How to get rid of gnats in home colors and get rid of them

How to get rid of gnats in home colors and get rid of them

To breed offspring, midges need a warm and moist environment rich in nutrients. It is not surprising that pests are so fond of indoor plants. They lay larvae in the ground, which, after growing up, feed on the roots of flowers. Such actions of parasites lead to rotting and gradual wilting of the plant. Is it possible to prevent this phenomenon and how to get the midges out of the flower?

To save a houseplant from rotting and wilting, you need to know how to remove midges from a flower

Folk methods

Conservative pest control is a simple, economical and safe way to get rid of pests. There are many popular recipes for this scourge. Below are 3 products that can remove midges in a week.

  1. Garlic. Peeled cloves are cut lengthwise and inserted into the soil around the entire perimeter of the pot.
  2. Orange. The zest or pieces of skin are buried superficially in the soil.
  3. Potassium permanganate. It is recommended to water the contaminated soil with a weak solution of a pale pink color. The concentrate can damage the roots.

When processing a quarantine plant, it is important to take care of other flowers – even if midges do not hover around them, the likelihood of infection by larvae remains high.

How to get rid of midges in flowers using chemistry?

In-store pest control products are faster and more effective than home remedies. In hardware stores, poison is sold as:

  • dichlorvos;
  • solutions.

The first agent is immediately ready for use, the second type of poison has to be kneaded independently. The temperature of the water, its volume and the ratio to the poison depends on the type of solution. When using both products, protective gloves, goggles and a respirator must be worn. After processing, the flowers are not watered for 3 to 5 days.

How to remove midges in home colors: preventive measures

To prevent the midges from returning or not appearing at all, you need to carefully look after the indoor plant. What should you pay special attention to?

  1. Watering. Excessive moisture of flowers leads to stagnation of water, and with it to the formation of an environment favorable for parasites.
  2. The choice of quality soil. If the soil is not disinfected, larch humus remains in it. At the same time, the decay process continues, which the midges really like.
  3. Timely measures. If at least one pest is found, it is recommended to immediately begin to eliminate it. Insects multiply quickly, and every day it becomes more difficult to get rid of them.

Midges cause great harm to indoor plants, so you need to remove them as quickly as possible. This is done using folk methods or ready-made purchased funds. And so that the problem does not return, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance of insects and eliminate it.

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