How to get rid of mold and mildew

1. Do not create dampness in the house.

Therefore, ventilate all rooms twice a day. Try to let the draft get into the most secluded corners and, as far as possible, eliminate moisture in the basement, bathroom and other hidden corners.

2. In the fight against mold, every little thing matters.

Do not be too lazy to dry the washcloth after each bath, wash the rug, straighten the oilcloth for the shower, so that you can then walk on it with a dry cloth.

3. Faulty plumbing in the house – one of the reasons that favors the emergence of a harmful fungus. Judge for yourself: moisture that collects in secluded corners due to the slightest damage to pipes is a real “swamp” where mold feels comfortable and at ease.

4. Get in the habit …

… hang up the laundry immediately, wash the bin and keep it dry. Some housewives believe that using an air conditioner supposedly kills mold in the bud. We hasten to disappoint: harmful dust, even in this case, easily spreads throughout the apartment. Mold, perhaps, can be “tamed” to some extent if the house is equipped with an air conditioner with protective technologies.

5. Hope for the hostess’s best friend – a vacuum cleaner, which, according to popular opinion, will collect the infection in a heap, is not worth it. It is only good when it works with the windows open and a good draft of fresh air is created. And mold also does not like space in an apartment or in a house, because it has nowhere to hide, multiply and do its dirty deeds, annoying our health. Therefore, you should not clutter up any place in your home with heavy furniture, arrange “barricades” of sofas and armchairs. The correct layout in the apartment, by the way, is another effective means of fighting insidious mold. Yes, one more useful advice, recommended rather to summer residents. In country houses, which are heated irregularly, dampness always forms.

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