How to get rid of lip corners sticking: simple tips

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, are you looking for tips on how to get rid of sticky lips? I hope this information will definitely help you! But to get rid of any problem, you need to study it in order to avoid mistakes.

What are seizures?

No, this is not at all because you are “stuck”! Zayed is a disease of the skin of the corners of the mouth and mucous membranes. These can be sores, blisters, crusts, redness, or cracks in the corners of the mouth. Discomfort and pain appear.

The culprits are microorganisms: streptococci or a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. More often this problem occurs in spring and autumn. Not to be confused with herpes!

How to get rid of lip corners sticking: simple tips

Lip sticking: causes

  • lack of vitamin B2;
  • diabetes;
  • weakened immunity, more often in the spring;
  • colds;
  • respiratory infections;
  • dysbiosis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • constant lip licking;
  • kissing with a sick partner;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • contact with an infected person;
  • using other people’s personal belongings (lipstick, cup or spoon);
  • diseases of the digestive system and liver;
  • decrease in the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • hormone treatment.

Treatment of seizures

How to get rid of lip corners sticking: simple tips

In order to find the right drug, you need to know the nature of the jam. Is it caused by a virus, fungus or bacteria? Take this question seriously! For proper treatment you need:

  1. Scraping seizures.
  2. A blood test to find out what is wrong with your hemoglobin.
  3. Analysis for dysbiosis.

Which doctor should I go to? To a dermatologist.

If this is a virus, then they are prescribed:

  • herpevir;
  • acyclovir;

If it is fungi:

  • stomatidine;
  • clotrimazole;
  • miramistin;

If it’s bacteria:

  • tetracycline;
  • trimistin;
  • tetracycline ointment (eye);
  • miramistin;

In cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of the jam:

  • stomatidine;
  • metrogyl day;
  • fucorcin;
  • miramistin.

Interesting experiment

Russian doctors have tested for treatment in a group of people who often have seizures. The patients were asked to use folk remedies, ointment and tea tree essential oil. Check out the test results:

  • honey – did not help at all;
  • salicylic-sulfur-zinc paste – helped 100%;
  • cigarette ash – did not help;
  • tea tree oil – 100% effective help.
  • ear wax – it did not help, it may aggravate the problem!

How to get rid of lip corners sticking: simple tips

Tea tree oil can help cure seizures


  • balanced diet;
  • include in the diet foods with an emphasis on vitamin B2: liver, pine nuts, fish, spinach;
  • exclude from the diet everything salty, spicy, smoked;
  • more fruit and clean still water;
  • observance of personal hygiene;
  • avoid chapping lips. There is a hygienic colorless lipstick for men and women. Or lip balm. Any pharmacy has it.

Related Videos:

Read more in this video on “How to get rid of lip corners sticking”. The main thing is to know the reason!

Causes of seizures: infection, allergies, dry lips, taking antibiotics, vitamin deficiency

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