How to get rid of excessive sweating. Video

How to get rid of excessive sweating. Video

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, can make a person’s life quite uncomfortable. Who likes to feel the moisture on their clothes every day, take care that their palms are not wet when shaking hands, and think about how to mask the smell of sweat? Fortunately for such people, there are effective methods of dealing with this feature of the body.

Signs and causes of excessive sweating

There are two types of excessive sweating – local and general. If, in the normal general condition of the skin, only certain parts of it sweat a lot, such as armpits, feet, palms, flexor surfaces of the arms and legs, this is called local hyperhidrosis. If sweating is not local in nature and manifests itself over the entire surface of the body, this is a manifestation of general hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be caused by various medical conditions.

Such pathologies include:

  • endocrine disruption
  • infectious diseases
  • disorders of the nervous system
  • kidney disease
  • the action of psychotropic and narcotic substances, including alcohol

Before starting treatment for excessive sweating, try to rule out medical conditions that may contribute to it, perhaps after that the problem will be solved by itself.

Methods for dealing with hyperhidrosis

If sweating is moderate and moderate in local areas of the skin surface, you can try to get rid of it with antiperspirant deodorants. These agents work for up to 48 hours and successfully fight both perspiration and odor-causing bacteria.

The physio-therapeutic method of exposure to electric currents has proven itself well in the treatment of severe sweating. The effect of such treatment is temporary, and the procedure will need to be repeated after 2-3 months.

Use a baking soda dry brush to remove sweat odors from your shoes. Pour baking soda into your shoes at night and vacuum them off in the morning.

Botulinum toxin injections will help completely stop perspiration in problem areas. The effect lasts about six months, after which a repetition of the procedure is required. When choosing this method, it should be borne in mind that botulinum toxin injections are a rather expensive procedure.

Removal of sweat glands, or curettage, is performed in the armpit. With the help of special tools, the skin is lifted and the layer with the sweat glands is scraped off.

Not so long ago, in the fight against hyperhidrosis, they began to use the method of laser curettage, when the sweat glands are destroyed with the help of special radiation. After applying curettage, the sweating of the problem area is significantly reduced. The disadvantages of this method include postoperative scars or laser burns.

You can remove sweat stains from white clothes with a 1: 4: 2 mixture of hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing liquid and baking soda.

Excessive sweating can be fought with folk remedies. Trays made from oak bark decoction and chamomile help to reduce the production of sweat on the feet. This procedure should be done at least once a week.

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