How to get rid of dizziness

The exercises are performed at a comfortable pace. Each is repeated 5-7 times, with the exception of jumps and push-ups. Inhale through the nose, exhale through tightly compressed lips.

1. Starting position: stand up straight, heels and toes together, hands down. Straighten your back, unfold your chest, tighten your stomach. The head is slightly raised. Raise straight arms above your head and join palms. Fix the position for 5-7 seconds.

2. Take the starting position. Alternately raise the right and left leg, fixing the position for 5-7 seconds. Complicating the exercise, raise your right leg, take it with your hands and press the sole against the inner surface of the thigh so that the heel is closer to the groin, and the toe is facing down. Stand on the left leg, trying to keep the bent right leg on the same plane with the body. Change legs.

3. Turns of the head to the right and to the left until the first unpleasant sensation with fixation at the extreme point for 5–7 seconds. The neck muscles should be completely relaxed.

4. Pull the crown of the head up, fixing it at the extreme point for 5-7 seconds.

5. Tilting the head forward. Reach the chest with your chin, stretching the muscles of the cervical spine. Fix the position of the head for 5-7 seconds.

6. Tilt your head to the right and left, try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Do not lift the shoulder. Fix the position of the head for 5-7 seconds.

7. Rotation of the head in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

8. Grasp yourself by the shoulders, as in the “Hopak” dance. Leaning forward, pull the upper torso, stretching the ligaments and muscles of the spine.

9. Get on your knees. Put your hands on the floor, palms down at shoulder level. Straighten your back, raise your head up, directing your gaze to the ceiling. The exercise can be performed in stages, slowly moving your hands from your knees to shoulder level.

10. Take the starting position. Jump higher and try to rotate around your axis in the air. Perform 2 to 10 jumps with a turn in each direction. This exercise is recommended for trained patients who do not have pronounced changes in the intervertebral discs.

11. Stand near the door at a step distance. Hands at shoulder level. With palms facing up, rest against the lintel of the doorway. Carry out push-ups from the lintel from 2 to 15 times.

Such gymnastics improves balance and gait, prevents falls, reduces instability, subjective dizziness, and increases daily activity.

Medical center “Ultramed” is located at: Perm, st. Mira, 18.

You can contact the specialists and sign up for the examination by phone: (342) 221-75-49.

Detailed information – on the website of the medical center.

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