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A beautiful “fly” on the cheek adds charm, makes a woman mysterious and unique. But what if the birthmark has begun to grow or cannot be counted? While the spring sun is not so active, it’s time to pay attention to your skin. What is the safest method to choose to remove unsightly moles, warts or papillomas?
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A mole is a benign formation, and you do not need to remove it unnecessarily. But, if she gives a woman an aesthetic inconvenience, or, what is much more serious, she began to change: she changed color, shape, size; constantly bleeds, irritated by clothing – must be removed in a timely manner.
Yes it is. And, mainly, this applies to injured moles. Most often, they are damaged by accident, because they are located in a place where we constantly touch them – on the neck, on the belt, on the palms or soles of the feet. If a mole becomes inflamed regularly for six months, then there is a high risk of its degeneration into melanoma – one of the fastest growing malignant tumors.
The laser is good for what it can remove a mole in the most delicate places without leaving a trace of surgery.
For laser surgery, you do not need to take any tests or apply for a sick leave. A woman can come for a consultation and, if she has time, to have an operation on the same day. We recommend sending modified formations for histological examination in order to exclude oncology.
Laser removal of neoplasms is absolutely painless. Local anesthesia is mandatory, so that the patient only feels warmth. In addition, the laser activates the growth of healthy cells – thanks to this, the recovery period passes very quickly. And the bactericidal effect of the laser eliminates inflammation.
These are papillomas and viral warts. Moreover, the papilloma is originally maternal, it gives many other small formations. Therefore, while a woman postpones the removal of the very first, it is highly likely that papillomas will appear all over the body. In my practice, there were cases when up to 100 of them had to be removed from one person. Viral warts are also becoming a common pathology, because women have become more active in saunas, swimming pools, and beaches. We remove them in parallel with the appointment of antiviral drugs.
It takes no more than 15 minutes to remove one or more formations! If there are much more of them, then the woman needs to have time – then you can delete everything in one day.
After laser removal, the wounds heal within a week. Caring for them is simple: treatment with an antiseptic. The dark crust that forms at the site of removal does not need to be torn off – it performs a protective function. Young skin under the crust is very delicate, so you should avoid exposure to direct sunlight for a month.
Dear women, trust your health and beauty only to the reliable hands of qualified specialists and licensed medical clinics.
Learn more about laser removal of formations,