Insomnia is one of the most common effects of stress and overexertion that a person experiences during the daytime. Our troubles and troubles become clearer at night, when the body gets tired of resisting constant pressure. They consume our consciousness, causing a feeling of fear and hopelessness. Sleep problems appeared far from yesterday, and therefore people have come up with a great many ways to deal with insomnia over their centuries-old history. Almost all of them are based on the effects of herbs and herbal preparations, from which decoctions and tinctures were made.
And I dream of insomnia …
Circles under the eyes, an exhausted and sick look, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, decreased performance — these are just a few of the consequences of a sleepless night. And if insomnia has been tormenting for a week, a month, six months? It’s time to sound the alarm and save the «night dweller» from the clutches of one of the most common consequences of stress and overload.
According to statistics, nocturnal insomnia in its chronic manifestation affects 10% of the world’s inhabitants, and this is no less than 700 million «sleepless»! All of them are tormented by anxieties and fears, nervous tension, irritability and tearfulness, in general, everything that in one way or another accompanies daily stress. By the way, according to the number of complaints, protracted insomnia was overtaken only by colds, migraines and digestive problems.
But the cause of insomnia is not only internal experiences and problems, often the lack of sleep is a consequence of the abuse of alcohol, drugs, smoking. The heat, the stuffiness, and the uncomfortable bed will not let you sleep.
Every detail matters
So how do you get rid of insomnia? If the reason for your vigil is not some serious illness that requires medical attention, then a few simple tips will help solve the problem.
- Try not to abuse alcohol, coffee, chocolate at night, do not eat heavy fatty foods — the stomach also wants to rest.
- Follow the daily routine, try to go to bed and get up at the scheduled time, taking at least 8 hours of sleep a day. A couple of hours before bedtime, try to get out for a walk, fresh air will help you fall asleep better than any sleeping pill. If this is not possible and winter is still far away, ventilate the room.
- Do not read, do not count, and do not plan anything important before going to bed. It is better to exclude mental work altogether. You may fall asleep, but your brain will continue to process the information received. Better think about something light and pleasant, remember the calmest moments of your life.
- Particular attention should be paid to the bed on which you sleep — it should be comfortable, the blanket should be soft, and the pillow should be of medium size, so you will avoid pinched nerve endings as a result of displacement of the vertebrae due to an unnatural, incorrect posture.
If you are not sure that you will fall asleep, despite all efforts, take light herbal preparations for insomnia with sleeping pills in the minimum dosage. Their task is not to immerse you in a deep sleep for a day, but only to help you focus on the process of falling asleep. It is strictly forbidden to take strong drugs against insomnia without first consulting a doctor.
By the way! About a third of the country’s inhabitants suffer from allergic reactions, including sedatives and antihistamines! Therefore, before using any drug, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to its components. To do this, you need to contact an allergist and conduct the necessary allergy tests in a clinic and under the supervision of doctors.