How to get rid of greasy wallpaper stains?
A greasy stain is one of the most common stains on wallpaper. Most often, these spots appear near switches and doors. You can get rid of them with the help of the simplest available tools, the effectiveness of which has been tested by our grandmothers and mothers.
Greasy stains on the wallpaper
How to wipe off greasy stains from vinyl and non-woven wallpaper
If your walls are covered with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, consider yourself lucky. It will be easiest to remove grease stains from their surface.
A fresh greasy stain from non-woven and vinyl wallpaper can be easily removed by rubbing it with just a damp cloth
The specific structure of these wallpapers prevents deep penetration of dirt. They have a water-repellent layer, which will allow you to get rid of greasy stains using water with the addition of any detergent. To do this, dilute the product in water in a ratio of 1:10, moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the stain, and then blot it with a paper towel. If the stain is old, you can safely use a toothbrush instead of a sponge.
Greasy stains on paper wallpaper: how to remove
Removing grease from paper wallpaper is the most problematic. In this case, tooth powder has proven itself well. It must be diluted in water to a creamy consistency and applied to a greasy spot. Leave it on for 24 hours and then remove the residue with a dry brush. The toothpaste will absorb the fat. There will be no trace of the stain!
You can use starch instead of tooth powder. It should also be mixed with water until creamy and applied to the stain, and after a day, remove with a brush.
Gasoline is also good at dissolving grease. To do this, moisten a piece of cloth with clean gasoline and fix it on the spot for a couple of minutes. As a result of such an execution, the fat should dissolve, and the stain should disappear without a trace. However, you should be prepared for the fact that, together with fatty contamination, the wallpaper will lose its former bright color at the place of processing with gasoline.
Perfectly absorbs chalk fat. It should be pre-crushed to a powder and rubbed into the stain. After the chalk powder has absorbed the grease, it must be removed with a brush or dry soft cloth.
You can get rid of greasy marks on paper wallpaper that form near the switches with the help of the most ordinary stationery eraser. In this case, you must act with the utmost care so that holes in the wallpaper do not gap after such a procedure!
With fresh grease stains on paper wallpaper, the iron works well with toilet paper. The latter must be applied to the dirt and smoothed with a slightly heated iron. The appliance should be warmed up to such a temperature that the sole can be touched with a hand. The toilet paper will be soaked in grease during the procedure. It should be replaced periodically with a clean one. The procedure is carried out until the contamination disappears completely.