How to get rid of mold. Video recommendations

How to get rid of mold. Video recommendations

Mold filled all the space around us. Its spores are constantly present in the air in negligible concentrations. In total, there are about 120 thousand varieties of molds. Not all of them are harmful, some are used, for example, for the production of noble varieties of cheese. But in general, mold is dangerous to human health, and must be disposed of.

Molds can live and multiply at temperatures from 0 to 50 ° C, but they feel most comfortable in the range of 15-25 degrees. Mold can appear on any organic material and remains invisible for a long time. Spores that fall on a basis suitable for their life begin to germinate, forming the so-called mycelium, which penetrates deeply into the affected material. It is impossible to see the mycelium with the naked eye, and when the mold begins to grow with black, white and any other color spots, this means that it has entered the second – reproductive stage of its development. That is why cutting off the moldy crust does not save, for example, spoiled bread. Even if the crumb looks quite edible, it is all permeated with mycelium, and it remains only to throw it away. And so it is necessary to do with any food product on which mold has been noticed. It’s not even about the unpleasant taste, color or smell, but the fact that the consumption of moldy food is dangerous to health.

Sometimes, as a result of improper storage, especially in cool, damp rooms, mold can develop on garments. If this happens, it is also better to get rid of such things, but if some dress or blouse is especially dear to you, you can try to save them. First of all, clothes should be washed at high temperatures, 50–60 ° C or more, depending on the type of fabric. You can add a little bleach to items made from natural white fabrics. If the fabrics are contraindicated in high temperatures and exposure to chlorine, you can try to soak it for a couple of hours in a solution of vinegar – 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar essence in 10 liters of water, and then wash in a washing machine at the highest possible temperature.

The situation is complicated if mold has hit the walls of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to declare a real war on her. Before starting the battle, you should open the windows and change into a special suit. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, goggles and a face shield. Prepare a lot of unnecessary rags. By wetting each one in turn in water or soapy water, wash off any visible mold. Once used, the rag should be immediately thrown into a plastic bag, which should be tightly tied and discarded after completion of work. After preliminary preparation of the walls, you can start treating them with a liquid suitable for removing mold. Its role can be played by: – ​​technical alcohol; – hydrogen peroxide; – chlorine; – or vinegar.

In this case, it is necessary to take fairly concentrated solutions. For example, alcohol in a concentration of at least 70%. You can also use specialty anti-mold fluids available at hardware stores. The product must be sprayed with a spray bottle, paying special attention to the baseboards and wall joints, and wait until it dries. In some cases, the treatment should be repeated after 5-10 days.

Vinegar is best for treating metal and ceramic surfaces

If the mold has spread over a wide area of ​​the wall, a simple treatment will only solve the problem for a short time. Mycelium deeply embedded in concrete cannot be defeated by ordinary washing. In this case, major repairs will have to be made. Remove the wallpaper or whitewash, the top layer of plaster, treat the wall with any of the above liquids, and then let it dry well. It is best to do this with the help of special drying units, but you can also just thoroughly heat the room, periodically opening the window wide for 5-10 minutes, so that the humid air changes to drier. It is better to check the degree of dryness with a special device for measuring the moisture content of the walls, but if this is not the case, just rely on time and take at least 4-5 days to dry. And only after that, proceed to plastering and cosmetic finishing of the room.

Previously affected by mold, the treated wall is best painted with a special anti-mold paint.

But the easiest thing, of course, is to prevent the appearance of mold in the house or apartment. This is not so difficult to do, given that the fungus loves moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the walls once and for all. If this is not done, in the cold season, subzero temperatures outside and warm air inside the room will lead to the formation of condensation on the walls, which will trigger the appearance of mold. And even in winter, it is imperative to arrange daily airing of the rooms. It is known that a family of 4 people produces about 15 liters of steam during the day. This happens during breathing, washing, cooking. And if, in addition, there are pets and plants in the apartment, ventilation should be arranged at least 3-4 times a day. And it is best to do this not with the help of a slightly open window, but by opening the windows for 5 minutes, allowing the dry air outside to displace the accumulated moisture. In a dry and warm environment, mold has no chance of survival.

In the next article, you will read about the unique properties of camphor oil.

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