How to get rid of freckles? Video

How to get rid of freckles? Video

Freckles on the face have always caused conflicting feelings in their owners. Some enjoy the charm and charm that the sun scattering on their cheeks gives, others at all costs strive to get rid of the hated red rashes. What are freckles – a wonderful gift or a mockery of nature? Should they be happy or should they get rid of them by any means?

How to get rid of freckles?

With the help of freckles, the body protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, which are especially dangerous for people with fair skin, since it contains little melanin and the cells that produce it. In the spring, when the sun’s activity increases, the freckles on the face become more. They accumulate the sun’s rays, preventing burns on exposed skin. In winter and autumn, along with a decrease in solar activity, freckles also fade or disappear altogether.

How to prevent their occurrence

The cyclical nature of the appearance of a freckle scattering by seasons was noticed by cosmetologists, who developed a number of rules, the observance of which can significantly reduce the intensity of staining and the number of freckles.

From the beginning of February, add foods high in vitamin C to your daily diet, which slows down the formation of melanin.

For example, regularly drink rosehip broth, eat sauerkraut, lemons. Wipe your face with lemon juice and half diluted with water every day. Cover your skin with sunscreen when going out into the sun. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.

How to get rid of freckles

If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of freckles and the skin on the face and shoulders is covered with a bright orange scatter, soften it with the help of parsley or fresh cucumber anti-freckle masks. Wild strawberries and black currants have whitening properties.

Also, today, various whitening lotions and creams come to the aid of girls who do not accept freckles, you can also buy special masks for freckles.

Salon procedures will also help to get rid of ripples on the face. So, when carrying out a chemical peel, the upper stratum corneum is removed, and freckles become less noticeable.

Among the folk remedies used to get rid of freckles, the most popular are a decoction of dandelion flowers, grated horseradish, fresh yogurt and grated almonds.

In ancient Russia, a person with freckles was called freckled, since these points on the face resembled hemp seeds. In the Middle Ages, freckled skin was considered a sign of low-born origin. Tradesmen and peasant women, who actually spent much of their time outdoors, were exposed to the sun’s rays. Freckles and age spots covered their faces.

Freckles are all the rage today. Famous cosmetics companies even make special pencils for drawing cute freckles. It should be noted that this product is very popular among the fair sex. To apply a golden scattering on the face, tattoo parlors offer those who wish.

Such freckles stay on the face for about five years, then fading in the sun.

So there are people who really like freckles. Most likely, they perceive these spots on their face as a gift of nature, capable not only of protecting the skin from dangerous rays, but also giving their owner a bright originality, light charm and touching sunshine.

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