How to get rid of forehead wrinkles

It’s a shame when the first wrinkles on the forehead occur at a fairly young age and become more noticeable every year. But there is good news: modern beauty formulas can significantly delay their appearance, providing a decent prevention of aging.

The meaning of wrinkles: physiognomy

Each wrinkle on the face has its own memories and secrets – it sounds very romantic. But in life, everything is different: the very first hint of a horizontal line on the forehead plunges into stress. According to physiognomy, the science of determining the type of personality by the external features of the face, wrinkles can tell a lot about us.

If you want to know how your face will change with age, answer the questions of our test.

“Cosmetologists treat character determination by wrinkles with a smile,” says Ekaterina Turubara, Vichy medical expert. “But doctors do not deny the concept of “mimic tone.”

This phenomenon is associated with the location of wrinkles on the face. Mimic tone is of two types.

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is active facial expressions.

  1. Positive characterized by horizontal wrinkles at the corners of the eyes and on the forehead – they indicate age, but do not change facial expressions.

  2. Negative expressed as vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, purse-string wrinkles around the mouth. It is these lines that give the face a gloomy and sad expression that are most difficult to correct.

“However, the facial tone has nothing to do with the character of a person,” continues Ekaterina Turubara. – After all, “smile lines” can be not only for very positive people, but also for those who see poorly. And dull nasolabial folds are not always a sign of an eternally dissatisfied bore, sometimes it is a symptom of malocclusion.
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Causes of forehead wrinkles

Wrinkles on the forehead are formed for several reasons. Some of them do not depend on us. The rest we can fight.

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Genetic predisposition

“Genetics determines approximately 20% of age-related changes,” the expert explains. — The remaining 80% is the influence of negative external factors. However, such a feature as the shape of the skull depends on genetics, which sets the nature of changes in the face with age.

Russian women are characterized by deformation-type aging, when the face “goes” down, forming flails and a second chin.

mimic activity

Facial expressions are one of the main causes of wrinkles, especially on the forehead. Therefore, the habit of frowning or wrinkling the forehead can be recorded as harmful.

You can correct forehead wrinkles with the help of cosmetic procedures

Bad habits

Apart from obsessive facial expressions and the habit of propping up the temple with your hand, smoking and unhealthy diet also affect the condition of the skin.

  • Smoking impairs peripheral circulation, and this deprives tissues of nutrition. The face becomes dull, lines of dehydration appear, and then full-fledged creases.

  • After an unreasonably strict diet the skin does not have time to sit down according to the measure of the “new” thinner face, as a result, the eyebrows drop, the forehead becomes covered with small folds.


Constant stress, lack of sleep, polluted atmosphere, ultraviolet light – all this gradually leads to age-related changes. In addition, the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead contributes to the habit of sleeping face down in a pillow, as well as on a hard surface (a man’s own arm or chest).

In this position, the vessels are squeezed and the blood supply worsens, which affects the full night recovery and leads to tissue deformation.
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Preventive measures

The aging process cannot be reversed or stopped, but it can be delayed. Here’s what it takes.

drink more water

Drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water daily. Black tea, coffee, juices, broths do not count. The exception is green tea.

Among the measures to prevent wrinkles on the forehead – drinking regimen and a healthy diet

Monitor your diet and diet

“Lean on fresh vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants,” advises Elena Eliseeva. – It is important to eat fatty fish, a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Salad is best seasoned with vegetable oil, which is rich in omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids.

But the consumption of simple carbohydrates is better to limit. Be wary of strong teas and coffees as they help to remove fluid from the body and can aggravate dehydrated skin.

Get a good night’s sleep

Try to go to bed no later than 23.00. Night rest should be at least 7-8 hours, but not more than 9 hours, according to the latest scientific data.

Avoid stress whenever possible

This recommendation is difficult to implement, but still. Sign up for yoga or Pilates classes, meditate more often, and in difficult situations, resort to relaxing breathing exercises. This approach will teach you how to cope with difficult situations with the least loss to appearance.

Exercise and spend more time outdoors

Reasonable physical activity is important simply because it supports the metabolism, which slows down inexorably with age. And don’t forget to walk as much as possible. The norm is 10 steps a day.

Provide quality skin care

The first moisturizer can be bought already at the age of 15-16, preventive anti-aging – at 24-25, and if the 30th anniversary is behind, do not forget about regular daily moisturizing. A mask with hyaluronic acid twice a week will significantly increase the effectiveness of care.

Do facial exercises

“Facebuilding strengthens the muscles of the face well,” says Ekaterina Turubara. The main thing is to exercise regularly. On the Internet you will find many videos teaching facial gymnastics in an accessible form.

Creams for wrinkles on the forehead may contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptides

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Ways to deal with wrinkles on the forehead

If the wrinkles on the forehead are not yet too pronounced, you can get by with cosmetic care with a firming and smoothing effect.

“In the case when wrinkles are already very noticeable, preventive injection techniques are suitable,” says Ekaterina Turubara. “Cosmetic procedures are carried out in two stages: first, the forehead area is immobilized with botulinum toxin, and after 1–2 weeks, especially deep defects are filled with a filler.”

Injections allow you to raise your eyebrows, smooth out creases, wean you from constantly frowning or wrinkling your forehead. Sometimes beauty injections are given even to young women with mobile facial expressions for the purpose of prevention.

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How to get rid of forehead wrinkles

All methods of fighting wrinkles come down to cosmetic and salon care, as well as plastic surgery.

Cosmetic care

These are formulas that increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Creams and serums based on:

  • peptides and sugars (proxylan and rhamnose);

  • components with a botulinum effect (argireline);

  • Vitamin C

  • retinol.

As a rule, the manufacturer also supplies the product with a hefty dose of components for instant lifting (silicone or carnauba wax), because small wrinkles are quite easy to align visually.

Healthy sleep and stress reduction will help prevent wrinkles

salon care

In the beauty salon, you will be offered, for example, such procedures.

  • Massage

    There are effective methods of lifting massage (buccal) and massage that relaxes the muscles.

  • Injections

    If the folds are already deep enough, the area immobilized by botulinum toxin is filled with fillers based on high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

  • Hardware Methods

    For example, fractional thermolysis. Sometimes this procedure is supplemented with plasmolifting. By itself, it almost does not give a rejuvenating effect, but allows you to support and prolong the action of other methods.

  • Plastic surgery

    In extreme cases, there remains a contour forehead lift. This operation is quite traumatic, traces may remain on the hairline. But this is the only way to fully raise the eyebrows and smooth the skin.

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How to remove wrinkles with massage

There are some fairly simple movements that you can repeat at home without the risk of stretching the skin.

Any facial massage is carried out only after applying a cream or oil, but in no case on dry skin! As soon as the agent has been absorbed, the procedure must be completed.

  • Gently spread a small amount of cream over the skin of the forehead from the center to the periphery, and then proceed to the detailed study of the desired area.

  • If these are eyebrow wrinkles, then with the index and middle fingers of the left hand, firmly press the skin to the bones of the skull. So that the wrinkle area is firmly fixed, but visible between the fingers and accessible for massage.

  • Then, with the pad of your right finger, start gently rubbing and smoothing the wrinkles between the eyebrows, moving from side to side (perpendicular to the direction of the wrinkle). The skin can be slightly pinched, collecting in folds (also perpendicular to the wrinkle).

  • If you are worried about horizontal wrinkles, fixing them between the fingers of your left hand, smooth and pinch them with your right hand, trying to perform movements so that they do not follow the direction of the wrinkle.

  • At the end of the procedure, place your thumbs under the eyebrows, lift the supraorbital arches (at the same moment, try to resist your own fingers, lowering your eyebrows with all your might).

  • Finally, do the “Rain” exercise: tap the skin with your fingertips, paying particular attention to the area around the eyes. This is great for relaxing the muscles.

Competent care will help against wrinkles on the forehead

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Composition of anti-wrinkle cosmetics

  1. hyaluronic acid – one of the best hydraulic fixers.

  2. Peptides or glycopeptides (sugar or special complexes) have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts – cells that produce molecules of the protein frame of the skin, collagen and elastin.

  3. retinol – antioxidant, has the strongest keratolytic (renewal) effect, allows you to fill wrinkles and improve complexion, intensively rejuvenating the epidermis and dermis.

  4. Vitamin C protects tissues from oxidative stress, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, has a depigmenting effect.

  5. Adenosine prevents microcontractions of muscle fibers of the skin, relaxing wrinkles.

  6. Polyunsaturated fatty acids – antioxidants are structural elements of cell membranes, are more common in creams with the addition of oils.

  7. SPF filters protect the skin from UV rays and free radicals.

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Types of cosmetics

Now many formulas are being released that are marked “anti-wrinkle”, but only those that have long-term contact with the skin have a real effect. What ingredients and types of products should I pay attention to?

  1. Facial cleansers

    Water softening additives and antioxidants are welcome here. But peptides and exotic extracts in the composition of such products can be ignored.

  2. Deep skin cleansing

    Peelings based on fruit acids or low doses of retinol are suitable. Good choices are products with small polymer granules, chemical peels or gommage rolls.

  3. Creams and serums

    In their composition, look for peptides, low molecular weight sugars, hyaluronic acid, retinol, argireline (it has a botulinum-like effect) and adenosine (it helps to relax the skin in places of the greatest activity of muscle fibers), as well as vitamin C, SPF filters.

  4. Fillers

    SOS-remedies with the “Cinderella effect” give a powerful, but short-term effect, therefore, they are mainly used before a solemn exit. They usually include collagen, silicones, carnauba wax.

  5. Foundation anti-age

    Manufacturers are developing a very plastic texture for them based on light silicones and antioxidants. The thinnest pigment film does not crack and does not roll, even if you grimace for a long time and accurately.

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Overview of remedies for the prevention of wrinkles on the forehead

Pureté Thermale 3-in-1 All-Purpose Cleanser, Vichy

With shea seed extract and thermal water, Vichy combines the effects of eye make-up remover, facial milk and toner. Gently cleanses the skin without disturbing its natural protective barrier.

Facial oil “Smoothness and radiance. Revitalizing Lavandin, Garnier BIO

Organic-certified cosmetic oil contains soothing lavandin, organic argan oil and vitamin E. Can be used for facial massage, including the transverse forehead line.

Revitalizing night cream with a lifting effect Rénergie Multi-Lift , Lancôme

Contains flax extract, which survives in the most adverse conditions and works in two directions at once, fighting loss of elasticity and wrinkles.

Transforming nourishing day cream for face Blue Therapy Revitalize Day Cream, Biotherm

Day cream-mousse with amber algae extract and shea butter restores the skin by promoting collagen production and smoothes wrinkles.

Day anti-aging cream “Revitalift filler [ha]” anti-wrinkle, L’Oréal Paris

Contains wrinkle-smoothing hyaluronic acid & volumizing plant extract fibroxil. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, gives the skin a radiance.

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