages using the example of Exoderil® solution. Consilium Medicum Dermatology 2016; 2: 8-9.

8 Sergeev A. Yu., Sergeev Yu. V. Fungal infections. A guide for doctors. 2nd ed. – M .: Publishing house BINOM, 2008 .– 480 p.

9 Naftifine (Exoderil®) was first obtained as a result of a chemical experiment in Austria in 1974.

10 For skin and nail fungus. The aqueous-alcoholic form of Exoderil® solution is preferable for the treatment of nail fungus in comparison with the form in the form of a cream due to deep penetration into the nail plate, and the form of Exoderil® cream does not contain ethyl alcohol, which irritates the skin, and is more convenient for treating skin fungus. The indications for the use of Exoderil® solution and Exoderil® cream are the same.

11 Sergeev A. Yu. Et al. New concepts of pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of onychomycosis. Immunopathol. allergol. infektol. 2007; 3: 9-16.

12 Burova S. A. Experience in the treatment of onychomycosis of the hands and feet with local antimycotics. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology 2015; one; 1-12).

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