How to get rid of mold in a washing machine. Video

How to get rid of mold in a washing machine. Video

A washing machine can serve you faithfully for many years, but only if you take proper care of it and take preventive measures in a timely manner. One of the problems that housewives may face is the appearance of mold in the car. Special treatment of the machine will help to get rid of black mold.

Mold in the washing machine

When and where does mold appear

Even with careful and timely cleaning of the apartment, fungus spores can remain in the room. This is facilitated by high humidity and high air temperature, as well as insufficient ventilation.

Usually, an insidious fungus in the form of black mold appears first in the bathroom and in the kitchen, that is, where the washing machine is most often installed.

Removing mold from the walls is quite simple, which cannot be said about the washing machine. If you do not take action in time, then the mold will actively progress, causing damage to household appliances. The usual methods will not work here; special measures will be required.

Preventing the appearance of fungus in the washing machine

Follow the most basic rules for the maintenance and care of your washing machine. To do this, you should from time to time clean the drum and the inner surfaces of the unit from scale. There must be no water in the drum of the machine after the end of the wash. The tray through which the detergents are supplied, as well as the door of the machine, should remain slightly ajar after use to allow ventilation.

When washing, use only proven detergents. Avoid trendy gel-based products, as they tend to wash out poorly and settle on machine parts.

Make it a rule to wipe the sealing gasket dry after removing a portion of the laundry.

It has been noticed that black mold tends to appear in dark places where there is no access to light. If possible, it is advisable to immediately install the machine in the kitchen, where it is usually dry and more light. When installing the washing machine in the bathroom, provide additional ventilation in the room.

What if mold still appears in the washing machine? In this case, be prepared for a protracted struggle, because the fungus is very resistant to any means.

A single treatment of the device with even the most effective drugs may not give a significant effect; after a period of calm, insidious mold may return.

Remember, the higher the wash water temperature, the more likely the mold will be destroyed. Periodic cleaning of the machine with citric acid or copper sulfate will help to solve the problem. To do this, moisten the rubber cuff with a weak solution of one of the indicated substances and leave for about a day. After processing, wash the machine with detergent.

Long-term washing of clothes in hot water with the addition of table vinegar and Whiteness, taken in equal proportions, can be a good preventive measure against mold. Finally, if possible, also try to take the car outside in sunny weather. Ultraviolet rays are extremely harmful to black mold. Always follow the preventive measures described above after handling your washing machine.

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