How to get rid of mysophobia — fear of dirt and germs?

Hello, dear readers of the site! Misophobia is an irrational fear of dirt and germs in it. And today we will look at why it occurs, how it is usually dealt with and by what signs it is determined.

What is it like?

Mysophobia and germophobia are quite similar phobias. Indeed, they usually do not occur alone.

The first, as you have already found out, is the fear of dirt itself, and the second is the fear of microbes that, let’s say, «live» in this dirt.

And that is not all. Quite often, they are accompanied by such a mental disorder as OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). It consists in the obsession with performing certain rituals in order to reduce the level of anxiety.

For example, a person can wash their hands more than 100 times a day, as they are afraid that bacteria, having got on their skin, will provoke allergies, acne, and so on.

Naturally, he, along with viruses, washes away the fat that his sebaceous glands produce to protect and moisturize.

Accordingly, the skin in the places that he often washes cracks, bleeds and brings a lot of inconvenience.

In general, in more detail what is OCD and how to get rid of it, you will learn here.

How to get rid of mysophobia — fear of dirt and germs?

Unfortunately, germophobes quite often suffer from depression against the background of misunderstanding and loneliness. The nervous system simply cannot cope with stress, anxiety, which does not leave the body, consciousness at all.

After all, there is so much dirt and germs around, and the fact that they are not visible is even more frightening.

Loneliness arises — because not every person is able to be near someone who requires washing their hands even after touching their own face. And also to carry out disinfection after each step in the apartment.

Daily tantrums, quarrels and misunderstandings gradually destroy relationships, no matter how close and strong they may be initially.

Signs of manifestation

Misophobe can throw up at the thought that there is dirt on some part of his skin. He is horrified if someone holds out their hand to say hello. And, moreover, bypasses abandoned places, garbage cans.

Sometimes any public place deprives him of calmness and brings him to the point where he loses control of himself and rushes headlong home to escape the bacteria that have taken over the world.

If another person touches his thing, then he may well throw it away if it is not subject to disinfection.

Absent-mindedness is observed, since the fob is usually immersed in his thoughts, which, naturally, prevents him from responding to external stimuli in a timely manner.

Avoids large crowds of people, sometimes does not go out at all. Just imagine what kind of experiences he has to face while traveling in public transport.

Therefore, if it cannot be avoided, he uses products that help keep the skin clean.

That is, be sure to wear gloves and wear a mask so as not to inhale dust. Once home, arranges a thorough cleaning of clothes.

How to get rid of mysophobia — fear of dirt and germs?

He does not invite you to visit, because you never know what kind of infection will be brought into his sterile house.

If he is raising a child, he tends to be overprotective.

That is, if a toy falls on the floor, even if it is perfectly clean, it must be disinfected. The kid is strictly forbidden to play with other children on the street, because you never know what you can pick up from them. In general, you understand.

Molismophobia (another version of the name) is also diagnosed by a categorical refusal to touch animals. Which are associated with infection and dirt.

When a panic attack occurs, they begin to choke, sweat heavily. They can lose consciousness, “put in their pants” from fright.

Pains in the heart cause an even greater attack of horror, as they suggest that he will die now from a heart attack. The pressure rises, the pulse quickens and the legs tremble. Sometimes there are pains in the stomach and headaches.



In commercials, the environment in which we live is portrayed as deadly.

Because it contains countless microbes invisible to the naked eye, which, having got on our skin, and then into the lungs, and so on, provoke the development of various diseases.

It is for this reason that it is extremely necessary to treat your home with antibacterial agents. Why is there a dwelling, you should also wash only with the soap that can prevent the risk of infection!

And such videos flash with an enviable frequency. Moreover, harmful microorganisms are quite clearly depicted, they are belligerent and look intimidating.

It is not surprising that an impressionable person, who previously had no idea how many viruses and all sorts of invisible filth he has under the toilet lid, on the kitchen table, on his legs, in pillows, and so on, will acquire obsessive ideas about how to become sterile clean.

He actively buys advertised products, tries not to touch anything once again, runs to wash his hands right away, if it suddenly turned out that he had to take something with them. In general, he loses his common sense and lives in anxiety.

Psychological trauma

Provoke the development of spermophobia (another name for this disorder) can be a disease of a loved one, which he acquired by becoming infected in unsanitary conditions.

Or just «picking up» a viral infection. And, even more so, if he painfully fought with her, living through pain and serious malaise. Death on this occasion causes serious psychological trauma.

After all, it indicates that we are not omnipotent and are in danger every second while we are alive.

By the way, the fear of microbes can arise if a person had to go through a long stage of treatment for some kind of infection that got into his body due to non-compliance with hygiene rules or in a completely random way.

For example, if he hurt himself on a rusty, dirty object. Tetanus, by the way, is almost 40% fatal.

How to get rid of mysophobia — fear of dirt and germs?

Therefore, it is not surprising that after surviving such an unpleasant story, a person develops a post-traumatic syndrome, and a phobia appears from the exhaustion of the nervous system.


Parents, sometimes without realizing it, harm the child, trying, on the contrary, to take care of him. I’m talking about phrases designed to «nurture» the skills of self-control and hygiene.

For example, an adult says that: “If you don’t wash your hands before dinner, the germs that are on them will enter the stomach and you will die”, “If you touch your face with dirty hands, worms will appear on it.”

Terrifying, isn’t it? Especially for a child who is not yet able to think critically and does not have the necessary knowledge and skills. Why resignedly trusts the opinion of an authoritative parent.

Yes, there is some truth in what was said, no one needs health problems due to lack of hygiene. But such information should be presented to the immature and impressionable child’s psyche more carefully, depriving frightening details.


If one of the close relatives had any mental disorder, then there is a high risk of «getting» a similar diagnosis.

It also affects the fact that the child, observing the actions and reactions of the parent, will repeat them.

After all, he does not understand that, for example, a pathological desire for ideal cleanliness is a symptom of mysophobia. He will think that the dirt is really so scary, since mom or dad is trying to get rid of it in order to survive.


Be sure to consult with a specialist who not only diagnoses or refutes the presence of a disorder, but also, if necessary, prescribe medications to improve well-being.

In the process of psychotherapy, you will understand where your molysmophobia came from, and also understand what needs to be done to improve the quality of your life.

Resolve internal conflicts, relieve unnecessary stress and become aware of the motives of your reactions and behavior. That will allow you to make adjustments to fulfill your needs, and not jeopardize their satisfaction with destructive thoughts and actions.

To improve sleep, the psychiatrist will prescribe sleeping pills. After all, it is difficult to maintain peace of mind and mental health without restoring resources at all.

And also antidepressants, if you are in a state of despondency for a long period of time, are not able to recognize your desires. Sedatives will relieve anxiety and relax the nervous system.

Cognitive psychotherapy, gestalt and hypnosis showed the most effective results in the fight against phobias.

Group work often helps. When people with similar problems gather in one space and share their experiences with each other, this gives an understanding that they are not alone in this world, that there are those who understand.

After all, misophobes often face the condemnation of others, criticism that they are not themselves and have gone crazy. And also with the demands to pull myself together and stop striving for sterile cleanliness wherever they go.

But everything is not so simple, germophobia is a mental disorder. And it is impossible to cope with it only by force of will. Even if there is an understanding that fear is irrational.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Stay with us and you will learn the name of the irrational fear of touches, hugs. And also, what other types of phobias exist.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you be more attentive to your emotional state. And relieve tension after each experienced stress.

Practice ways that allow you to achieve relaxation, play sports, take time for hobbies and, of course, meditate.

Also, take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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