If you notice mold in the refrigerator, you need to not only fight it, but also find out where it could come from. How to get rid of a harmful fungus and prevent its occurrence in the future – read the review.
In total, there can be three obvious factors due to which refrigeration equipment becomes moldy:
- Irregular operation of equipment (for example, with a long shutdown for the winter – the so-called “dacha” refrigerators).
- Storage of spoiled products on the shelves.
- Untimely (irregular) cleaning.
Also, loading a lot of washed, but not dried vegetables or fruits into the refrigerator compartment, you increase the humidity in the compartment. Excessive moisture is an excellent environment for the development of the fungus.
Why is mold dangerous?
It can cause damage to the body: weakens the immune system, can cause an allergic reaction, cough, and even asthma. In severe cases, when the concentration of the fungus goes off scale, it is even recommended to move to another housing. Therefore, when you see even the very first signs of mold, immediately declare war on it.
Removing fungus can be difficult, especially from certain surfaces. So, in order to remove mold from wood or concrete, titanic efforts and the use of special equipment are needed. The plastic walls of the refrigerator are easier to process, so you can remove harmful stains in a few hours.
How to get rid of mold
To prevent fungus spores from spreading to walls or other household appliances, start fighting them immediately. How to remove stains from moldy surfaces:
- Unplug and defrost the appliance. It is advisable to throw out products that were not hermetically sealed.
- Remove shelves, grates, containers and other accessories. Soak them in soapy water (you can use dish detergent or anti-mold).
- Try to remove the condensate drain tank and clean the wicking tube. Often a clogged drain is to blame for high humidity.
- Armed with a sponge, erase the stains that are on the elastic. You can wipe the seal with hydrogen peroxide to further bleach the material.
- Rinse and dry the body parts.
- Wipe the inside of the chamber with a dry cloth made of natural cloth soaked in a vinegar-water solution (concentration 1 to 1). This will remove the bad odor.
- Find a UV lamp and irradiate the compartment for half an hour to kill the spores. No lamp? Just ventilate the refrigerator and start working.
Special Tools
If finances allow, go to the store for professional “chemistry”. Today you can find products from many leading brands, and they are sold most often in the departments of household chemicals next to cleaning and detergents. Consider the most popular and effective.
- “Mister Muscle”. You can take any option from the line: “Universal”, “Green Tea Cleaning Cream”, “For glasses and other surfaces”.
- “cif”. For example, Ultra White, Active Lemon, Power & Shine kitchen spray and others.
- “Silit”. Cillit “Anti-Stains + Hygiene”, Cillit Bang “Black Mold”, Cillit “Anti-plaque and Dirt Remedy” will suit you.
- “Diabak”.
- TOP HOUSE – refrigerator cleaner.
- Luxus – “Professional Grapefruit Refrigerator Cleaning Spray” and “Clean Lime Refrigerator”.
- FLAT – cleaner with different flavors: apple, lemon, orange, etc.
- «Penosaurus».
Important! Before buying, read the label: you may not want to use some of the listed compounds next to the products.
How to deal with odor
If after processing a specific smell remains, we will tell you how to remove it on your own. You will be helped:
- lemon peel;
- fresh potatoes;
- soda;
- raw rice laid out on a dish;
- Activated carbon.
You can also wash the cabinet inside with lemon juice or a water-vinegar solution to remove sources of odor on the seal, on the door, or on the wall of the refrigerator compartment. For the smell to disappear for good, 2-3 days of treatment are enough. As for absorbents (odor absorbers), they need to be changed once a day.
Folk remedies
Let’s talk about ways that do not require special expenses, and the components can be found in every home (hardware store, pharmacy).
Hydrogen peroxide
Walls and other surfaces can be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Be careful with dark surfaces – the substance is famous for its brightening properties. For the same purpose, ammonia can be used.
Laundry soap
A regular soap bar can also kill mold quickly. You will need brown soap with a specific smell. Make saturated soapy water and wash the chambers, then wipe dry.
Important! When putting food back into the chamber, wipe it! Even if they are not infected with the fungus, they can carry its invisible spores.
Vinegar Soda
By combining the simplest substances – soda and vinegar, you can once and for all clean the compartments of the refrigerator from a harmful fungus. In a solution of soda and vinegar, it is worth soaking all the shelves and trays, as well as wiping all the internal surfaces of the chamber. If you notice traces of mold in the freezer, treat it as well. When the compartments are dry, wipe them again with 6% vinegar and let dry again.
Attention! Using vinegar, go over the seal – not only on the sides, but also on the top and bottom around the perimeter. It may be the main source of the fungus. What to do if the gum cannot be cleaned, smells bad and is constantly covered with a new coating? Just change the seal to a new one and the problem will resolve itself.
To prevent the refrigerator from becoming moldy and not a threat to health, parasites must be prevented. The complex of events will not cause difficulties:
- Sort through the products and throw away the rotten and spoiled.
- Seal food in containers, bags, or cling film to keep crumbs from clogging the condensate drain.
- Wipe the walls and seal from time to time. How to wash the surface, we wrote above – choose the appropriate method.
- Defrost the appliance before a long trip. Do not close the door – let it ventilate.
- Use silica gel bags to reduce humidity in compartments.
- Dry fruits and vegetables before loading them into the appropriate boxes.
- Cover liquid foods to prevent evaporation.
- Do not place hot, uncovered food on the shelves.
Now you know why mold appeared and how to get rid of it. Follow the rules of operation and take care of the device, and the “uninvited guest” will not bother you anymore.