How to get rid of energy attachment to a person

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! How to get rid of the energy attachment to a person? The article contains an explanation of what it is and several ways to get rid of it.

What is energy binding?

Energy bindings are invisible moral ties with specific people or things of the material world. It is easier to part with objects – they can simply be thrown away or burned. But what about relationships that hurt and hinder spiritual development?

More often than not, people cannot get rid of moral dependence on their former lovers. But there is an energetic connection between relatives and friends who live under the same roof.

How to get rid of energy attachment to a person

It is not difficult to recognize the attachment: a person, as it were, cannot do without another person, but at the same time he is uncomfortable with him, he suffers and suffers, takes any of his actions to heart.

It is important to remember that both love and friendship are harmonious only if people complement each other, exchange positive energy and experience the joy of communication.

At the same time, it is imperative to give freedom both to yourself and to a dear person. Energy attachment is a channel through which energy flows without being replenished or renewed in a natural way. A person loses spiritual strength, but does not acquire positive emotions. And this is fraught with nervous disorders.

How to break an energy bond

Unfortunately, in most cases, getting rid of such an addiction is a long and difficult process, especially if its object is constantly in front of your eyes. If the relationship has become painful, you need to either pause or see each other as little as possible.

The strongest bonds between parents and children and vice versa. On the one hand, this is natural, because there are no people in the world dearer and dearer, but on the other hand, such love can turn into a feeling of ownership or excessive sacrifice. Both the child and the parent suffer from this, and both of them cannot find an independent way of life.

Vladimir Lermontov’s method

Psychologist Vladimir Lermontov offers the following way to get rid of such moral dependence. You need to sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and relax. During this time, you should not be distracted by anything.

Imagine a person close to you, sailing on a luxury ship, and yourself – seeing off ashore. You must go through all the pain of separation and loss, because he floats away forever and you will never see him again.

However, in distant lands he will be fine, he does not know the need and suffering. The ship itself also has everything for a comfortable stay – beautiful cabins, a restaurant, etc.

How to get rid of energy attachment to a person

Imagine the ship getting smaller and smaller and finally disappearing over the horizon. Wave your hand to this person and wish him happiness. Let this story appear in your imagination as vividly as possible.

Look through and experience every second, every shade of feelings and experiences, and then you will have every chance to remove addiction. This does not mean that you will stop loving and cherishing this person. You just get rid of the painful addiction on the mental level.

For many people, this method has proven to be really effective, but this is not enough. If you start to get angry with loved ones again or complicate your relationship, the attachment may resume.

Another way

Another method can be used. Imagine that thin threads or branches of a tree are emanating from you. Then imagine that fire appears and burns them. The flame can be replaced with other ways, for example, cut the channels with scissors or simply tear with your hands.

In a word, start a program in the subconscious to destroy these streams. But the main condition is to forgive a person, regardless of whether he offended you or not. To forgive does not mean to justify or understand his actions.

It means accepting everything that happens as a tribute. With such thinking, you will not subordinate yourself to it even more, but, on the contrary, will gain emotional freedom.

In this video, more information on the topic: How to get rid of energy binding.


On this topic, I recommend the article “Energy Vampires: How to Recognize and Protect”

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