How to get rid of dandruff at home?

Dandruff is a common cosmetic problem that often occurs after prolonged stress, prolonged malnutrition and the use of poor-quality hair care products. Increased work of the sebaceous glands causes thinning and hair loss, disrupting the important processes of exfoliation and cell renewal. In order to quickly get rid of this disease, you can use various means.

Treating dandruff with salt is the most effective method

Dandruff is a specific disease of the scalp, the treatment of which is recommended to start only after consulting a trichologist. A variety of pharmaceutical and chemical remedies designed to cure dandruff in a matter of days, most often work temporarily, and sometimes, on the contrary, worsen the situation.

To get rid of dandruff, use a reliable method, proven by both past and modern generations. This method of treating dandruff is one of the simplest and most effective.

Use your regular shampoo to cleanse your hair of dust and residues of styling products – gel, varnish, mousse. After each shampooing, apply handfuls of plain table salt to damp hair and rub it into the skin with massage movements. For the procedure, simple salt of a large fraction is best suited. Iodized salt, pink Himalayan salt enriched with minerals are also suitable for this procedure. Salt such as extra, ground, with additives and other varieties will not give the desired effect.

Perform a five-minute massage, which simultaneously plays the role of a soft peeling (salt particles gradually dissolve, which prevents skin injury) and a stimulator of the blood supply to the epithelium. As a result, particles of dead skin are quickly exfoliated, and salt water has a detrimental effect on fungi and microorganisms. Rinse your hair with clean warm water in a basin so that they continue to rinse in a salty environment.

After the first procedure, you will find the effect of hair thickening, and dandruff disappears without a trace. The mode of application is about two to three times a week, depending on the frequency of shampooing. Only the first few times you will need to do a salt massage after each bath.

Salt can help not only with dandruff, but also as a remedy for brittleness and hair loss. To improve the health of the scalp, you can use the following recipes:

How to get rid of dandruff at home?

Methods for strengthening hair with salt:

  • Take salt and pour about 50 g on wet hair after bathing, then spread over the scalp, gently massaging the skin with fingertips, and leave for a quarter of an hour. The salt is washed off with clean warm water without shampoo and other detergents. It is advisable to immediately nourish the hair with a mask or balm after the procedure. Wet hair is recommended to dry naturally and a week after the procedure, do not expose to thermal effects of a hair dryer, ironing or curling iron.

  • Unlike the previous recipe, which is based on a high concentration of salt, the effectiveness of the following method is ensured by increasing the metabolic rate with the help of temperature. It consists in preparing a compress based on a soft cloth (it is desirable to use natural materials – cotton, linen, felt, delicate wool), soaked in a hot aqueous solution of salt. Salt is pre-mixed in water until it ceases to dissolve. During the procedure, you can massage your head through the fabric to speed up blood circulation in small skin vessels, on which hair nutrition depends. The compress setting time is about half an hour, then it is removed, and the hair is washed with clean water. A significant advantage of this recipe is the absence of irritation and minor scratches on the skin with sharp salt crystals.

The optimal mode of application for both of these methods is to carry out procedures twice a week.

The negative specificity of the use of salt lies in its drying and degreasing effect, which is based on the strong ability of sodium chloride to absorb moisture. To compensate for this effect, do not forget about a thorough moisturizing hair care in the form of constant use of a variety of masks, balms and cosmetic oils. In addition, hair treatment with salt should be carried out for a long time – about a month before the first signs of improvement. The positive side of such long-term therapy is a stable result that does not require the use of additional drugs.

Salt peeling

Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur has a powerful antiseptic and antiparasitic effect, which allows you to successfully cure dandruff and seborrhea caused by pathogenic fungi. Sulfur ointment, which is prepared in the prescription departments of the pharmacy, also contains excipients – petroleum jelly and animal fats. It is used to treat dermatological diseases, seborrhea, psoriasis and scabies caused by parasites.

Sulfuric ointment is applied externally – rubbed into the scalp and left for five minutes to act, after which it is washed off. The concentration of sulfur in the composition of the ointment is 10%, which can cause irritation on sensitive and delicate skin, so it is not used to treat children.

The course of treatment is a week, at the end of this period they take a break of one day. Further treatment of seborrhea is carried out using therapeutic hair cosmetics, which contain sulfur in a lower concentration.

Recommendations for the treatment of seborrhea with sulfuric ointment^

  • Sulfur is a potent ingredient that can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people.

  • There are contraindications for the treatment of pregnant women and children with sulfuric ointment.

  • Since the effectiveness of sulfuric ointment is based on an antifungal effect, it is recommended to determine the type of pathogen fungus before using it, some of them will not be affected by sulfur.

  • With thin and dry hair, it is better to refrain from using sulfuric ointment, as its components can aggravate the condition of the hair.

  • Possible side effects include local burning, swelling at the site of application, redness of the skin, burning and pain.

An alternative to sulfuric ointment in the treatment of seborrhea can be other drugs containing sulfur – sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointment.

Dandruff treatment with tea tree oil

How to get rid of dandruff at home?

Tea tree oil is a popular ingredient in both commercial and homemade skincare and skin care products. The effectiveness of the essential oil is based on its antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree. When using this oil to care for oily skin prone to inflammation, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, inflammation and swelling are removed in its place, and skin tissues are regenerated.

Body care with the addition of tea tree oil helps to avoid stretch marks on the skin during sudden weight fluctuations, helps to relieve stress and daily tension. Tea tree oil is used to prevent colds, as its antiseptic properties surpass even eucalyptus oil in strength.

 To care for oily hair, it is recommended to use a small amount of tea tree oil, adding it to shampoo during bath procedures – this helps prevent dandruff, fungal diseases of the scalp, keeps hair fresh and shiny for longer.

Problems that tea tree oil helps to solve:

  • Soothes irritations on the skin, heals microdamages and has anti-inflammatory properties;

  • Eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, acting on the cause of the disease – pathogenic fungi;

  • Strengthens hair follicles, promotes their nutrition, enhances microcirculation of the scalp.

Recipes and ways to use tea tree oil:

  • Tea tree oil for hair washing. With the help of this natural product, you will enrich your regular shampoo with therapeutic ingredients, thereby ensuring the prevention of dandruff during your usual hygiene procedures. For a single use, two drops of oil are enough, which is added to a portion of the shampoo immediately before application. Lather the shampoo, massage the scalp and hair for several minutes, rinse with warm water. Use twice a week, supplementing with softening and moisturizing hair balms to prevent dryness.

  • Anti-dandruff mask with tea tree oil. It is impossible to use essential oil in its pure form – it contains an increased concentration of active substances that can cause irritation on the skin. Therefore, as part of the mask, it is used with a base oil, which is suitable for castor, olive or any cosmetic oil. For a better effect of the active ingredients and nourishing the hair with vitamins, the oil is preheated a little in a water bath, after which a complex of aromatic oils is added – tea tree oil (3-5 drops), rosemary, bergamot and lavender. The mixture is insisted for complete mixing of the components for 10 minutes, after which it is rubbed into the hair roots and left under a warming cap for half an hour. If a burning sensation occurs, which may be a reaction to herbal ingredients, the mask is immediately washed off with warm water.

  • Mask for enhanced hair nutrition. Therapeutic procedures using aggressive components – salt, sulfur, tar soap – can weaken dry hair, make it thin and brittle. To neutralize this effect, as well as restore hair after aggressive dyeing, heat styling or perm, it is recommended to use this recipe. In addition to tea oil, an antiseptic component necessary for the prevention of dandruff, the nourishing mask contains burdock oil (1 teaspoon) and egg yolk. All components are thoroughly mixed and the scalp is massaged with the resulting mixture for fifteen minutes, after which the head is insulated and the mask is left for further exposure for half an hour. Wash off with a mild shampoo, as it is completely problematic to wash off the mask from the hair with clean water. Use once a week.

  • Spray with essential oils for shine and strength of hair. Tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender in the amount of 30 drops are mixed with medical alcohol (50 ml), after complete dissolution, 50 ml of water is added. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp and left overnight. Repeat the procedure twice a week. After a month of application, the hair will become lush and shiny, it is also an excellent prevention of dandruff and scalp diseases.

Treatment of dandruff with tar soap

How to get rid of dandruff at home?

Hygiene procedures with tar soap can prevent and cure a number of skin diseases, including dandruff and seborrhea. Birch tar inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin, provides blood flow to the surface tissues, nourishes the hair follicles, and, in addition, accelerates the healing of scratches and microdamages.

Tar soap is used not only for the treatment of seborrhea, but also for skin care with acne, as well as for scabies and other dermatological diseases.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, tar soap is used instead of shampoo. It is thoroughly foamed, and a thick foam is applied to the hair and scalp, massaged for five minutes and washed off with warm, but not hot water. Repeat the procedure no more than twice a week so that the skin does not peel off.

Recommendations for the use of tar soap:

  • Tar soap can aggravate the condition of dry hair, and even makes normal hair dry and brittle. Therefore, its use must be combined with moisturizing masks and balms.

  • The smell of birch tar is not pleasant for everyone. If you’re worried about a persistent fragrance, then after using tar soap for medicinal purposes, rinse your hair with a four-to-one solution of water and apple cider vinegar, or use essential oils with strong and persistent scents – rose, grapefruit, lavender, and tea tree.

  • So that after the treatment procedures there is no plaque left on the hair, wash off the tar soap with cool or warm water, but not hot.

How to make tar soap yourself?

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